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General Discussions

Time to uninstall.



  • Member Posts: 134

    It's always funny to me to see these posts. The game is so survivor sided that if you're having trouble it says more about you than the killer. All survivors have to do is run a meta build and run to the over abundance of pallets and various other loops on the map over and over while the rest of the team rushes gens. I don't and never will feel sorry for any survivors. Killers do what they have to do and run whatever they have to run to try and counter the survivors bs then you see the survivors crying about it here. DBD has to be there only asymmetrical mp game where the "power role " is anything but. Probably not a popular opinion but nobody can change my mind and I can't change yours. So the cycle continues. Such is the dbd experience. If you wanna leave more power to you, but I'd bet my last dime you, just like the rest of us, will always crawl back. Maybe not today or tomorrow but you'll be back.

  • Member Posts: 688

    Maybe just take a break. There have been two times that I have taken a break from the game and sometimes it's needed. Come back in a month, for example and then decide. If you spend so much time and money on the game, don't give it up forever.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Glad you are only taking a break.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Then how do i survive most of the time as solo survivor?

  • Member Posts: 3,130
    edited September 2020

    Wrong. I've been watching rank 1 since 2016 and I see the bloodbaths. These survivors are not new, several hundred hours I am playing with dying and they are not necessarily making bad plays. They shouldn't be dying so easy every match. The killers are too fast, too many aura perks, too many slowdown perks, not enough defenses on maps anymore, and killers have way too much of an upper hand in a solo game. Don't pretend it is not a problem!

    You are not.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    camping and tunnelling are the two most effective tactics to kill a (single) survivor.

    Especially at low ranks, this translates to multiple kills, since survivors don't know where gens are / don't work on them for reasons / try to do crazy saves without BT.

    At high ranks this is slightly different, since you won't see face camping, but proxy camping, which is much more deadly. Problem is that proxy camping and tunnelling at high ranks are a by-product of swf teams and/or gen rushing → killers get conditioned to be awful, like slug even at 5 gens, because one mistake can lead to a total loss.

    With this in mind, since you are talking about face camping I have to assume you are low to mid rank.

    Now, there are two ways for you to have fun and counter these killers in low to mid rank: play swf with even a single team mate that has BT, or git gud and use a build that basically makes you self sufficient: borrowed time, decisive strike, unbreakable, deliverance - you make sure you are not the first one to be hooked, then you go for a save even against a face camper, and then you are golden.

    ...or play Civilization 5.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    also I completely agree with you. swf and merciless killers go hand in hand, but there's just no solution to this.

    We will never have separate queues, and we'll never have a "swf" icon on the pre-lobby screen so... everybody will just assume the worst.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    How will you know ? You dont have to right to talk abour stuff like that you know nothing about. Just because you lose everytime, it doesnt mean everyone loses everytime. I win 70-80% of my solo survivor games and you cant change that fact.

  • Member Posts: 681

    Yes this is a good Idea, why we don't have this alredy. That would be so good for the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    I'm on a break from DbD. Probably won't be back until 2021. Are you console or PC in Overwatch? If console: drats. But I also play Paladins, which has crossplay.

    Also, check out Spellbreak. Coming from a fella that usually dislikes BRs, it's very, very fun. Especially all the elemental interactions not only between your two gauntlets, but also triple interactions when in a Squad (and Duos come in this week). Spellbreak is also crossplay.

  • Member Posts: 393

    If they added that, they would have to end with. "He is likely running NOED though, so only one of you is likely to survive. If you take the time to cleanse totems, that gives the killer time for a third kill. If you don't, he will likely get 1 to 2 more anyways. Good Luck!"

    Camping and tunneling to extreme is the number 1 thing that drove me to become a killer main years ago. It's boring and quite broken with the right perks. SWF is the only answer, which I think also dampens the horror aspect. Not knowing what the others are doing is part of the fun. But, that's why solo play is dying. I face more and more SWF now than ever before.

  • Member Posts: 493

    I’ve been having a lot less fun recently, In the 8 games i played today. 6 Tunnled and 4 Brung Moris.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I know well enough about this game to know you are lying.

  • Member Posts: 179

    I've spent 800 hours as a solo survivor main. Unfortunately the devs do not care about tunneling or camping, as proven by the fact they consider it a "legitimate strategy", even though it is something that harms the game and its community. It's just one of the reasons I cannot gain respect for the devs.

    But don't worry, I'm sure the next update will benefit killers again. The next chapter will provide more broken synergy perks and give the survivor useless ones, again.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm not watching them, I've actually been playing them for years, and that isn't the case at all.

    This is a player skill issue, not a balance issue. Survivor is currently the power role and it isn't even close. I play both sides at rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Me too. You got beat by a well coordinated SWF that specifically genrushed and ignored all other aspects of the game and you claim the game is survivor sided and is the power role. I don't see that being a balance metric, as you are leaving out the majority of the survivor playerbase.

    As a matter of fact, I hardly play killer anymore because there is no challenge! I know I am going to stump every single match unless it is a well coordinated SWF and even then I pull out some tricks and beat them (ie. tunneling, camping, slugging).

