

Chapter 20: Alien

Member Posts: 215
edited March 2021 in Creations

Ok before I start I wanna say a few things. An Alien Chapter in Dead by Daylight would be a perfect fit. The killer, Xenomorph. The survivor, the badass herself Ellen Ripley. The map, The Nostromo. Too many things fall into place. The spaceship would be super cool, we could have a map literally in space! There could have windows looking out into the universe, imagine getting chased by the killer through hallwags surrounded by space itself. Of course there would be pallets and vaults through the map.

My first point, cosmetics. Ellen has some cosmetic value but not a lot. I don't think too many people would complain if you didn't give her any skins. The Xenomorph could have a white skin, the skin from Covenant (which I would buy in a heartbeat) and so much more.

The Xenomorphs mori would be similar to Demogorgon, he pounces on the survivor, riping them up, and for the killing blow, he head bites them through the neck the screeches victoriously.

Ok. Onto the Xenomorphs power.

The perfect organism:


Start as an infant Xeno. You have a movement speed of 4.2 you can crawl under pallets but you can down survs, but cannot hook them. If the game lasts for 1 min, you become a slightly older Xeno and you move at 4.4. This is the average killer. You can down survs and hook them. You can now place face hugger traps.

After 5 min you become a fully grown Xeno. You are the perfect organism. You move at 4.6 speed. You can run on walls and avoid pallets and vaults for 10 secs with a 30 sec cool down. You can pounce on survs in this state, like the demos shred. Face hugger traps can still be placed.

-Face Hugger Traps

One you hit teir two you can pick up face hugger traps layed all over the map, similar to the hags traps they activate when someone gets near, (3-5 meters) and gives a loud sound notification. Once the face hugger trap is on the survs have 3 minutes to get it off. It takes about 10 seconds to remove and can only be removed by other survs, once you are the last surv, you can remove it by hand.

If one doesn't get taken off and the timer runs out, they instantly die (hopefully with a dope chest burster clip).


Once the Xenomorph hits tier three, (m2) he can run on walls for 20 seconds at a time with a 20 second cool down (starts whenever you stop pouncing). You move move faster (5.2) while pouncing (can be more with addons), and your terror radius is reduced 0. The survivors can see saliva drip from the ceiling if you are on the ceiling. If you are on the walls, you can leap infront of you (think demos shred), and if you are on the ceiling it can leap onto what is under you. You also can crawl through vaulting spaces, and crawl over pallets when pouncing.


(I don't have all the addons needed, just the red addons.)

-Lamberts Corpse: A corpse, with dried blood coming from the mouth. Pouncing can now last infinitely. If you are within 8 meters for 8 seconds of a survivor when pouncing, they get the exposed status effect. (You see them flash red whenever they get exposed.)

-Kanes Corpse: A corpse, with a gaping hole in its chest. Face hugger traps only take 1 minute to kill. You see the aura of survivors with a face hugger. Tremendously reduces the time needed to take them off.

(Trumps all other addons)

(Not to toot my own horn, but I love the idea of the two Iri addons are corpses from iconic kills, that contribute to the Xenomorphs power, the way that the character died.)


-No one can hear you scream!

Survivors do not see where a survivor is hooked, unless within a 56/44/32 meter radius.

-Hex: Apex Predator

You are the ultimate hunter. Survivors are merely playthings.

Hooking a survivor gives you 2 tokens. Having a survivor become unhooked makes you loose a token. For each token gain a 1% movement bonus, and at five tokens you apply the mangled status effect when injuring survivors. At 9 tokens you see auras of survivors in your terror radius, as long as they are moving (working on gens, healing, and doing other actions count as being still.)

-Unstoppable Monster

Your knowing that other survivors remain fuels your bloodlust.

Whenever a survivor exits the trial (via dies, escapes) one random survivor has their aura revealed for 3 seconds and has the exposed status effect for 30 seconds.

Ok. I know its not perfect. Far from it. 1 minute without hooking might suck, but i don't know how to make tier one more powerful and tier three less powerful.

The Xenomorphs weakness would be genrushing, so you might want to run Corrupt Intervention or Ruin or some anti gen perk. I see too many killer concepts that don't really give into other perks, they are just powers. I think a killers power should be wrapped into the game, to make it more Dead by Daylight-y. Also the perks for the Xenomorph I think would fit well on other killers.

Apex Predator would go great with the new perk Undying. No one can hear you scream could be great with BBQ, or infectious fright. Unstoppable Monster isn't too great but could be nice if someone has a key, and leaves their teammates for the hatch.

Ellens Perks:

-Tough Spot

You are familiar to doing things quickly before danger can set in.

Slightly/moderately/considerably increases action speed depending on how close the killer is. Only activates when inside the killers terror radius.

-We Can Do This

Your courage and fast paced action influences others to stand up.

Survivors can recover from the dying state when you are within 10/12/14 meters of them.

-Close Call

You have a knack to avoiding situations that would put you and your friends in danger.

When you are injured and take a protection hit you are not downed, instead you are inflicted with deep wounds and exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.

When someone is protected by someone using Close call, another player cannot use close call to protect them, it will not activate. The person who used Close Call cannot be protected by Close Call either for 60/50/40 seconds.

You could make a great unhook build with Close Call, Borrowed Time, and Well Make it.

We Can do This could be great, especially if the killer is someone like a nurse or oni, who is going to slug.

Tough Spot is more of a passive perk when compared to her others, but it could pair well Spine Chill, Resilience, and Prove Thyself.

And that is my idea. I have spent about a month trying to perfect this.

So if the Devs are reading this, please just know that I love Dead by Daylight and this is just a dedicated fans dream. Happy gaming!

