Do survivors not know how survivor sided the game is?

I just had a match where all 4 survivors had over 1k hours and yet they all ran sprint burst all spread out and exploited the op windows in the asylum main building. Can everybody pls not play like this.

And btw is there any way to counter this?



  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I'm not sure they do. I think a reduction in pallets and weaker tiles are definitely needed. Most competent survivors can chain them together and it's a nightmare with nothing you can do. You can try to mind game and pull out all the tricks but "good" survivors will still have that extra step on you. Even if you leave to find another survivor you just wasted time and probably lost gens on a useless chase. Using pallets needs to matter. On most maps right now theres so many and other loops it doesn't. A survivor should not be able to run 5 gens. It doesn't make you good just because you can get to another pallet or loop, it just means the maps are survivor sided and poorly designed. So yea that, gen speeds, meta builds, they think all that equals skill and will argue to death that it is.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Over 1k hours per I’d kill for that.

    For me the survivors start at 2,600 hours minimum and go to over 6,000 hours. Guessing the EU servers have a small playerbase on PC?

    I think they do know about the balance thats why killers over the past year have generally been stronger than previous years.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Honestly it depends on the killer and map , sometimes the killer has an advantage and other times like trying to beat a 4 man swf on ormond with clown the survivors have a huge advantage, majority of the time the survivors will have an advantage of they spread out on gens and actually focus on them

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2020

    ^ This is basically it right here.

    You have to immediately go in 4 different direction to try and get each survivor off their gen simultaneously. Hypothetically you hit 1 and then go to the next to pressure them off gens, but good survivors don't care, as soon as you hit them and leave they will go straight back to the gen as they don't care about being injured. It leaves the killer in a lose/lose scenario for at least the first 2-3 gens.

    I wonder if there was some built in mechanic that slowed gen progression while injured or blocked you from working on a gen for a set amount of time after being injured, if that could do something to help. Aside from slowing the first gens down it would actually encourage killers to split pressure and not tunnel someone down, aka playing "fun".

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited September 2020

    I don’t get it. You point out their hours but expect them not to play optimal at the thought of them not looking like they are taking advantage of a structure and in turn give you less of an advantage?

    Don’t worry, I’m sure when the devs rework the visuals for that map they’ll make sure to add those killer-sided breakable walls (as they have in the new badham) that you won’t break because why would you? in order to satisfy your needs.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Scott Jund gave two amazing ways to fix these issues 1 pregame collapse which we have been told we are getting and 2 survivors always spawn together and furthest from gens so not only does the killer have to patrol so do survivors balancing the game out

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited September 2020

    Yeah I watched the vid. Those changes don't sound significant enough on face value to fix the problem to me but I suppose we have no idea to what extent the pregame collapse will be so we'll just have to wait and see.

    Scotts idea specifically of what he wanted the pregame collapse to be sounded very insignificant to me as well. It would help sure, but not enough to come close to fixing the problem imo.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I think the game is easier for people who are good at it, no matter the side. You can run perks that block windows and pallets for a short amount of time, but I would say to take it with grace and hope for the best next round! I have been having the opposite issue: I have been getting tunneled non stop and getting teammates that wait until im struggling on the hook to help me, which just makes me the best target for the killer. It sucks, and I went from a rank 6 survivor to pretty close to 8 again IN ONE NIGHT and I just had to stop or else I would legit cry!! Good luck, and I hope that it gets better this week!

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Basicly do not give free unhooks, tunnel them out of the game, know when to slug and when not. Decisionmaking takes time and experience just keep in mind that you still need to learn.

  • Chunkyboi
    Chunkyboi Member Posts: 115

    Yo guys i read all your comments and i gotta start playing a little more "unfair" cuz i usually dont hard tunnel or slug cuz its more fun to just go from surv to surv


    And btw

    How does this have 4 upvotes?

    Hes just saying i need to play as a specific killer to have a chance to win and i just wanted help on what to do next time and youre sayin i just dont know how to play killer, i mean stating the obvious man.

    Thx guys for the help!

  • maximus909
    maximus909 Member Posts: 19

    Whine + Cheese

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    PC EU is a stupidly tough server in the red ranks at peak hours. I'd say it's much more manageable since crossplay, though.