    Solo is the only challenge and I'm noticing a very unhealthy trend.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    how will you know i am lying ? And why should i? Dont talk trash you know nothing about.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "You got beat by a well coordinated SWF that specifically genrushed and ignored all other aspects of the game and you claim the game is survivor sided and is the power role."

    What are you talking about? I haven't even mentioned anything about SWF nor has that anything to do with my opinion at all.

    You jumped to a conclusion based a presumption about me that isn't actually true.

    "I don't see that being a balance metric, as you are leaving out the majority of the survivor playerbase."

    I never said or implied it was a metric at all. You completely made this assumption on your own.

    "As a matter of fact, I hardly play killer anymore because there is no challenge! I know I am going to stump every single match unless it is a well coordinated SWF and even then I pull out some tricks and beat them (ie. tunneling, camping, slugging)."

    No one who actually plays killer at any significant level or amount believes this. Mind linking your stats on your profile to back this up?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    If you are part of a killer-centric circle-fest how will you know anything else? Several of my long-time friends won't touch the game because they feel the killer is too powerful. A decent killer that knows the ins-and outs is way too oppressive. They got sick of the never-ending survivor nerfs. They had several hundred hours before quitting, one had thousands. They won't touch the game and now hate the game.

    I'm not about to link my profile but I am on the first page of the DBD leaderboards if you so desire.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "If you are part of a killer-centric circle-fest how will you know anything else?"

    And what makes you think I am apart of that? As I've already said, I also have played survivor at rank 1 for years with thousands of hours. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I surround myself in some killer main gossip fest. I've just played the game long enough on both sides to have a better view of its balance.

    "Several of my long-time friends won't touch the game because they feel the killer is too powerful."

    Then they haven't played the game very much.

    "A decent killer that knows the ins-and outs is way too oppressive."

    No one with a decent amount of hours and high rank experience would agree with this statement.

    "They got sick of the never-ending survivor nerfs."

    Because in general survivors have been too strong for a very long time and still are.

    "They had several hundred hours before quitting, one had thousands."

    Hundreds is quite little and if he had thousands he definitely didn't play much killer.

    "I'm not about to link my profile but I am on the first page of the DBD leaderboards if you so desire."

    I looked up your profile and it confirms most my thoughts I presented here.

  • Member Posts: 434

    I used to be pc but now I play dbd and overwatch on console. (Xbox one). I also play ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) because I've been a skyrim and oblivion fan for so long and ESO is amazing. I actually switched from World of Warcraft after 10 years of that game. These games are a good break from DBD when the toxicity gets me. I usually jump on overwatch and blow people up as Junkrat to get my anger out lol.

  • Member Posts: 14

    As a killer who's been playing survivor I know what u mean and tbh I'm not enjoying playing either side. And problem is I being a rank 16 killer am going up against rank 4 to 1 survivors and I keep getting destroyed, like they win the game but they tbag me and message me saying gg ez it's annoying to run into these survivors and just have them purposely going out of there way to loop me round pallets and show how good they r. And when I play survivor I get killers that tunnel me down evertime out all the games I've played (which is like 79 hours) I've only escaped 10 out of the possible hundreds. It feels horrible and why Im tempted to do the same

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    edited September 2020
  • Member Posts: 92

    Because I wanted to. Just like how you felt the need to post this unneeded comment. 😉

  • Member Posts: 92

    I’m a red rank survivor and killer. Trust me, I’ve heard it all before. And I’ve already replied in this thread with arguments against what you’ve just said, so I’m not saying it again.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited September 2020

    You are misunderstanding what I said. I said that many hours to have a good understanding of the game balance, not to have a fair shot a winning. Those are not synonymous.

    You clearly didn't look up my profile because it doesn't actually show that. If you still think it does then elaborate what specifically on my profile says killer main.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    You didn't answer my question. What grade are you in?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    Because you were trying to insult the other person.

    I'm currently finishing a masters in the medical field as well as holding multiple other certifications and licenses as well.

  • Member Posts: 806

    "tUnNELiNG aND CaMPiNg Is A StrATeGY"

    - Some Dead by Daylight developer.

    It's a real sad day to be alive, to be honest. I wish this game finally took a turn for the good... Ugh.

  • Member Posts: 4,759


    My profile has many ranting and raving posts from survivors, when you check their profile (if it is not hidden or everything locked down) they have 200 kills and under with every survivor achievement unlocked.

    Most of the community is clueless because they refuse to play the side they abuse knowing full well that they will get the same treatment if they do.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Yeah, that happens when the comunity just breeds the "US VS THEM!!" mentality, especially with mains being so noisy all the time.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Yeah because the devs allow the toxicity in this game to go unchecked. I love dbd but in a lot of games teabagging is a banable offense because it's considered unsportsmanlike conduct. I feel if dbd actually punished toxic players instead of allowed it to happen you wouldn't have the long queue times. I've known and played with people who just love to bully the killer. My solution is to get rid of players who are toxic and stop saying camping and tunneling is a legitimate strategy yeah 25% of the time it works but 75% of the time it doesn't work and you lose the game

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    Ahhh, Junkrat. I have around 200 hours on him alone. Next is Lucio. I have way too many hours over there. In the four digits worth. 🤣

    Lately, been playing mostly Dva, Zen, Brigiette, Ash, and Reaper in OW. Over in Paladins: Drogoz, Pip, and Raum. Still trying to see which gauntlet combos fit me best in Spellbreak. Right now I am leaning Fire/Toxic or Toxic/Wind.

