Killer Concept: Sanderson Sisters

Zenbe10 Member Posts: 10

Killer Concept: Sanderson Sisters

This is purely for fun because I love Hocus Pocus and it's Halloween Season! Obviously this would never happen or come to the game, just a little bit of fun to entertain the idea.

The Sanderson Sisters appear as all three witches: Winifred in the front, flanked on either side and slightly behind by Sarah and Mary. This means that the Sanderson Sister's model is about x2 larger than other killers horizontally, which makes moving past them in narrow spaces such as the basement staircase much more difficult.

Primary Power: Witch’s Flight

  • The Sanderson Sisters take out their brooms and fly around the map. An animation sends the Sanderson Sisters straight up 2 meters in the air, at which height they remain until they end the power.
  • While flying on their brooms, the Sanderson Sisters can pass over vaults and dropped pallets without losing speed.
  • While flying on their brooms, Sanderson Sisters have a movement speed of 140%.
  • The Sanderson Sisters can’t attack while flying.
  • Flight has no limit on duration and no cool down, and the killer has full control of their movement (such as turning) during this time.
  • Animations to both start and end the Witches Flight Power each take 2.5 seconds, during which the Sanderson Sisters can’t attack or move.

Secondary Power: Winifred’s Shock

  • The Sanderson Sisters can release a short-range lightning shock attack while standing still.
  • The range is 3 meters (enough to reach over a dropped pallet or across a vault).
  • The Sanderson Sisters must be standing still to activate this ability, but the attack is instantaneous.


Scent of the Pure: Once you have hooked all but one of the survivors at least once, the remaining survivor (that has not yet been hooked) has their aura revealed to you for 30s/60s/120s or until they are hooked.

Lull the Innocent: Survivors that have not been hooked suffer from the exhaustion status effect while in a chase/while inside the killer’s terror radius/at all times.

Cat’s Got My Tongue: Survivors can’t hear the sounds made by other survivors when they are in the dying state/when they are injured/at all times, such as footsteps, breathing, cries of pain, or pallet/vault interactions.


  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49
    edited September 2020

    There are some interesting ideas here! I definitely would like to see something like like this!

    Probably not all three witches, but one of them. You could choose body and hair in the customization section to choose the witch you want. They could have different style outfits (Even though we know their iconic colors and outfits!) but we could change it up maybe.