    But before? At rank 1, even in the mornings, I'd face squads of solo survivors who'd deserve to play in Hexy's tournament 10 times more than some of those teams who clearly don't belong there.

    I don't want to start a sterile pp measuring contest. I just say that the huge disparity in the average level of players' pools is patently evident when I watch streamers who consistently get braindead survivors who I stopped getting matched against since I climbed past green ranks. Those streamers include some of the bigger ones who wisely play at ungodly hours and for good reason.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The game is SWF sided, not survivor sided.

    To clairy that's 3man ->4man swf which gives survivors map control. a 2 n 2 stack isn't so bad.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Game is survivor sided and ive played both sides. Killer has way more **** to put up with. Playing as a survivor is fun and is effectively taunt mode, playing killer can be fun but it's tauntED mode

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    The game isn't that survivor sided, however disturbed ward is a very problematic map.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The way to deal with that loop is either Nurse or Spirit! Nurse will literally tell that loop to go ######### itself and Spirit can catch up to the survivor before they can vault the window!

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    As a killer main I wouldn't say the game is survivor-sided. PLAYING as survivor is definitely more chill than playing killer, but that is right and proper.

    The devs have put a lot of work into balancing the game over the years. It's currently on the best shape it's ever been in.

    You got a rough map and your opponents played smart. There's no point in getting mad at them. Just say GG and move on.

    It can feel like those matches are hopeless, but they're usually not. The best way to handle gen-rushes is to play smart and create a lot of pressure. If you're constantly getting injures/downs/hooks the survivors will have to drop off gens to come help their teammates. Good gen-defense perks like BBQ/Pop or Ruin/Surveillance are going to be your friends here

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Lot of it is about experience. Like I'm not going to chase for long in the main building on asylum. Get a pallet or a hit, the leave. It's easy to over commit, but you have to learn when to chase someone else. Finding a 3 gen and making them come to you is another big one.

    I destroyed a quality team on asylum with a 4 gen and hag. I never went in the building, just trapped up everything and sat back with a cold one.

    I know that feel bro. I played umbra when I had like 200. That match didnt go well for me.

    Lol. Some of the maps are just flat out disgusting. Got fractured cow shed with the god window open, 3 of the hay trailers, into shack, into jungle gym. I won, but only because I severely outclassed the survivors. That could have been a 0 hook game with the right team.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    I thought they closed all the god loops? Sure feels like it. But see, you still won. Proving my point.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    My comment had that many upvotes because I'm right. Not every killer should have the same ability to shut everything down for survivors. That's the upside and downside to playing killer. You're powerful in some aspects, weak in others. Only good killers optimize the good so it outweighs the bad. If you think the game is survivor sided, even after all the nerfs we got over the years...sorry but odds are you just aren't that good. Not saying you can't get better though. Stop thinking that the game is just catering to survivors and think about how you could of done better. Put the blame of losing on your self and learn, don't blame the game for being survivor sided.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    “Long story short, most solo players rarely, if ever, experience the power trip that is good teammates.”

    👆🏽Yep, that👆🏽

    Greater clarity for everyone comes when we all stop generalizing DBD as “survivor” sided and get more specific in calling it “SWF” sided.

    DBD certainly isn’t Solo sided

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. I think he's just saying that there is a happy medium somewhere. Why do maps have to be favored either way?

    Honestly, I think a big help would be a map veto or killers get to know what map they are heading into. Certain maps feel like they hardcounter certain killers, and RNG is never fun.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I really would to know, seriously, how much hours you have to put in, to be able to get your hits in with blinks. And until then, how frustrating it is, to get steamrolled game after game.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Not that time. Had the window in the corner open, so you had to go way around. I won because I was significantly better than them, and they still managed to get the gens done.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Man i must be a good because I've beat both Myers and Huntress like that. Never went against Oni but considering Hawkins is my favorite survivor map I doubt I'd have a problem

    The game is extremely survivor sided but I think its dumb to ask the survivors to not play as good as they can. Its the games fault not the player. And for the record no most survivors SON'T know or sometimes won't admit that the game is survivor sided. I used to only play killer but i slowly started to mostly play survivor and the thing about the game is that as a survivor its very very easy to win if you know how to play so when you don't win it feels like BS. And sometimes it is BS like a mori or killers that just tunnel you because you're a p3 Cheryl running all meta perks even though they waste all game just to kill you while everyone else does an example.

