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During the meeting of the 2 killers

archive0seeker Member Posts: 54

I'm not sure if anyone has tackled this idea yet but if any on has please tell me :)

I have seen Manny threads talking about the idea of killers meeting or seeing each other after/before a trial but one question has not came to mind (yet again I'm not sure about this) that question being what would the 2 or 3 would do?

Would they stand there in silents, would they talk, would they try to kill each other (that is if they are in the same place physically) Anyone have a idea what they would do?


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Depends on the killer. Nurse and Wraith apparently love eachother. Ghost Face and the Legion might have a fight over stealing the others costume. Michael and Pyramid Head would probably try to kill literally everyone.

  • archive0seeker
    archive0seeker Member Posts: 54

    I think then most interesting interaction would be all the killers meeting the blight seeing how he has a connection with almost every killer through the kidnappings followed up by the experimentations, some might be delighted or others might be furious that is if they're able to recognize him through his more deformed look.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    I think every killer is probably genuinely terrified by the Blight. You have to remember, he was able to kidnap and experiment on them, when he was a survivor. Remember, the Entity gives Killers super powers so the fact that a survivor was able to get the upperhand on over a dozen killers is kind of mind blowing. If they saw him now, they'd probably either hate and fear him and keep their distance, or feel vindicated considering what he's turned into.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    A part of me hopes Deathslinger won't get a blight event outfit, on that note, with the reasoning that he very well turned the serum into moonshine and unwittingly made himself immune.........

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    It really depends on which Killers were meetin there. Can´t imagine Myers having a talk with the Legion for example, as in his eyes they´re just more teens to murder.

    In any case I feel bad for any Killer that would anger the Oni.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    I wonder what Rin and Kazan would have to say to each other if they met...

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    I'd agree, and the only 2 Killers who probably would be relaxed enough to be with The Blight would be Myers and Pyramid Head. The Demogorgon may be okay, but only because I don't know whether it would be able to comprehend who it's in with.

  • sotd_coauthor
    sotd_coauthor Member Posts: 45

    I think this was answered canonically, that the Killers can't meet each other outside of the trials, except for the Legion, who are always together (I like to imagine them all back in the Ormond Resort).

    But on that note its always fun to imagine. Ghostface would probably be really comfortable around the Legion and Amanda, thinking about it they're all still pretty human, and they don't have these superpowered abilities. Pig literally just crouches, and her traps are the ones she designed and used herself. Hillbilly and Bubba, the chainsaw brothers, they'd get along well too. They're similar in their lore, and they can probably connect on a level of both feeling like outsiders from the rest of the world. It would make sense that they would seek each other out. I feel like some of the Killers physically aren't in the same grasp of the entity as the others, like Demo. I feel like they spend a lot of their time in the Upside Down, hunting and breeding. He is a wild animal, technically, and he can access the other world in the trial, so it's not out of the question that he could go there outside of the trials too. Would you think this is the same with PH? I've never played silent Hill, so honestly I have no clue how anything works in relation to that

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    isn't the statement that the killer can't meet outdated by now?

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    I really hope so.

    Imagine Bubba and Billy swapping chainsaws or something.

  • sotd_coauthor
    sotd_coauthor Member Posts: 45

    Honestly, I've got no clue lmao. There is just something in the back of my head that's saying there was a statement made about it, but I could be wrong. I think it was from an interview at an event or something like that

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I know I'm a bit late to this, but in regards to Pyramid Head - probably nothing. I'm by no means an expert on Silent Hill, and Konami hasn't really stayed true to the lore of the first three games, but as far as Silent Hill 2 goes, all the monsters are made from the psyche of the people within. Pyramid Head in specific represents the main character's, James Sunderland, desire to be punished for his guilt - along with being a dark, twisted version of his psyche.. There's a lot more to Pyramid Head (he does some pretty messed up stuff in Silent Hill, I'd say darker than pretty much the rest of the cast aside from Freddy), but his main purpose is to punish James. That is literally it. He is the judge, jury, and executioner. (Ba-dum tiss) So, within in the lore of DbD, James has moved on from Silent Hill so I imagine all Pyramid Head does is wait for new victims to judge, dragging his great knife through the halls of Midwich. If there are any Silent Hill experts out there though, I'd be glad to hear if I'm wrong.