DEVS! Get rid of face camping and tunneling!

Face camping and tunneling have been apart of the game for almost the entire life span of it, no one likes it, no one has fun with it, no one benefits from it anymore, so whats the point of having it when it happens so often?
I'm not a game developer so I couldn't say how to fix it, but as a owner of the game I feel like I should trust the devs to fix and change the game for the better.
Well, at least killer benefits from it if survivors choose to do so.
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It's just a little annoyance that has been in the game for WAY too long. It gets annoying when a killer does it and it gets annoying when you have to do it as a killer.
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Face Camping and Tunneling will always be a part of the game. If a killer downs you early game and face camps you for the rest of the match, then yeah that isn't fun but if it's endgame? That's fair game.
As for tunneling, it depends on how you define tunneling. It's strategically more advantageous to go after the injured survivor, even if they've been freshly unhooked. But if the killer is just relentlessly chasing one survivor only despite other opportunities presenting themselves? That's tunneling.
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Get rid of the ranking system and being tunneled or facecamped wouldn't be so bad. I know I wouldn't get as triggered from it if there was no pips or rank to lose.
Or better yet, a survivor who is the victim of either doesn't lose pip. I'm sure they could figure it out.
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Also, if the killer is relentlessly chasing just one survivor from the get go (excluding the possibility of a bad unhook) it will probably cost him the game...
But as said. Face camping is ok (for me) if it's late game all gens done... At least 1k the killer can secure... And tunneling depends on what the killer is doing, you can't blame the killer for go after the injured person.
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I believe that camping and tunneling is unfun and bad for the game, there is no reason to balance around it if it shouldn't be a game mechanic at all.
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Sure. I can imagine.
Thing is - how do you 'fix' it without frustrating killers further?
Hell, I find palettes to be the most annoying thing ever, but removing them would break the game...
...Or would it?
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Facecamping has its reasons if it's not just go away and leave a killer just doing it just to do it.
If it's endgame in the killer really has no reason to leave the hook I'm not surprised if they facecamp or if the killer can see a rescue party clearly trying to hook dive before they can even leave the area.
Honestly when it comes to tunneling there are three types of tunneling.
The mindless I don't know when to break the chase tunneling. This is usually the type of tunnelling that will almost always lose games so I don't know why people have such a problem with it.
Survivor farming tunneling- this is when your genius teammate decide to unhook you right in front of the Killer either they cooked dived to get that saved before anybody else or they saved you when they're in the middle of a chase for absolutely no reason. With this type of tunneling as annoying as it could be you really need to be telling your teammates to stop doing that rather than moaning at the Killer. Fix the source of the problem not the people who take advantage of the symptoms
Then you have specific survivor tunneling- this is where I kill that is good enough to not need to break the chase but will go after one survivor relentlessly. This is the most problematic type of tunnelling but there's really not much you could do about it besides just hoping you your teammates can get as much done as you waste the killer's time
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Palettes dont frustrate me at all as the killer, was frustrates me is that there is nothing else like the palettes, instead of adding more interactive to a chase just add or subtract more palettes. I hate how many palettes there are on some maps and hate how few there are on others.
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When you solo q you dont get so lucky that your team does gens let alone saves you from hook. So when a killer camps or tunnels you, its up to you and only you to save your own skin whether it be DS or unbreakable.
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Here are some ideas,
Tunneling: if the hooked survivor is hooked for the second time without anyone else being hooked, the next time he is unhooked he is fully recovered and gains a 5 second sprint burst.
I can see survivors exploting this so killers can just slug thrm. If they recover from the dying state the effect will not activate then.
The effect doesn't work if there are less than 3 gens remaining. And the effect can only be activated for one survivor oer match.
This is to help the 3vs1 strat.
Facecamping: I made a thread about how facrcamping with Bubba is borken and even Bubba mains admitted that they reached red ranks using the strat.
If the killer remains within the hook range (let's say 10 meters?) for longer than 30 seconds without entering a chase with another survivor or leaving then...
-Remaining survivors get %30 speed increase in all actions till the killer leave the hook area, the buff remain for 15 seonds after the killer is away from the hook
-The hooked survivor gets a garentueed hook escape wih a 5 seconds speed boost and 15 second endurance
-The hook timer is paused for an extra 60 seconds
Also Noed doesn't activate if the killer only got 2 hooks or less during the trial (this is to counter Bubba who only want to facecamp)
I'm typing this before bed so addmitty theu aren't that well thought, but please share on why you think some of these may or may not work.
