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Remove DS during EGC

The amount of times i've been hook swarming in the past two days: 8. Amount of games: 25

It's uncounterable. Can't slug because they can crawl to the gate, hitting the other survivors does nothing because they just use their medkit in front of me and lord forbid I get past borrowed time and hit the injured survivor twice I get met with DS at the gates and a booty dance. It's not even a play at this point, it's just an inevitable end game situation where i'm rid of a kill, i'm better off going afk (which actually got me a kill during one of the games after they ds'd me)

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  • Member Posts: 4,458

    It is an interesting suggestion. DS was created (at least I assume it was) as a anti-tunneling tool. By the time the End Game Collapses has begun, tunneling is kind of moot. I've seen (experienced in fact) how DS can allow an entire squad to escape due to the stun. However, I wouldn't suggest removing it during the EGC but I think one of the following might be a thought worth consideration:

    1. Shorten the Stun during the EGC to half what it is normally, or
    2. Eliminate the Stun entirely but give the DSer the same protection BT normally gives during the EGC.
  • Member Posts: 348

    Definitely worth consideration. It's just such a common tact. The devs state that they look into things being over utilized or depended on, so why not end game ds? It's just cheesy and expected.

  • Member Posts: 287

    As annoying as it is, it does come into clutch sometimes during the EGC. It had its pros and cons

  • Member Posts: 415

    As someone who runs ds 100% of the time.

    It is broken and it should deactivate once you past the exit gates. Its legit uncountable and the only issue with ds.

    Saves me so many games.

    Can even abuse it and go down for someone else who is injured cause im for sure getting out lol

  • Member Posts: 434

    They're literally saying no to being nerfed, how do you make that conclusion? Oh what's that? You just want to bait a killer vs survivor argument? Okay.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    DS is a broken perk.

    I run it always.

  • Member Posts: 434

    If you're already tunneling, most likely you'll eat DS early. Also if not then the survivor escapes. Big whoop, you don't win every match. They have to win as well. Its double sided. GG's glnr.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Blood Warden won't do anything, survivors don't open the gates anyway unless they're pretty much forced to or you get that 1 random that doesn't know what they're doing. It's not 100% effective and tbh I think people only 99% gates because they see other YouTube's and TTV people do it so they just started doing it as well and it wasn't because of BW it was because of the timer. The timer should start once the final gen is done and should not wait to be activated once the gate is opened which would make BW more useful IMO.

    As for DS, there isn't really a solution. It was nerfed to be a countering tool for tunneling which is fine, I did not mind the change. What I did mind was them nerfing enduring so you couldn't recover from the stun as quickly which I don't think they changed the stun time while nerfing enduring, I could be wrong about that but if you nerf one thing you have to balance them out. So what they should have done was figured out a reasonably good stun recovery time from taking a DS hit which I think is the only way to go.

    I play both killer and survivor and I can say that disabling the perk once the EGC begins is not the way to go. If the killer has 4 people still alive at the end of a game it is not the survivors fault it is your own for not knowing how to handle situations accordingly. The most common time someone is to be tunneled is at the EGC and if someone was able to save their DS until then (which is about 8 - 10 minutes) then imo they deserve to keep their DS since they played well enough to not have to use it.

    The only time devs ever change anything is if they get too many complaints from SWF, Survivor Mains, or when they try to balance the game around low rank players so they can continue to play and the only low rank survivors playing this game are console. I made a new account and tested the theory myself, which is probably where most of their money is coming from so they're trying to make the game more enjoyable for them so they can keep playing the game instead of balancing it around rank 1's and people that actually KNOW how to play the game and have THOUSANDS of hours and are able to ABUSE certain perks/items or whatever to their advantage.

    I mostly just eat DS if I have time to do so but it depends on the situation as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    What if they save it for last? I am a main surv but I know that sometimes it's better to save it. Besides, many players don't tunnel or like to tunnel, not everyone that run obsession perks or that is choosed to be the obsession has DS either so "tunneling to get rid of DS" sometimes ends with an angry player that for some reason was the obsession and had no DS.

    And yes, tunneling is not against the rules but some people feel bad for the other player and want to give them a fair chance, I mean it's not their fault if someone unhook them in front of the killer. Right?

    So the thing is when you give them a fair chance and yet DS is actived and you have nothing to do, which is unfair.

    Now I do agree that some people like to camp/tunnel on the EGC because well, at least they'll secure one kill so it's pretty much needed to have DS in that time.

  • Member Posts: 434

    As a survivor, you do not get the choice to save DS or not. If the killer picks you up, it's activating. Miss it or use it, it won't activate again for that round. And the "most players don't tunnel", idk what fantasy land you play in but I'd love to go! I'd say out of 10 games, I experience or witness tunneling in 7 of them. Even if it's one survivor, it still happens.

  • Member Posts: 434

    Yes it is...ive tried that before and it didn't proc again

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Remove NOED during EGC.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Hmm... nah!

    Half the allure of DS is for situations just like these. If I play well the whole match and maybe don't even get hooked until EGC after, say, NOED activates on the last available totem and I go down while healthy, I don't really think it's that cool or fair for the perk I brought to be completely useless once I ACTUALLY need it to do what I brought it in for.