    I'm on a break from DbD because the "cannot hook" bug was a final straw for me. I'll give them six months or so to maybe get their game healthy, and if they do will be happy to return. Playing Bug Russian Roulette every time they patch has worn me down.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    You dont have to play. Only spend some money. ))

  • Member Posts: 515
  • Member Posts: 1,288

    if you've heard it all before, then why are you here? I thought you were asking for help to enjoy the game and/or counter face camping.

    Is it just a goodbye letter? Ok, goodbye then! Don't be so angsty though :)

  • Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    I can give you some statistics for solo. The only thing wrong with solo right now is the mmr.

  • Member Posts: 434

    I play mercy, brig, moira for support. Hanzo, Junkrat, mccree and echo for dps (sombra if I'm feeling spicy). And roadhog or sigma for tank.

    Yeah dbd is getting annoying to play. Every game its some old killer, never blight, who tunnels and camps, and brings a Mori each game and some op add-on. Its getting tiring. I had 7 moris in a row yesterday. Its getting out of hand.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I would like to see stats but all we have is a year old. Every killer was over 50%. At red ranks Freddy was close 80%. That's too high.

  • Member Posts: 891

    Ashe is bae. I reached plat last season & had to take a break from OW because it was taking over my life when I decided to start going for diamond & so I came back to OW.

    Then I ran into like 4 moris yesterday and I'm back to wanting to go back to OW.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Which rank ?

    Which server region ?

    Without those informations, this kind of answer is useless. It would be like saying that in LoL, top 500 players are awesome.

    High Diamond players in EU are better than top 500 USA players on this game... I'm pretty sure the OP is playing on EU servers.

  • Member Posts: 193

    The camping is happening at EVERY level, in fact I messaged a rank 3 to ask why he camped at his level as he should be better than that - I got a BS answer, some lies which I called them out on before blocking them.

    Camping (and often tunnelling too) is getting much worse; I'm in the UK and we used to find that if we played before 5 or 6pm, we could generally have really good matches, but the later into the evening it got, the more it happened.

    Lately, we've played mid morning, mid afternoon, any time of day and I would say 8 out of 10 matches has seen the killer camp the hooks, most of which then tunnel the unhooked player.. Sometimes we know it was personal (such as my brother running a killer while several gens were completed - killer's fault for getting locked into a chase). Other times, I think its because they played party streamers or a gateaux slice and were thinking if they guarantee kills they get more points - they would have got even more if instead of camping, they'd pressured gens, got into chases and allowed saves so they can hook the survivors again.

    I play with friends and we tell our team if we're being camped so they can go and do gens, cleanse totems (NOED), do a co-op save or if necessary, just leave rather than feed the killer an easy hook but when you're frequently first one hooked, then camped and tunnelled and out of the game in less time than it took to actually get the lobby, you wonder why you bother playing.

    I took a really long break from this game after I got sick of the camping and tunnelling, the DCs and a load of other BS that was spoiling the game. I was eventually persuaded to return to it months down the line, but right now, I'm taking another break because of various bugs, glitches, and the BS from survivors and killers alike. I'm hoping that, with the next update, they fix these bugs (I did see a comment that there was supposed to be a patch next week which will address these issues but sadly it can't fix the camping and tunnelling - only the killer players can do that and they don't want to.

  • Member Posts: 298

    One less crying survivor 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    Last time I played Survivor, around a week ago, four out of five of my matches that day were against Ghostface, and all four had an Ebony. I was like: Yep, this is why I play killer.

    Then I hit the killer issues, and I'm like: Yep, this is why I play Overwatch. 😂

    I don't even know what's going to happen to me and DbD in 2021. Overwatch, Paladins, and Spellbreak have my attention with the Friends & Family group (they don't care for asymmetrical games), and I'm wagering that Overwatch 2 will drop in May 2021, since that would be the 5th Anniversary for "Overwatch," and Blizzard loves their dates that way. So, come 2021 either way, OW2 will have my attention for the new Heroes, new maps, new PvP mode, and the PvE.

  • Member Posts: 341

    The game idea is fun, but the way it is able to be played right now is ridiculous. GG bhvr

  • Member Posts: 309

    For my part, but this is only my experience in red rank, it seems to me that disconnections and suicides are much more common. And yes, also in these ranks camping and tunneling are not uncommon at all. A disconnection, a suicide, a killer camping or tunneling, it's almost systematic.

    I've been playing a lot less for a few weeks now. Usually, I'm disgusted from the first game, so I close it.

    The survivors are starting to get really... exhausted, and I understand them.

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