Who Is Your 'Main'?

Killers and survivors, do you have that one special character you love to play, or do you mix and match?

How do you specifically like to play them?

For me, it's the Hag. I enjoy Doctor, Bubba, Spirit and trying to learn Freddy (just...can't grasp him) - but I always come back to my Blair Witchy love. So much fun, so many jumpscares administered, just a ball all round.

How about you?



  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    Doctor is my favorite Killer but I also play Freddy, Demogorgon, Plague, Wraith, and Pyramid Head. I love shocking everyone and stopping loops quickly.

    Laurie is my main Survivor because of the franchise she comes from.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I have Meg, Nea, Feng, Claud, Kate, Zairina, and Cheryl all p3 all perks

    i bounce between who I feel like playing

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    As my killer main i would describe deathslinger although i'm enjoying blight atm. Sometimes i play nurse, but all other options lack chase potential or fun factor imo.

    I main kate because she got very nice cosmetics and looks like aloy from horizon zero dawn.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    As my killer main i would describe deathslinger although i'm enjoying blight atm. Sometimes i play nurse, but all other options lack chase potential or fun factor imo.

    I main kate because she got very nice cosmetics and looks like aloy from horizon zero dawn.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Pig for killer. I don't care that she's not the strongest killer around, and I like her toolbox approach to a match. I also play a fair bit of Doctor and Legion.

    As for survivors, I generally play Yui now, but I have builds that I tend to jump between on Kate and Claudette as well.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    Plague is the only killer I use anymore. She's just so much fun. Sometimes I don't even try to kill survivors I just run around puking on them.

    As for survivor Kate and her horse Christmas sweater are the one for me. I love how she sounds too.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Kate is my overall main. She's easily got the majority of my playtime out of any character, killer or survivor.

    As for killers, I mostly play a few. In descending order of mainness: Blight, Deathslinger, Plague, Ghostface. I play most of the others as well, but those are the ones I usually enjoy the most.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Pyramid head+ bubba

    Other killers i like: doc, ghostface and oni.

    For survivor: Ash groovy Williams

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Tried Plague a few times, can't seem to get her to work. I think I'm missing something there.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Befor it was Micheal but I think I will switch to Ghostface because he is more fun to play for me.

    By Survivor I haven't any main.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Is Oni any fun? He seems so...bizarre.

    Like playing a huge, murderous Pacman...

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    I primarily play as Nea, but I like to switch it up with Quentin or Ash

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    I'm a dweet main, have been for 4 years. I relate to him so much. But I do pretty much play all survivors. Mostly Claudette, David, Meg, Yui, and Cheryl.

    As for killer, I mained Legion and Doctor but since Blight came out, I'm in love. Plus my name on xbox is Blight Boi so I'm gonna start maining him.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    I really don't have a main, I just level up people to to get the teachable perks that I want. then I reset them and movie on. I'll get back to the other ones in time. same for killers I don't have a main and I don't play them much unless I have a ritual and even they're annoying to do with some super toxic survivors

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    As killer, deathslinger and blight. I started learning deathslinger a month ago, and he's too much fun once you learn him. I'm trying to learn blight as well, and he's a ton of fun :D.

    For survivor, I main Steve and Ash, because I like their cosmetics.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    My main is Ghost Face. I play Pyramid Head, Pig, and Trapper on the side. I use the others sometimes as well.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Idk Claudette is so cute with those glasses and has been my main since I started playing. As for killer, Oni. Like damn that guy is so buffed and I find his power pretty fun to use. If am not feeling like playing him I switched to Demo even do I suck ass playing him lol

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536
    edited September 2020

    Was Clown in the early days, now Pyramid Head. Dabbled with Spirit for a bit a long time ago. Mostly though I cycled between killers. However I'm on a PH spree at the moment.

    I like the chases most so I'll sacrifice map pressure to play a killer that's good in the chase. I prefer the fast paced chase - chase - chase gameplay rather than the slower more strategical gameplay of some other killers. Not only is PH good in a chase, but he even doesn't need to mess about with the slow hooking process, and he has some surprisingly good tracking to find them even faster so yeah he's the most fun in a long time for me.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I don't really main any one killer; I tend to cycle through several to keep gameplay feeling more "fresh". I do generally enjoy playing Leatherface, Huntress, Wraith, and now Blight much more than the other members of the cast, though the only killers I really don't like and actively avoid playing are Ghost Face and Nurse.

    For survivors, my "main-est" survivor is David; I have him at P3 with all survivor perks unlocked. I'm absolutely planning to eventually set up Felix as another "main" to use, and then I may also try to bump Dwight and Tapp up to that level later (after I finish P3'ing the last few killers).

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    I totally don't main Myers, who said that?

  • Milanceee
    Milanceee Member Posts: 161

    I have been no lifing blight since he came out.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Deathslinger and Ace.

    I play most of the other killer occasionally but most of my playtime is set on slinger since he came out. Norhing comes close to be as fun for me as slinger is.

    And obviously Ace is the best survivor without any competition so there is no need to play any other.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Adam\Nea have mainly been my mains. I was playing Laurie before Felix came out cause I'm going through a 70s kick. Right now I'm playing Meg(ugh) until I get Felix leveled up then he will be my main with Laurie. The reason for Meg is her Dorothy Gayle bows that just came out...

