Compiled List of Bugs since Chapter Update

zZHorrorQueenZz Member Posts: 14
edited September 2020 in Bug Reporting

List of current Bugs from update 

I've kinda just compiled all the bugs I've encountered so far since this update and honestly, I feel like this has been the worst update/patch regarding game-breaking bugs. So thought I'd fill you all in on the bugs on killer and survivor side that I've come across in the last 3 days. 

• Dead Hard Bug: When you use dead hard, it'll do the tiniest short burst dead hard and then lag you back into the place where you first used dead hard. Needless to say, dead hard isn't worth running at the moment as you'll die because of it.

• Freddy Dream State Darkness Bug: When in the dream state, you can barely see anything as the whole screen almost blackens out. You can barely see red stains, let alone what's in front of you.

• Badham Tile Broken Totem Spawn Bug: There is a specific tile in Badham in which a totem can spawn. This tile is too small for a survivor to fit through and you cannot cleanse the totem. The totem is in a bush that is between a trash can and some concrete blocks that spawns along the streets/roads. This totem CANNOT be cleansed by any means. I had a blight with 4 hex totems and the lucky bastard got that hex totem in that spot, PLUS out of all the hex totems that could've been in was devour hope. I've sent a support ticket to DBD about this bug when I first came across it.

• Hook Bug: For some reason, and I have no idea why, sometimes when you try and hook a survivor it just won't hook them. Either you have to drop the survivor and hook them then, or take them to another hook. Just wastes so much time and is quite annoying to deal with. It only happens sometimes but, still annoying. 

• Decisive Strike Bug: At the moment there is a massive game-breaking bug with decisive strike. When you use DS on a killer, it stuns them for LESS than 2 seconds. And I mean that when I say it. I've encountered this bug when playing killer and survivor. Playing killer I was so shocked, it was like the old enduring against DS deal, except..I wasn't running enduring and that whole thing has been patched out. I was on those survivors straight away, was super unfair for them. Then I encountered this bug playing against a tunnelling and camping hag, I DS'ed her, and she was on me, I couldn't even make it out of the basement it was that quick. Again, this only happens sometimes but it's more common than the hook bug. 

• No Terror Radius Bug: At the moment, killer's that have music instead of a heart beat until closer, you cannot hear their heartbeat at all. This includes; blight, Oni, hillbilly, Deathslinger, Myers, Doctor, Huntress, Demogorgon, Freddy and Pyramid Head. All these killers terror radius' are bugged and cannot hear the heartbeat and only the music. I've not come across this bug with normal terror radius killers. This happens 100% of the games I've had against killers with music. They can easily sneak up on you. 

• Downed Survivor Making No Sound Bug: This Bub has been around for ######### months and it is so irritating. And I feel bad for the survivors because I can't hear where they are and end up dying on the ground. It's like I'm so sorry. Most of the time I can hear grass rustling and find them but when there isn't grass, no way can you find that survivor. So this bug continues to exist. 

• Progress Bar Bug: When you start the game and immediately go onto a generator, totem or chest, the progression bar bugs out and doesn't show your progress for around 5 seconds. It's a weird visual bug

• Generator Pole Blocking Half the Screen Bug: Why this bug exists I have literally NO idea. When you move your camera around, the pole of the generator blacks out half your screen and you can't see unless you move your camera away from that angle. This bug doesn't happen with every generator though. However it is annoying.

• RB Button Bug: For some reason the RB button doesn't register throwing down pallets or doing gens. This isn't a controller issue, this is a DBD button registry issue. 

• Dead Hard & Pallets Against Blight Bug: There is an issue where when the blight is in his power, his power hits register faster than dead hard or pallets. This means even when you dead hard, if he swings first he is still going to hit you no matter what if he's right behind you. Dead hard against this dude is so bugged out if he's right behind you using his power. Same with pallets. If the blight uses his power to hit you, even if you pallet stun him (no matter how far away he is) he will still hit you through that pallet with his power. Whether his power hitbox is larger and that's why, or it registers faster than the pallet being thrown down who knows, it's just a bug. 

• Insane Lag With Status Effects Bug: As a killer and survivor, when you hit (or become hit) with a status effect, it's almost like your whole game freezes and this is on both sides of killer and survivor. Why? Who the ######### knows this is DBD, we can't question these bugs anymore. But it happens, so just be aware of how laggy your game is gonna get. Just restart your game if you have a laggy match like that 

• Felix Iron Will Bug: I've not experienced this myself, but apparently there is a bug where iron will doesn't work with Felix 

If you guys have come across any other bugs comment down below and I'll list them up here. Have fun and see you in the fog!

Post edited by zZHorrorQueenZz on
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  • LucySteel
    LucySteel Member Posts: 5

    i have also had a bug where i go to kick a generator and i get stuck in it all match, its so annoying an the game is pretty much unplayable for me right now.

  • sharkster13
    sharkster13 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2020

    Hag when placing traps at the beggining of the game. You can not place traps on your first 5-6 attempts. The progress bar starts and then exits when you start placing traps. It works later but it gets annoying as hell.

    On some instances Spine Chill doesn't activate. This combined with 0 terror radius - practically a free down for any killer.

    EDIT: Noticed something simillar today when playing Hillbilly. At the start of the game Jane entered a locker and the Hillbilly couldn't open the locker on the first few attempts and then she used Head On to stun me. The same thing that happened with Hag and placing traps happened with the Hillbilly by opening lockers. So my guess is the bug is that at the beggining of the match any action performed by the Killer (placing traps, opening lockers, breaking pallets, grabbing survivors, teleporting,...) is unsucessful in the first 5-6 attempts.

    Post edited by sharkster13 on
  • xd_thanos_
    xd_thanos_ Member Posts: 3

    I got stuck as a killer. Someone pallet stunned me while i was hitting and i got stuck in the pallet where i cant move. Kill me 🔫

  • Woodywool
    Woodywool Member Posts: 622

    I had this bug when the Oni was released... Damn, thats sad

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Regarding Decisive Strike: It's not just Decisive Strike. Everyone's saying "DS IS BUGGED, PLS FIX" but it's all non-pallet stuns on non-Blight killers. DS still stuns Blight for 5 seconds.

    Decisive Strike, survivors wiggling free, and flashlight/pallet save stuns are all shortened for killers other than The Blight.

  • skinboy142
    skinboy142 Member Posts: 54

    The new Badham has atleast a dozen spots for trapper where you can place traps where they are almost and sometimes are full on invisible making badham a free win for trappers cause of how many bugged trap areas there are.

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 125

    Switch user here - the hook bug is happening so frequently it basically gives survivors free killer grasp escapes. Prevents me from getting hooks and kills and needs to be fixed immediately.

  • BubbaInASuit
    BubbaInASuit Member Posts: 10

    Lagback since 4.2.0, delay on skillchecks

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    I think Dead Hard is genuinly bugged, like I haven't been able to succeed canceling killer's attack with Dead Hard for a while.

    It's only functioning as quick sprint instead of endurance.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Dead Hard is working fine for me. Though I have a good ping to the server (40ms-60ms).

  • HexxedElf
    HexxedElf Member Posts: 5

    Getting delay bugs with Hag, trying to teleport to a triggered trap and then after landing being unable to move or swing immediately. Just started happening.