    So instead of the game looking survivor sided it looks im a god and deserve to win every game. If i never played killer thats exactly how i would think because in concept killer SHOULD be the power role.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Hawkins is your favorite map as survivor? I love Stranger Things too but that're sadistic.

    Also as someone who plays both sides, I can tell you, at least in my opinion that the game isn't survivor sided. The only reason it seems that way is because there's four survivors and one killer. If there was one of each, saying the game is survivor sided would mean the survivor would still win a 1v1. Doing gens and surviving. We all know that's not what would happen.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Yeah if the game was 1 v 1 it would be killer sided......but its not? I literally don't know what you're trying to say BUT i do know that a lot of survivors don't understand that Hawkins is the best place to run in DBD. I run that map better than any other map, better than auto wreckers, better than Ormond, better than anywhere. The only place that compared to like 3 places on hawkins was that pallet and long fence on Badham....that they took away.

    But yeah, only map i can consistently make killers walk away from me on and ion even want to explain because i will be HURT if they take it away like Badham lol

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    The point is that you are one person. The killer is tons strong than you. You have to rely on teamwork and skill to win just as killer has to rely on skill. Its not one sided. Sometimes teamwork doesn't work and you're destroyed. Sometimes it does work and you win. Sometimes it's a 2 escape 2 dead game.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Most survivors just aren't good and/or don't play with other people.

    Solo can be a ######### fest when the 4 aren't very good but even non-SWF, 4 competent solos will give Killers hell. SWF is just a whole other thing.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Killer should be the power role but rng makes a massive difference on each game unfortunately.

    The thing is if your facing a group of survivors who all have 1000+ hours then your going to need to sweat and depending on your map/perks/killers your probably going to lose.

    People always say the game is survivor sided but they base it off a 4 man swf running all the meta perks. So in my head I go "Well if we're basing it off the best survivors, why don't we base it off the best killer also". I faced a PC Nurse main with double range on Red Forrest the other day. They had Monitor, BBQ, Infectious and (can't remember the last perk). She was blinking directly on top of you without you even hearing a terror radius and getting free hits. The map didn't even faze her.

    As survivor you can pretty much play every game on autopilot if your good enough. Killer you need to be more focused and sweat. I'd say more maps favour survivors than killers also. I can't say though the game is survivor favoured due to the many variables this game has.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    They could basically make injured surv get a 50% less repair speed so they would get bored of M1 or get healed

  • Scorch__620
    Scorch__620 Member Posts: 2

    No, there isn't. Only weakness survivors have are bad survivors or a super skilled Nurse. I'm a Rank 1 killer on PC and I quit the game, not because I'm a cry baby, but because nobody cares to address the glaring issues the game has. In some games there is nothing you can do, and this feeling of impotence is so frustrating that I quit the game all together until It's balanced. Games Should be played for people to have Fun, not to get so stressed out that you're shaking by the end of the match. I suggest that killer mains Should leave the game until we see changes that make this game Fun for both sides. Now, I'll just wait for the survivor mains to show up, and say that I suck and am a Moron. Well, enjoy your 3-5 min queue time.

  • skarsguts
    skarsguts Member Posts: 179

    I've been the victim of camping, tunneling, moris, iri-head, one-shot powers, aura-reading perks, body blocking, broken hit boxes, NOED, slow down builds, Freddy, and slugging too much to ever even consider that the game is survivor sided.

    My heart sure bleeds for poor little killers.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    The current kill rate is about 50 to 70% so I don't really think it's survivor sided anymore. There are a few killers that outrun SB, Nurse, and even Bubba with his saw. Other killers can destroy looping, especially the Nurse. She's a nightmare when she knows what she's doing.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    That's true, if one or more people DC at the start the pendulum immediately swings to the killers side, and the survivors typically will die unless the Killer takes pity or mercy. Survivors true strength is in numbers, but if this game was a 1v1 or even a 1v2 the kill rate would be like 99% with the 1% being getting lucky or the killer giving hatch.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I love the design of Hawkins as both killer and survivor. None of the pallets are particularly strong, but they can be chained together along with the rafters and rafter vaults to make some rather dirty loops.