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None of these are good ideas. Camping and Tunneling are both valid strategies. Albeit they can cost you the game when poorly executed, but the point still stands that they're as much a part of the game as looping is.
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I agree that they shouldn't add gimmicky mechanics or number changes to "fix" tunneling or camping, but like you said that looping is apart of the game too it makes me wish that they would update the core aspects of the game so looping isnt so needed and same with camping and tunneling.
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Just get rid of it, why didn't I think of that?
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A facecamping Bubba that gets an early down is an winnable situation for survivors, Otz proved it, I proved it, other users here proved it.
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Survivors (at least not the one thatās being camped/tunneled) actually do benefit from it. It gives them free time to do generators
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survivors camped for every gen done that survivor should get points I feel.
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Survivors definition of this game are killers are not aloud to kill survivors, and survivors are always right. Why can't killers complain about SWF, or keys. It always has to be ahhhhh your camping, your tunneling.
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I agree with you that the community is toxic with people who main certain roles, I am a rank 1 killer and survivor and main killer. But nothing sucks more than dealing with camping/tunneling as a survivor or looping/SWF as a killer. There is problems on both sides but thats not what this thread is about.
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This right here it sucks being done to you, and it sucks to have to do it as a killer too.
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It's not fun for the survivor on the receiving end, and I have seen my fair share of face camping, but what you can do is do the objective.
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If you or a fellow survivor get facecamped, everyone else needs to focus on getting the objective done.
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yea they need to add like a game health chapter to balance the game.
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I benefit from it.
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I've commented on this before, and I will again (I'm sure). You cannot get rid of face camping or tunneling because:
- They are largely subjective. I've had people accuse me of face camping them just because they could see me and I them.
- Killers are Players with agency and not Bots. They provide a service and cannot do their job without that agency.
- Killers have a tool box, and camping, tunneling, slugging, and the Mori are all valid tools in it.
If you want to encourage Killers to leave the hook, you will never be able to do it with punishments. It will only work if they benefit more by leaving than staying, and right now a bird in hand is better than two in the bush. Instead of penalizing their points for staying near the hook, you should give them points and progress toward an Emblem for staying away from it. Just like Survivors earn progress for staying in a Killer's Terror Radius, reward them for being nice to the Entity and stretching out the match.
You could likewise make the Perk Barbecue & Chili built into the game so they immediately see some distant target so they have a place to go. Most Killers (new ones at least) stay because otherwise they don't have a target. Are you comfortable giving them targets to make it worth their while to leave? :) As to tunneling, well, blame your buddies for the unsafe rescues. You shouldn't expect the Killer to ignore the easier down; that is just silly for them to act against their own best interests. Again, if you give them reason to leave the area, you will have more time for the SAFE rescues. Do you see my point?
And let's not forget that many Killers (you don't know what they are thinking) can SEE or are aware of the other Survivors hiding right nearby. Why should they leave when they KNOW you are there? Blame your buddies. I'm not going to walk away when I can see 1-3 targets in the tall grass or behind a rock. Nor am I going to go loop with them when I know I'll lose. I'm going to sit right where I am and wait for their mistake. I'm not camping, I'm literally hunting because I can see the prey. And sometimes, the guy/gal on the hook is bait. There is no shame in that at all. Depending on the specific match and where I am in the match, why would I leave? If all the Generators are up, for example, the best way to catch a Survivor is to be where I know they are going next.
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Remove killers from the game and rename the game "Generators by Daylight"! Problem solved š
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I hate survivors who go "baby killer needs to tunnel to win." ######### you ran at me, you expect me not to down you and throw you back on hook?
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- Mindlessly tunnelling can be useful depending on pressure compared to amount of hooks. If I have a lot of pressure I'm happy to sacrifice some for a hook.
- I tend to leave the farmed survivor slugged unless I need to remove someone from the game quickly (I've been farmed one too many times as survivor, I know how much it sucks.)
- This I reserve for the special cases of either people who abuse bugs, or attempt to get their teammates killed.
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Just remove Killers. EZ fix 4Head
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Sorry, can't. It's a strategy, apparently.
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how the ######### can they remove a strategy?
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Note when most ppl complaining about tunnelling are referring to when a killer wipes em so hard... There butthole became a tunnel.
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Face camping is not even possible anymore and was patched out.
Tunneling is okay.
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I sometimes enjoy the challenge of unhooking a survivor being face camped. Sneak up and hide against the killers legs (a lot of people tend not to look down) and unhook as soon as they turn around.
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Removing this will cause Ardetha to quit playing.