I depiped because the killer was afk

Why yes
Punish the survivors for escaping against an afk wraith
Makes sense.
No but seriously thats really annoying, an escape should always mean the minimum of a safety pip
Please devs, pleaseeeee
Wait.Was you the David where was play with us against a afk prestige 3 wraith with noed?
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Lol serious people care about ranks? I stopped caring about it when I had like 600 hours
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That wasnt me, but that sounds horrible im sorry about that
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By the way, it just happened again, an afk wraith waited for the gens to be done then opened the exit gate and ran and hid.
Two of these players tonight...
I wonder if they are trying to depip to get to low ranks or if theyre farming iridescent shards.
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pips are weird on both sides anyway. can kill 2 people and hook another 2 / 3 times and still not pip.
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there is a slim chance they try to help people with the tome quest to blind or lightburn the killer 5 times.
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I hate the rank system in this game. The fact I've lost several pips in my game career because of this is frustrating as hell. I know when this happens to try and farm max points but some lesser knowledgeable survivors just open the gates and run and leave you no time to make up the rest of the points.
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With rank reset so close my guess is intentional de-pip -_- I can't speak for others, but when I hear about a Killer going AFK, it's usually Wraith. Which is giving my poor Bing-Bong dude a bad rap *sigh*
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They should abandon all of the rankings in my opinion. It's not even good. There are people with 300 hours rank 1 and others with 1000 hours rank 1.
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I feel like there should be some sort of failsafe/emblem system override that ensures at least safety pips in certain situations, as the emblem system kinda breaks at times if one side gives up or dominates really hard. Escaping should always be a safety pip (pretty much is outside of AFK matches already though), and something similar for killers but not too sure exactly where to place it for killers or if it should be based on kills, hooks or something else.
And this is coming from someone who personally doesn't really care too much about their rank, full disclosure there.
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I had a match where I escaped, did 4 totems, a generator, and still depipped. You can get more BP by doing that, but you'll still depip for a pretty dumb reason.
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and i depip because multiple survivors ragequit / suicided on hook.
its BS.
we all know its BS.
yet there hasnt been done anything from the devs side to fight that problem by now.
they really gotta rethink some things in their emblem system...
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Got 4 of my 5 flashlight blinds today against an afk piggy. Made my day because I am HORRIBLE with flashlights.
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There is no defending this, this should never happen, if the survivor escapes they should at least black pip.
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Killer and Survivor emblems revolve around each other. One can't work without the other. If Survivors could rank up without killers then you'd have a lot of red ranks swarming around. Same thing would go for killers too.
If a killer is afk, the best quality your getting is Iridescent Lightbringer and Unbroken emblems, but nothing for altruism or evader emblems. (Maybe a few points in evader), but that's all you're getting. While this game pits you against each other (killer vs Survivors) this is something you need each other to gain. Without one side you're not going to get specific emblem points.
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This kinda happened to me too. The wraith was by a door the entire game while cloaked and when we powered the last gen he used noed on a kate ( we saved her and we all escaped).
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Why does rank and pip matter to you all? I'm genuinely curious
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I think it only matters to players that are fairly new. After years of playing this game I could care less whether I pip or not.
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Because it gives the illusion that survivors are really good at the game. The only time i care about pipping is when im going for killer adapt achievement which are such bullshit. You can depip with a 4k, to get a double pip you need to let the survivors go over and over again but also dominate them each time with some bullshit perks
Anyway its not just a narcissistic thing, survivors all really respect rank, I get so many "man you're red rank you must be a god" when in reality they would probably be red rank too if they just played more lol. I think its because its so casual you can play it and even play often without even realizing how the game really works....if only killer was like that
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Cause we need the Rank 1 achievement