Idea for Jason Voorhees

Now, I don't necessarily know if we will ever get Jason in DbD; however, if we do, I thought of a pretty neat concept for him.

So, basically, the way it works is that Jason has a bar around his power icon. When the bar is full, Jason has a few option as to what he can do with his power. First of all, Jason is known for being a very versatile killer, so, why not use this! He can use half of the power bar to channel his power and turn his main weapon (machete that has basic weapon stats) into a small cloud of fog and he can choose between 2 weapons or a movement option for all of his power bar. First, he has the spear from the sixth movie. The spear has a longer reach but a longer successful hit cooldown (4 seconds instead of 3). Next, we have the axe. The axe would have less range and the basic cooldown time; however, if you walk up in front of a dropped pallet or breakable door, you could break either in 1 second instead of the approximate 2.5 seconds. Finally, we have the Warp. With this, you use all of your power bar and shift into a cloud of fog and become invisible and move at 150% for a brief moment. This meter would charge over time and you can't Warp unless you have a full meter. The layout for this power could be as follows: Left Control - Spear, Left Shift - Axe, Right Mouse Button - Warp. The Machete would just switch around with whatever weapon you selected.

So, what do you guys think? I think it's a pretty neat concept that the devs could work with and one that we really haven't seen before.


  • Captain_AAhab
    Captain_AAhab Member Posts: 37

    He’s never coming. Don’t waste your time thinking about it.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Why? The lawsuit is about to end, his game has been dropped by the devs, and our devs literally said they want him in.

  • Captain_AAhab
    Captain_AAhab Member Posts: 37

    This lawsuit has been “about to end” for close to a year. If/when the lawsuit ends, whomever finally holds the rights will most likely take the license and make an improved stand-alone game with an established developer. Why? More money to be had that way.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    What? To my knowledge there is literally nothing Sean can do if his appeal gets denied. Do you have any evidence this supposed new licence holder will choose to make an entire game with an entirely different publisher rather than DBD? Cause this seems like more of a "Thats what I think they'll do" rather than a "Thats definitely what they'll do".

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    The lawsuit isn't over Jason Voorhees but details in the script that are ,Victor Miller wrote in Pamela Voorhees from the first movie and her connection to him, but that lore is embedded into the franchise once this is over who knows, but unfortunately we will never hear Pamela's voice in a Friday the 13th movie unless the two can come to an agreement, which they probably will because people probably want just except Jason as a mindless goon so who knows, they might just do an entire reboot of the character himself.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Truth. Lawsuit’s gonna be settled 2021.

    Haters gonna hate, tho🙄

    ...and despite the rumors, Trapper really isn’t anywhere remotely comparable to one of the most powerful OG’s in old school slasher Horror.

    Trapper is his own awesome character.

    They gave him a mask and the look, but he will never be the Legend that is JVoorhees.

    When the devs land the license, they’re going to make him the most powerful killer in the game.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Victor Miller is absolutely in it for the money. His interview in BloodyDisgusting admits exactly that. He feels SSC & his F13 team have reaped all the rewards for decades... and they have.

    The truth is, whoever the lawsuit is settled in favor of will continue producing F13 content. It’s obvious Sean loves getting Jason out there wherever he can; F13: TheGame is further evidence of that, and it’s almost ludicrous to suggest that he would ever turn down Behaviour considering who he is and how he’s gone about his business, especially with how well they’ve represented the other OG horror icons, and not to mention how well those characters have gone over with the DBD fanbase (regardless of perks/nerfs/etc... I’m referring solely to their presence in the game from the outside looking in). Likewise, Victor Miller will make his F13 money however he can. That is, after all, what this whole legal stalemate is about. Money.

    Whoever wins will continue producing F13 material. Jus a matter of when.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Oh yeah definitely, Victor got screwed hard and now its coming back to bite Sean. My only problem is that since this is only for young Jason and Pamela, Sean and Miller will have to work together to sign of on new content that isn't half assed. I think DBD is literally the best option for cheap advertising; I mean, who wouldn't want to have they're licence featured along side the other all stars we have?

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I think it’s an Awesome start!

    At least somebody is talking about this!

    So much can be done with him, and you’re starting JVoorhees off in the right direction. Multiple weaponry is essential. That’s his MO, and he deserves it. This is a mechanic that devs should introduce thru JV an continue w other killers, but JV should have the most weapons, as he uses EVERYTHING (F13VIITNB is a supreme example... he used a sleeping bag an a party horn lolz!🤣) He should also be the first character to introduce multiple mori’s. Jason’s an unending machine that shouldn’t have any hesitation when walking thru pallets an walls, either... no “seconds” breaking mechanic, he’ll jus walk right thru them. Love the warping idea, as well, w some tweakage... It’s homage to his incredible ability to always appear everywhere the in-film that survivors end up, after running halfway across the campground to get away from him😆

    Great ideas, keep em flowing!

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Entirely agree, an since it’s all about the money they’re going to be forced to sit down, agree to disagree about the past and step together into the future of the franchise that hasn’t produced much profit for either of them in over decade.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,490

    I'd rather see them make another Friday the 13th game rather then just giving Jason to DBD. I've said it on other discussions but he wouldn't fit. Jason takes orders from no one.

    Not Freddy and not some spider entity he might for a while but just like every other attempt to control him he'd turn around and kick it's ass.

    Also you can't have everything

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    The whole reason Jason and Freddy started fighting was because Freddy manipulated him so well he started killing to much, if the entity did the same thing it would work easily. Also, do you really think Jason stands a chance against the cosmic horror that is the Entity? That things on lovecraft levels of busted.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,490

    you just answered your own question nothing makes sense with lovecraft anyway. Still against Jason being in the game

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Lovecraft makes tons of sense, cosmic horrors tht we literally cannot properly comprehend. I was asking what you thought, since you claim he would "Turn around and kick its ass". Your allowed to be against his inclusion, but these arguments you present are flawed.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,490

    maybe not kick it's ass but he wouldn't do as it wanted and he'd kill them himself. then the entity would get upset just like Freddy did and I could see him getting tossed out for not listening.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Doesn't matter if he kills himself, death doesn't matter in the Entitys realm. And him not doing what the Entity wants? Go ask Trapper how that worked out for him. What would the Entity get upset over? The fact hes doing his job to well?

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    After the lawsuit is settled, F13: The Game will be getting new content; that’s already been established by Gun Media & iF.

    Freddy totally manipulated JVoorhees through all of FvJ.

    The Entity is powerful enough to pull Freddy in and use him to do her bidding.

    So, there’s that.

    As for, “can’t have everything”

    ...apply that statement to all future Licenses and we won’t have anything, ever.