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I play a couple of games using whatever killer is in my oldest daily mission each night so I don't really main anybody in particular. But in terms of how much I enjoy playing the killers, my favorite three are Doctor, Clown, Freddy for similar reasons, namely that they're all 115% movement killers with some anti-loop capability and who all use basic attacks. For whatever reason I think this is my preferred style of play right now. Doc has the weakest anti-loop among them but his tracking is amazing which keeps him consistently in a chase most of the match. Clown is the strongest chaser out of the three but that's all he can do so overall he's the weakest. Freddy is probably the strongest killer among them in general, his anti-loop is almost as good as Clown's but he also has an incredibly good teleportation ability that helps him keep pressure up across the map.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i usually main a character for a while, then i drop them for someone else.

    the only one that really holds a special place in my heart would be the Trapper, though i havent played him a whole lot lately.

    currently im definitely a Deathslinger main though.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I mainly only play Survivor, but I do have Killers I used to main/who I am interested in playing whenever I get around to it.


    1. Kate
    2. Felix
    3. Nancy


    1. Spirit
    2. Clown
    3. Hag
  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    As survivor, I got three who I play the most rn.

    1) Claudette Morel

    Blendie main, always have been and always will be. She holds a special place in my heart and I love my girl Claudie to death.

    2) David king

    David is hotter than Felix :))

    3) Yui Kimura

    I despised Yui ngl, but then I bought an outfit to match with my bf and P3 50'd her for him so now I don't mind her as much.

    As killer, here are the top 3:

    1) The Nightmare

    Freddy will always be my main. I love everything about him, loved him pre-rework and post-rework.

    2) The Executioner

    Not only can Pyramid Head crush me with his thighs whilst I thank him, he's also really fun to play!

    3) The Nurse

    I've put so much time into her recently I guess she's now considered one of my mains. I've got a long way to go but I'd consider myself above average, provided I don't get Badham or Yamaoka

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    My main killer is Oni since his release.

    My main survivor, I wanna say Dwight but currently I've been using Heather since the SH dlc (I just love the silent hill games 1-3 feck the rest)

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    My main survivors are ace jake and currently Felix and I have no killer mains

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I play pretty much every killer except Huntress and Slinger. My 'mains', in no particular order, are: Doc, Hag, Legion, Wraith, Bubba, Freddy, and Daddy Myers.

    At least until this week. Now it's all Blight all the time. I still can't even tell how strong he is, but he's just too much fun.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Very tempted to grab Oni at some point.

    What about him makes him fun?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Silly karu, oni can't be in all 3 spots for your favourites.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I play every killer, but if I absolutely need a win, I am going doc. I'm also deadly with deathslinger and hag.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    There is one thing I wish for more than the deletion of Oni from Dead By Daylight.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    My main is Spirit but I've been taking a break from her, and mostly use her whenever I just wanna relax, or if it's one of those days that survivor's are super sweaty.

    As for survivor Dwight is daddy and that is official!

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Myers is my Killer Main, until I manage to get fully competent with him. I don't have a Main from the Survivors because they are all just Skins. I play whichever Skin seems interesting to me on a given day.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Killer: Clown...duh... but I also play Freddy, Plague, Doc, GF, a little of Demo & LF, and now Blight.

    Survivor: David, but I’m now gonna main Felix.

  • storydove
    storydove Member Posts: 54

    Cheryl Mason. I play her as someone altruistic but not stupid. Meaning I will risk a lot save others, especially when against her nemesis, Pyramid Head. But I won't die for a lost cause. Also I'm not brave in real life, so playing a daring and sefless character is a real thrill.

    And I always play solo, so having the perk Blood Pact gives me a connection to the killer's Obsession, I never feel that alone in the game.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    “Meaning I will risk a lot save others, especially when against her nemesis, Pyramid Head. But I won't die for a lost cause.”

    Hehe, this is EXACTLY why I actually LOVE the perk Buckle Up. I prefer to play altruism/medic builds, and help as many as I can. BUT... I don’t want to waste my time on anybody that’s a “lost cause”, so I like that Buckle Up tells me which slugs are recovering, and who’s just damn lazy and I shouldn’t bother with.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Since I play the game casually and can't invest hours upon hours into getting better (work + parenting makes that a tad difficult 🙂), I usually bounce back and forth between Freddy, Pyramid Head, and Bubba. If I need the blood points I usually fire up Legion or the Doctor.

    Lately it's been incredibly difficult now that the MMR is off, because I'm getting matched with people who are clearly more skilled than I am. I don't mind losing, but having countless matches where I'm not very effective can be really crushing.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900
    edited September 2020

    For survivor its obviously Dweet. Love my Dweet.

    For killer its Daddy Myers. I love making survivors believe in the boogeyman.

  • Wiitab360
    Wiitab360 Member Posts: 105

    Killer: Pig, Clown, Micheal/Ghostface

    Survivor: Kate, with Cheryl and Bill secondaries

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Wraith 100%. I enjoy other killers, namely Deathslinger, Clown, Ghostface, Demo, Doc, Legion, Billy, and Oni, but not to the extent as Wraith. He was my first true killer main and always will be <3

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Interesting. I thought I'd love him, but I...just can't seem to get him to work. The second people see Wraith, it's flashlights up the jacksie.

    Also, I don't think I'm as invisible as I should be. People are constantly waltzing out and running around me teabagging.

    Would love to know more as the killer does appeal to me. Adore sneaky/stealthy types.

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    As survivor, I main Jake

    As killer, I main Blight, but and I also play Demo and Huntress.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited September 2020

    Pyramidhead because i like Silent Hill 2, i'll probably still play him after they change him if they don't butcher him

    Spirit used to be my main since she came out but with the sounds being bugged, she is just to frustrating right now so i stopped playing her as much

    Oni or Billy cause i like to run fast

    Jane, Bill and Meg are my most played survivors.