Post edited by Deadlock on

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  • Member Posts: 215

    Also Xenomorph is the perfect organism, and it could take down 4 people with ease, thats why the Entity exists. The Entity can raise or lower the power of killers and survivors. So It could theoretically make the Xenomorph weaker so the survivors stand a chance.

  • Member Posts: 10

    This needs to come to dbd

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    Close call seems a bit OP you need to think of 4 persons having it not just one.

  • Member Posts: 215

    You make a good point, that could secure an exit if they all ran to an open exit gate.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Sounds really cool! Would love to see this come to dbd..

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    Great work on the killer, sounds very fun. I would change the face huggers engine a bit, the 3 mins thing is nice but I imagine it not killing the survivor, i would put the "blindness" status on the survivor until they take off the face huggers, unce they take it off the player becomes "impregned" and after 1-2 mins they die when the baby births. Sounds a bit strong but hear me out: It would be self care instalations on the map, similar to the pig mecanic, would be a operation table like the one in prometheus movie, in the table the survivor could kill the infant alien and take off the face hugger if he still has it. The face hugger could be removed in the tables and by other survivors. A player with the face hugger or inpragned would die at the gate if they try to leave.

    For getting the face huggers there would be eggs around the map like the trapper traps and a full grown alien would have to go and pick them, carring one at a time and put them on dawn survivors like the pig with the reverse bear traps.

    And for the pounce i would take off the insta dawn cause it is a bit broken and make the killer be able to do a long jump (into walls to start wall walking or foward to atack)

    With the movies as reference a indetectable effect would be nice on its power but would be way too broken so it could be fixed with perks xD

  • Member Posts: 1

    I think it was well thought out, though I think some of Ellen's perks need some adjustments. I know that you wrote this concept before the WGLF change, but now it always makes you heal downed people 100% faster. So instead of We Can Do This affecting that it should affect something else. Maybe it can function similarly to Breakout but for downed recovery process. Also, I think close call would be too strong, maybe instead of giving it a fixed cooldown it should function as an exhaustion perk. Protection Hits while injured cause deep wound and cause the exhaustion effect for 60/50/40 seconds. I think that would help with balancing the perk. I think it would still be strong and would completely outclass Mettle of Man but it's just a thought so that there is no chance of it activating twice in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 886

    Your concept needs some touching up but it is real nice

  • Member Posts: 3

    I don’t want to be a negative Nancy but dbd announced on a streamer that killers will be humanized only and alien int a human

  • Member Posts: 215

    A Xenomorph is fairly humanoid. Humanized doesn't mean limited to humans. Also um, Demogorgon anyone? And BHVR is known to go back on what they've said. Im mainly saying this because I dont want to think about there being no chance.

  • Member Posts: 3

    That’s true if it dose happen I’ll love it but I’ll give it a 25% chance it will be hard doing a space map and stuff and take a lot of time but I’ll love to see them do there good work on it

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited November 2020

    The power itself is a neat blend between the 2 most common abilities attributed to Xenomorph killer concepts, and I like how the two are balanced together with the mechanic of growing up overtime.

    Without how long it takes to get Pounce, it would probably be incredibly powerful and make the Xenomorph incredibly threatening as a result. With the timer it becomes much more balanced, however.

    The only main problem I see with the power is just... it's designed specifically lose to the most effective strategy in the game, genrushing. You even pointed this out yourself. The Xenomorph being able to climb on walls and pounce gives it an incredibly advantage in the chase, but if 2 gens are done before it can even utilize its much weaker traps, and then all 5 will be done by the time you can use the better of its abilities, then what's the point? I say that, if anything, reverse the times you get the two abilities. Get pounce first. The egg trap just... doesn't make sense for a non-fully grown Xenomorph in the slightest.

    The add-ons are perfectly acceptable for Iridescent add-ons.

    Now onto the perks.

    No One Can Hear You Scream: This perk is pretty decent, I guess. It's not great, but its not bad either. It could be useful, I just don't know how. Maybe another, secondary effect it could have is muting the sounds of injured survivors to only other survivors at max level? I don't know why but I thought that would fit.

    Hex: Apex Predator: Very good for a Hex perk, and on a dedicated Hex build it could really help some weaker killers like Wraith or Legion. I have no issues with it.

    Unstoppable Monster: All I can say is that this perk is so close to being good. If only the time of the Exposed status affected everybody. If it did so, this perk would be amazing on killers like Hillbilly, Spirit and Demo who can move around the map incredibly efficiently.

    I usually don't cover survivor perks, but unlike what I said before this edit, I will be making an exception here.

    Tough Spot: Generally perks don't use the words to describe the increase, but instead percentages. Either way, this perk is incredibly good against non-Stealth killers, and encourages generally bad plays because of how much benefit is gotten specifically during them. Instead of increasing all action speeds, maybe for 10/15/20 seconds after being put into the injured state you get a slight boost to vaulting speeds? Like, 4%?

    We Can Do This: An incredibly nice perk, though situational. It definitely isn't bad though. But since perks have to have progression of some kind, maybe have it be that but deep wounds is applied after they recover by themselves, and it downs them after 16/20/24 seconds?

    Close Call: The concept is great, I think. My greatest problem though is how poorly you put in a way to lessen its effect if its on multiple survivors. Yes this perk would be insane on all 4 survivors, but maybe instead of what you did it's:

    When you take a protection hit for another survivor while you're injured, you aren't downed. Instead you are inflicted with Deep Wounds. This can only activate once per match.

    It can still be annoying, but now it is very limited in such, and survivors will have to think of when they use it.

    I feel like this is one of the most in-depth reviews of a concept I've done in a very long time, with the only thing I'm shaky on being my changes to Close Call. Either way, your concept is great! Just like any concept, it isn't perfect and needs fine-tuning, but it definitely is better than a lot of others I have seen. Good job!

  • Member Posts: 215

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