What's your opinion on the DBD community?

Some days it feels like the most toxic cesspool you would ever come across, countless hate mail and death threats to the point I had to turn off messages.
Other days however, I've met some lovely people who say gg even when they lose and even befriending them.
It definitely feels like a very mixed bad overall to say the least
Literally worse than the Undertale and Furry community combined. I am not exaggerating. The largest toxic wasteland I've ever seen in my entire life. I wish someone could do something about it, but guess that's not ever gonna happen.
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Too toxic, needs a good purging of all the toxic players.
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Extremely toxic. Its a cesspool. Which is a shame because there is legit nice people in it, but the bad apples outweigh the good ones.
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Some players need to get hit with reality because not every game has to cater to you always.
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I don't know if it's worse than other competitive online game communities, I think there's just a consistent 5-10% of people are jerks and they're the ones throwing insults in chat after a game and so on. With four other players per match I'd expect to come across a rude person calling people trash or cheap or lame or "gg ez" or whatever about every three to five matches or so.
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Pretty bad. But it's because the game is assymetrical - there are many people who only main one side and don't bother playing the other and then you have two toxic circlejerks that want everything to go their way. Pretty sad, really..
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This game should not be competitive at all.
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Dbd is the only game that you will get yelled at for no matter what, Especially if you play killer. If you go against a toxic team:
Lose: wow ur so bad ######### bby killer!
Win: wow ur so bad ######### bby killer!! Reported for exploits!
Against toxic killers:
Lose: u guys suck so bad lol get destroyed bby survivors
Win: u guys suck bad lol using all exploits! Get reported ez bby survivor
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My opinion is that the majority of the playerbase are casuals that play 2-3 matches every couple days and move on. Most have 1 survivor at 50 and like 3 killers at 50.
The forums and similar places show a skewed perspective simply because the type of person to look for a gaming website to discuss stuff is very different compared to the person that does not go out of their way to find a gaming website.
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This is definitely a competitive game, you're directly competing against the other side as your main goal. Contrast that with cooperative games where everybody is on the same team playing against the computer, for example. It's also not a "party" game like some people inexplicably seem to think, there's a learning curve in Dead by Daylight. I couldn't just plop my mom down in front of the game and expect her to play even remotely well.
Now if you mean there are issues with making "balanced official tournaments", you're right. But that doesn't make the game not competitive.
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You should pay attention to wording. I didn't say it's not a competitive game, I said it should not be a competitive game. I'd leave "competitiveness" to other games, like Fortnite, Counter-Strike, and other similar titles.
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It's PvP so i expect banter. But as someone with 3k hours in Dota 2, i thought I know what toxicity is. I was wrong, very wrong.
You get entitled people on both sides. People calling you names or wishing you cancer and other stuff. Since the report system gives no feedback and we have a fanbase (part of it) that supports toxicity, I don't have high hopes for a change.
It's sad, that you might miss some nice people during the game or have a nice chat afterwards, but imo closing the chat and disabling profile comments was more important for my overall enjoyment of the game.
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Pretty bad overall.
With the exception of people like @Raccoon. He's a gem. Really nice guy.
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I have had some wonderful teammates and fair killers before, and it always gives me hope for the community. But then the toxic players come in... I was body blocked at the exit gates by my team last night while the killer was AFK and everyone but me and one of the main trolls died, and I once had a match where the huntress kept dropping me just to have my team heal me, just to down me AGAIN, drop me, make them heal, over and over until i DC'd because I was so upset. Just a few nights ago I was rank 6, but after a bunch of tunneling, moris, and teammates waiting until i was dying on hook to rescue me, I dropped all the way to 8. Definitely not a fun week.
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Sadly this is true, for every nice person I've met, I've probably come across 20 toxic ones
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Agreed, its shocking how personally alot of people take it if you beat them
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Don't tell them my secrets!
*runs away*
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This was how I felt with chat initially but then I thought "you know what, I'm not gonna let these ######### get to me, if I get hate mail, I'm just gonna laugh and block them. I wanna talk to the good guys on here".
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I like the community. I love horror movies, so playing games with others who share a similar passion is thoroughly entertainment. There is an element of toxicity, but that is to be expected with anything online.
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If the community acted like otz, it would be a much nicer place, where everyone would help each other get better, regardless of chosen side.
But they decide to act like "funny moments" people, where a killer misses/survivors makes a wrong vault, they t-bag or spin around, and say ######### in the game chat instead of a simple "gg, gl on next game". Why is it so hard to say something like that instead of "gg ez, git gud thrash"?
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mostly toxic tbh I've only ever had a few moments where the community was chill
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I've had this before too, it really is horrible when you just want to enjoy the game but people like this come along and take pride in ruining it for everyone. I'm sorry this happened to you mate :(
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It's a microcosm of real life- you have great ppl with a mix of toxic ones. I think about 85% of the community stays silent and keeps their head down, and to each their own, but it lets toxicity breed. I personally have been shown kindness and good sportsmanship, but also toxic behavior- I just try to pay the positive stuff forward.