    If you have such a problem with DS in the endgame, eat the DS early. I don't play killer often but my boyfriend does and he has no problem with eating DS for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he gets the chance. If you don't like feeling like a tunneler, you can drop/slug the person you tunneled for DS if they didn't end up having it, or you can drop the chase on the person that DS'd you. Or you simply can re-hook them if you want, it is your choice. Win/win, now you don't have to deal with their DS late game.

  • Member Posts: 155


  • Member Posts: 871

    Descive Strike was made to extend chases. It was never meant to be an "anti-tunneling perk". The dev's never said that, it was never released like that, and that the whole "anti-tunneling tool/perk" thing was made up by privledged survivors that just want the game handed to them because they can't learn to perform safe saves. At least fact check before you try to act like you know something about a perk that was released in 2016. The dev's don't care about "tunneling", they understand that there are counters, and how detrimental it is to Killers if they just focus on tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    I mean to be fair, that is how the perk was designed. It activates off hook, so if the killer is smart and want to secure that 1k (because technically that is what they got) they will force a trade.

    At that point it’s a matter of strategy for the killer and RNG because if the gates are too far, you are not getting out. They will slug you for a full 60 seconds, with a possible snowball of your teammates aren’t careful.

  • Member Posts: 688

    Making DS not work in the EGC could be a big nerf, so they would need to buff the perk in some other way to compensate the nerf.

  • Member Posts: 348

    You're assuming I haven't hooked them? I mean are you saying I literally have to tunnel to avoid being abused in the end game?

  • Member Posts: 52

    "I completely failed to achieve my only goal in the game and my back up plan of camping and tunneling to get one kill keeps failing because the survivors take anti-camping/tunneling perks. I deserve to get that last pity kill for a reason I will not explain. I think the best way to fix this, is to deactivate the anti-tunneling perks."

    The easiest way to fix this problem is to focus on your mid game gen protection. Stop chasing and start scaring them off gens. You'll get lucky and catch them out of place eventually. If they are so much better and well equipped that you cant do that, then you either got carried too high via scummy methods or the game is simply giving you an L. Then remember, they can only use DS once per game and it's not as 100% as you think for usage.

    Then I hate to say it but you can also use noed to cancel out swarming survivors. If they get both gates, all 5 totems, and 5 gens before you kill someone, that's just a 100% loss then. But odds are, there is one will hidden dull totem that'll make it to the end with you.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I said it was an "assumption" because it does NOTHING to extend chases. If that is what they intended it for, the design is odd.

  • Member Posts: 434
    edited September 2020

    Technially the only objective is to survive and the only thing standing in the way is gens. Totems aren't a second objective cause they're not needed. Its a side quest.

    There has been games where a killer would hook near the noed totem so escape isn't an option. Sometimes there's nothing you can do to win at that point, just like how you can't if you get DS at the last second.

    Your point was no one perk should cause you to lose. I don't get caught all match and I get hit with noed and die. Noed should be disabled during the EGC... See how stupid that sounds? Exactly. Cause it's a perk meant to help you get those late kills. Just like how noed is there to save you so you have a chance to survive.

  • Member Posts: 933

    At this point I usually facecamp once the final gen is completed. There's no reason to really leave the hook at that point without a designated endgame build such as NOED + Blood Warden + Remember Me etc. (ESPECIALLY if the EGC started meaning a gate is open)

  • Member Posts: 434
    edited September 2020

    Lol no 😂 you're proving my point. Just reword it. You have all game to eat DS, if you don't eat it early, that's your fault. DS even has a skill check that many people including myself miss from time to time. Noed is an easy swipe. DS is doing it's job just as noed. DS is as easily taken away just as noed. Learn to play around it instead of asking for it to be deactivated.

  • Member Posts: 434

    You can noed's not just one person affected by you even play the game? Like what are you saying? And not every game is a 4 man swf. That's RARE. Any swf I see are usually in groups of 2. That's even if there's a swf. There are more solo survivors than killers like to admit. It just happens that the solo survivors play smart and pay attention. You can be good survivors without it being a swf.

    I've played killer and survivor for 4 years. Now is the best time to play killer. Back then they actually had something to complain about. Now they don't. Stop trying to break down everything survivors have.

  • Member Posts: 146

    I haven't been using DS recently because I'm trying not to depend on it but the community is really split is the best way to put it, I guess. You have killers that won't tunnel, even when none of the survivors run DS. On the otherhand there's killers that will absolutely tunnel and take advantage when a group isn't running DS, which can be annoying and I can understand why people decide to run DS. There's multiple play styles which is why this perk exist, I get it. Maybe if survivors start working or get healed I could maybe be up for DS then deactivating but I absolutely don't agree with a nerf if a killer hooks another survivor then DS should deactivate and that's because of camping basement killers, it wouldn't require the killer to leave the area at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Rancor that can completely ignore all laws is not enough?

  • Member Posts: 974

    I say if blood warden isn't active hits in the exit area should instakill. Double the length of blood warden for the gate nearest the hook you used.

  • Member Posts: 415

    The perk wasn't designed to give people a free escape.

    You say you have to force a trade but with some killers or really just good survivors its not happening.

    One will come in take a hit while someone else saves with bt while the 3rd guy takes a hit then the guy with bt takes a hit then he can even go down because he has ds and will make it out.

    Its broken and anybody who says its not its tripping.

    It doesn't need a nerf it really just needs this nerf to be solid.

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