How Does Matchmaking Work Now

I need to know if I’m wasting my time
The 6 rank rule is back... sadly
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Wow. No wonder every match I was in, it was a super pro killer. Except for 1 match and he might of been real good too but he wasn’t really playing. Just running and walking around with me and my teammates. I knew something was off, as many matches I lost and never got into a fair set up
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I played Killer today and all I can say.Never ever on rank reset... so much sweat.
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As survivor it will try to find you the lowest rank survivors to be matched with, starting at grey ranks. If it fails to find any it will slowly work its way up trying to find the most potato survivors it can.
As killer it will start by searching for survivors with 10,000 hours playtime, and then work its way down trying to find you the most optimal survivors possible
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I forgot about rank reset too. It’s like I literally go in the game to die. I feel it’s a waste of my time to even try if when I’m trying it’s like the killer know every single move I’m going to make. I guess I’ll stop playing for awhile again and I like this game. I’m glad I got it when it was free because I wouldn’t pay for an online only game that have a horrible matchmaking system.
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I’m gonna have to find a new online game until the MMR thing is back
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If wind blows from the north, you get NOED killer/4 man swf.
If wind blows from the west, you get rank 20 players.
If wind blows from the south, you get mori/keys.
If wind blows from the east, you get bloody party streamers and farmers.
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The MMR will rank games based on your skill level with each killer. Right now it's just setting up matches based on your rank, which isn't a fair indication of skill.
Playing a killer you've never played with before against far more experienced players than yourself does not a fun match make. Like most people I'll wait until the MMR is back on before tackling Killer again.
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Yeah, I’m officially done until MMR. I wish I knew how to program those things. I would help them out. Seem like they need it