Also, if you've ever been involved in/witnessed shipping wars, that's next level butthurt entitlement. This is by far a more relaxed environment 😌
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a lot of toxic people but there are nice people too
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Too many people jumping the gun on changes. Even if their criticisms end up being right, they're all still extremely obnoxious about it.
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Awful. The community is the worst thing about the game.
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Its a terrible community. But its not the worst.
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It can be pretty bad and no matter what side you play you can get some super toxic players. This counts for both killers and survivors. You get Killers who get huge tunnel vision because they can and you get survivors who harass a killer because they can, you get dirty players on both sides. Yet all I ever hear is "this killer is OP this Killer is broken ect. The reason we're hearing this feel like it's because the people who are saying it are the ones that can't mess with a killer.
As someone who tries to play killer sometimes both sides are very powerful. There have been so many things done to help survivors since I've come back. I know it's for balance reasons but you actually get a repair penalty if you have more then one survivor working on a gen. they've added blindness to lockers so you can't see people while in them, they've got the perk that makes you scream when you come out of a locker. Now they've added pallet blocking perks with the new killer and the gen blocking perk from the plague. yes there's the Cheryl perk that blocks a single gen to stop a kick, but all we ever hear is Killers are OP. Something that may help a little bit would be to remove ranks. have what you do effect how much BP you get but who cares if you're a rank 1 or 20 at this point. I'll tell you from experience too many people. I've actually had someone say "looking at the rank it makes sense" this is after a year and a half break on my part.
Killers have a fair amount of perks give the exposed status not to mention the hag perk that inflicts permanent blindness with every hit at level 3. and the super power of Leather Face and his chainsaw that stays active for far too long. Franklin now removing items from the match after they are dropped it being a thing period too. Barbecue being a thing. hook someone and see where everyone is unless they are close to you.
just some examples of how both sides have been given things that make them more powerful.
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I did pay attention to your wording and I'm disagreeing with you. You're confusing "competitiveness" or "taking the game seriously" with the game being "competitive". Dead by Daylight is by definition a competitive game because one of the players is competing against the other players by design. The opposite of a competitive game would be a "cooperative" game where all the players are cooperating toward a common goal (e.g. Pandemic or all the players in an RPG working together to beat an NPC, etc.) Dead by Daylight can't be a cooperative game by its fundamental nature, it is a competitive game. There's no "should not be" about it, it is a competitive game by definition.
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Okay, I'm sorry that I know less than you do.
Thing is, the word "competitive" grew on me ever since games like CS:GO have "competitive mode" also known as "ranked." I always misinterpret it when other people use the word casually (like you did), and simply it's my personal opinion that Dead by Daylight shouldn't be competitive in the sense of "taken seriously to the point of hosting tournaments, etc."
To me, that's what competitive is, I suppose. I try my best to not take Dead by Daylight seriously, and the only times I fail is when I have to sweat my butt off going against a toxic SWF team or a toxic big brain Killer who knows everything better than I do.
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It's...not good. Not quite original DOTA toxic, but pretty damn poisonous. It almost feels set up to be like that.
And the thing is - toxicity breeds toxicity.
I came into the game ...wow, must be about a week ago and have been playing consistently (busted ribs, not much else to do). I was all "yeah, let's have some fun scaring people and facilitating a good game".
After back to back matches against SWF stompcomps who are always amazingly BM and gloaty, I've gradually morphed into the campy, cheesy, tunnelly nightmare that everyone seems to talk about.
At present, with killer matchmaking entirely disabled, genuinely nasty premade groups running amok and killers and survivors basically at war with each other - yeah. This is a machine designed to produce unpleasantness.
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It's what I call the 'farting in an elevator' phenomenon.
The majority of the air is still fine, but dammit do you want to leave as fast as possible.
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I think the developers actually make a good effort to promote parts of the community that aren't toxic. The outstanding issue for me, and the one that people keep mentioning in this thread is in-game behaviour, including end of game chat.
If you played a board game with a bunch of people in person and you tried your hardest to make sure that no one had fun, and then you verbally abused them all when it was over, there would be negative consequences for you. You probably wouldn't get invited to play more games, and it would hurt your relationship with the people involved. They would remember, and you'd end up with a reputation as that guy who got really crazy and mean during Monopoly.
In DBD, currently, if you ruin the game for everyone else and call them names in the chat, nothing happens to you. Those people get hurt, but they probably won't remember your username, and you can change your username, and they can't block you, and you might never match with them again anyway, and you don't know them, and they have no influence over your life outside the game, and reputation isn't really a thing. So it's a situation where, if you don't have an internal compass that tells you to be empathetic and polite, the external pressures that would normally encourage good sportsmanship aren't in place.
I would like to see DBD come up with some kind of system that rewards people for being good sports -- like, something that that useless thumbs up button can do -- but it's hard to think of something that couldn't be abused. I don't think it should be considered an unsolvable problem, though -- and I don't think we should just accept that this is a space where anyone can say anything to anyone and there are no social repercussions.
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The dbd community is pretty toxic. It's infinitely worse than any of the other gaming communities that I'm a part of, unfortunately.
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It spans the gamut. You can literally have one game where a Huntress picks you up and delivers you to hatch, a second where a Blight Moris you and tells you to "get clapped, enjoy your L" AFTER you say "gg" and compliment him.