    You have to play creatively as survivor and read your opponent, rather than just mindlessly looping the same pallet over and over before moving on to the next one.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    No DBD is not solo sided. Both Killer and survivor sides have things that make both seem favoured. As someone who pays survivor more there are things that aid the killers. Sabotage feels pointless because a hook being gone for what feels like 5 seconds, maybe it's 10 doesn't help at all, you take one down and turn around and it's back. I know when it first came out the hooks were gone forever and yes that is a bit too much and totally cripples a killer. it was was for a minute or even 2 minutes max that would make it viable. The hag should not be able to put a trap right under a hook. Happened to me yesterday. someone pulled me off and the second I touched the ground she was there and I was right back on there was Zero way to avoid that. The chainsaw with Leather Face lasts far too long for a one hit down. I made a sharp turn and went around a large rock and he was still able to follow me and bring me down, this is after the saw as already active for 3 to 5 seconds.

    As for the killer side, I do admit that I don't know the maps very well in first person, that can be a factor too. However; the attitude of survivors is just toxic. a lot of Dcs because they don't like how a killer plays, or if they're caught or if they're chased or if they're hooked. and there's the body blocking to prevent hooks, slowdown killer moment so people can wiggle out. Not to mention the insults for not doing well oh and the insults for doing well. A big one for me is the people who complain about watching a hooked person. Do think think if I know that there are at least two people near by to unhook someone that I'm going to walk away? NO. but remember as killer you're not allowed to do that or you are a trash noob.

    One big solution could to outright remove ranks just get rid of them then it won't matter how good or bad you do in a match just how much blood points you get and it effects only you.

    Another thing is that Both sides need to realize that they don't HAVE to win every game.

    Lastly, there's no rule book for either side. The only "rules" that have been made up are by people not by the game. If you are going to play dirty don't be offended or surprised if the killer or survivors start to do it too. but it's always "screw you killers you're too OP" and the other side is just "Screw you survivors, you just suck, get good"

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I honestly base it off what i play which is solo and duos mostly. Even with crossplay i have only gone against 1 god tier nurse and I died but I didn't feel helpless, got some good dodges in.

    A nung of culture! Only big brain survivors understand

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    This just isn't true and it really annoys me that they put this out because I know if i took that at face value I would think of myself as a god because I survive more than I die, so i know for a fact it feeds a lot of meg head egos lol.

    I forgot why its not true, there was a sample size they took that skewed the results, I think it was Tru or Otz that was explaining why but ig i didn't put that much thought into because its obvious its not true, like the info they put out where a very small percentage of people play SWF.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Once two gens are left though that's when the killer has the potential to apply more map pressure and slow things down. Of course assuming you are playing a good killer. And some maps like Mother's Dwelling are still way too big for sure.

    But I don't think it's as easy and simple to say that when survivors spread it's definitely a loss for the killer. There are a lot of factors that come into play, especially how strong the killer is you are playing. Good killer players usually don't need 60 seconds or more to get their first down in relation to when all other 3 survivors start working on gens, unless they get very unlucky and can't find any survivor.

    I also believe there's also more rng that affects the outcome of a match than some people seem to realize.

    Also, I don't think you lose 3 gens just after finding your first survivor and he sprint bursts to the next loop. That would mean you somehow missed all other 3 gens that survivors already started working on. It usually doesn't take 40 seconds to find your first survivor and another 40 seconds until you reach the loop that the survivor sprint bursted to.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    If Survivors spread out at the start and play each of the 30 pallets safe, all but the very, VERY best players using the very best Killers will lose 90% of the time. It´s common knowledge by now and I feel bad for your experience.

    In most cases there are things you can improve on though ( which in the highest tiers of play boils down to playing Nurse or Spirit, even given Spirit gets kicked the ######### out of her by good squads - see tournaments.). Just accept it´s not that balanced of a game and enjoy what you can.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    What i say is the game is SWF sided. It's not survivor sided...The killer always has all the control with the amount of BP's, great addons and offerings yous get. You can play bad as killer and still end up with nearly can play almost a perfect game as survivor and just barely get 24k...