And this is an example from 3 hours ago.
I'll say this: because this game lets you be your worst version of yourself - and encourages/enables it to some extent - it means all the more when you're a good sport.
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All messages from survivors. Always. And yeah you can't win.
I let someone have hatch and immediately 3 inbox messages criticizing me for not going 4k.
And people have no imagination. The game is suffering under its current meta.
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I agree, it´s a hell of a mixed bag. I´ve met some of the nicest players here, as well as the most douchey ones (mind you I played League of Legends up to Diamond Elo back in the day, so I had my share of online player toxicity).
What bothers me, especially with this forum, is that whatever topic is brought up, someone will throw a different topic into the mix as if to "defend their side". It seems they fail to view the game from a broader perspective, and everything discussed has to include x/y/z too as to not feed the whataboutism trolls.
Another problematic thing is the "shaming". Before DBD I haven´t encountered a gaming community where so many tools/abilities were frowned upon. So many people here are butthurt snowflakes about Moris/Ds/Iri Head/OoO( I´m guilty of this as well regardind Object)....the list goes on. I wish there were seperate game modes, one as we know now,and one in which no moris/items/UR addons were allowed and survivors could bring every perk just once, but I digress.
I love what they did with the recent tournaments, hexys and into the fog, and our content creators give me some hope for the community, especially Otz and Paulie. Not gonna drop names in a negative way, but I´m sure many of you remember Oc***o and the content creator that is facing a tournament level squad every single game he plays, then has a fanboy post a video here to "prove" the imbalance of DBD.
Those people provide a negative influence that we don´t need. It´s bad enough in many cases with entitled, whining, shaming wannabe Bullys.
Shoutout to everyone that has a passion for DBD and spreads positive vibes, it´s much appreciated!
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Killer players
Survivor players
Those whom play both sides (but spent more time on one side then the other)
Those whom do play 50/50
Those who express their favorite creators opinions
Those who express their own opinions
New players
Old players
Low "rank"
High "rank"
Low skill
High skill
Players who have great ideas
Players who have Ideas that could use tinkering
Competitive players
casual players
Players whom fall in the middle
UMMMM... I know there's more
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Absolute 🗑️
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The community is more toxic then the Agbogbloshie Dumpsite, it's literally worse then the LoL,Undertale and FNAF community combined.
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I am brand new to the game (only have 9 hours in it so far) and I have had only one toxic person I have encountered. He was crap talking us at the start of the game, but then we won the game by gen rushing at the start and no one got hooked. He apologized at the end, but other than that everyone I have met has either said nothing or just said "gg" at the end. I know people say the community is toxic, so I am ready for it- I just hope I encounter more of the nicer side.
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Toxic. Mostly children. Streamers are 50/50 on if they're toxic or chill. You're better off keeping chat hidden/off. If there's a bug/exploit/cheat, you'll have to play against it guaranteed.
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Extremely whiny.
Next to daily threads about complaints about the other side it is guaranteed that this will happen:
If a new Tome(-Level) is released, players will say that the Challenges are too hard (even if they simply dont understand the challenge or that it does not need to be done in one Trial) or that the Rift is too grindy
If a new Set-Cosmetic is released, there will be threads that it is super-bad that BHVR makes it a Set, that the Nea-Cosmetic looks good with the separated Head (which is not the case because her Head is bald) and that BHVR only wants to make money.
Weekly Videos of certain Streamers (obviously only the biased ones) where the players are more offended by the game displayed than the Content Creator themselves.
New Killers who get released (or are on the PTB) are either OP or way too weak. Same for Perks released.
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Not should, it isn't.
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I don't understand what is everybody talking about. Community is fine in my opinion. I have seen toxic behavior back when Ochido was popular dbd player. But when he got banned on every platform I haven't seen this much of toxicity anymore. Maybe because since then I got to red ranks or maybe because I play in wholesome region. But it's really rare to see someone going toxic in post game chat. It happens but mostly not because this person is toxic but because he mad about something he consider unfair.
And I should say that t-bagging, clicking, pointing, constant blinding doesn't trigger me at all. I don't do most of that but I also don't think it's toxic. In-game toxicity is sandbagging or intentional bodyblocking of teammates. And I can't say I see this much.
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Guy way above would disagree.
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Honestly the community is fine, it's this forum that's toxic and can't stop arguing or calling for nerfs. A lot of people on here need to take a break from the forums, and I think I'll be doing that as well.
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i honestly don't think this community is really that bad if you stick with base game, and you stick to the fandom side of things. (Like the people who just chill out and like lore.)
If you get into the more balance-heavy, 'competitive', side of things, it gets pretty toxic, and pretty nasty pretty quickly.
Honestly I've had a pretty mixed bad in this game. I've had a lot of great players to play with and against, and a lot of bad. It's kinda whatever to me though.
I will admit though, I do wish that there was some sort of way to promote or demote certain people based on their play style... it does suck when you have the chance of being put against the same toxic person multiple times, but you feel like you can't really report them because they aren't saying anything worth reporting in endgame chat.