The Hook Bug Needs Fixing ASAP

This is a literal game breaking bug. It can lose killers the match purely by how inconveniant it is wasting time dropping and attempting to hook.
If this bug persists in the game for longer than 2 weeks, the playerbase should raise some serious question marks about the Devs priorities.
And we better not see a cosmetic release before this fix (doesn't matter if the departments/teams are different, something that draws in money should not supercede game life/health.
We've established years ago that the devs care about money more than player experience.
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don't be so unwaitable.
they need to fix ds bug and heartbeat bug first.
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Too true, but still. The point needs to be made.
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same should go with the unclensable totem on badham map eh?
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Yeah and the heartbeat bug
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They need to fix all of them at the same time. But the hook bug makes the game feel unplayable
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i know many who feel the untouchable totem makes it just as unplayable. what is worse is they could literally turn off that map on the live servers to resolve that issue till it gets fixed but they wont take it out of the rotation.
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A double reason to disable Badham is that the white van has a ridiculous aim-dressijg issue. When lunging past it it drags you backwards. Happens so much
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I love that people are pulling whataboutism on bugs.
You guys can't even help yourselves lol
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Just regarding the "priorities of the devs". The hill-stuck-bug is something that was 99% affecting survivors and was even more game breaking than the hook thing. And stayed in the game for what, 6 weeks? Since the midchapter patch, right?
And "doesn't matter if the departments/teams are different": it does. Why should the team that literally has no idea about bug fixing stop working? That makes totally no sense
Btw, I know this could start an "us vs them" discussion and I want to warn about that and hope we stay civil and objective. But how many killers (%) did you notice that downed and free the survivor from the hill and how many survivors have you seen so far staying at the hook to grant the killer the hook? Hope I will see at least one survivor in my killer games to do that next week. I definitely will do that as survivor, when the killer is not a total donkey until that point.
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Literally 0 survivors have stayed near the hook all of them have run and been like sweet I’m free. Lost matches this way. The hill was clearly visible and survivors could help each other. Had a whole game taken hostage because they kept going to the rock to make me pick them up and get stuck then loose the match.
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I already reported it with a ticket and that was what they wrote me.
"ThirdDbD (Dead by Daylight)
Sep 10, 2020, 13:53 EDT
Hey there,
Thanks for contacting us about all this,
We're aware of issues going on with the game right now and I'm truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. I've forwarded this to our QA team who'll try to reproduce the issues on their side and help work for creating a fix, using the information you've provided us with.
If you have any more info to share such as videos or screenshots we'll gladly take them.
Sorry though, we won't be able to give you a timeline when this can be fixed, but we promise that the team will work on this ASAP.
Again, we apologize deeply for the inconvenience. We hope you extend your patience with us as the team works towards squashing these bugs.
See you in the fog...
The Dead by Daylight Team"
I sended them a Video proof...^^'
Hope it get fixed this week.
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We will see a hotfix at tuesday.
Yeah,that bug does not only happen when trying to hook survivors,it also happens when you try to vault windows or kick pallets.Really fun stuff :D
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What "draws in money" is how they improve game health. What's more, you seem to recognize that cosmetics and bug fixing are entirely unrelated, yet still use BS language like "supercede game life/health." The release of cosmetics that are already complete, and were already installed on your platform with 4.2, has zero impact on how fast a bug gets fixed. It's like saying that your neighbor going out and sunbathing shouldn't supercede you ordering a pizza. An utterly dumb as ######### statement.
Yes, the interaction bug needs fixed - and it is an *interaction* bug, not a hook bug, because it also effects breaking pallets, vaulting, damaging gens, picking up bear traps, and literally every action a Killer can take - ASAP. And I'm hoping it's in Tuesdays patch. But even if it's not that says absolutely nothing about "dev priorities," just that they haven't been able to make a fix. And delaying the release of long finished cosmetics does absolutely ######### nothing.
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The hill bug was completely avoidable if you didn't play like a blind moron. I never once got stuck in the hill. And it was literally fixed in the very next patch after it was introduced. No, they didn't rush out a fix outside of their normal patch schedule, but they never do that unless something literally makes the game unplayable. And neither the hill bug, nor this interaction bug, do that.
As for the rest of the post, I "rescued" every stuck Survivor I found as Killer (only maybe 5 or 6 in all) and left them slugged. So far I've not had an instance where the interaction bug stopped me from being hooked and the Killer wasn't already playing like a dick (the one time it happened was a tunneling Freddy so I was more than happy to GTFO and waste more of his time) but should it happen I'll absolutely wait for the hook.
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It's caused me to drop survivors twice so far. It seems to happen once per game. It needs sorting immediately as it's hard enough for killers already with this bug
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Oh yeah, thats a reason to ignore that it was in the game for 6 weeks. Ok, then I guess it was also fine to keep the lightburn bug in the game for half a year, because it is avoidable...
And not everyone goes into the forum and knows about it, cuz BHVR did not take position on that one until 1 week before it got fixed. Which is btw a full major update, not the very next patch. It was introduced with midchapter patch and fixed with Blight. So fine if you think that survivors are the dumb ones to blame, but there were tons of stuck people anyway. I'm just saying this because OP questioned "priorities", and I think this is simply an example that there are no "survivor sided" priorities, as I don't think they said "keep it in game, those who get stuck are blind morons".
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A lot disappointed here. Thought hotfix deal with that, but no. Devs needs more employers. Plague bug, hook bug, awful fps on consoles, Freddy bug.I spend money on this game and every bug need a month for work.Its digusting...
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It seems like a lot of these bugs could be avoided if they just play tested the game thoroughly. Coming across the hook bug and the hill bug didn't require a specific set of steps. It could happen with any survivor or killer. I played a doctor match last night and I had forgo two hooks because of the glitch.
I just hope that unlike the hill glitch we won't have to wait until the next chapter update to get a fix for the heartbeat bug and the hook bug.
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It was NOT introduced in the mid chapter. It was a side effect of them fixing the Nurse hill bug (which, mind you, was in the game FAR longer than this Survivor bug) which happened in 4.1.2. The Blight update, 4.2, was the very next patch after that update.
And I didn't learn about the bug on the forums, or anywhere else on the internet. I learned of it in the game.
The heartbeat was already fixed.
Honestly, if you think this is all so easy, fix it yourself.
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I never said it was easy to fix, but all anyone has to do is simply play the game to come across these bugs. The hook bug is still present in the game, and very detrimental to playing killer. Upon seeing such a major bug should have delayed the chapter update until it was fixed, because the very same bug also affects opening lockers and kicking generators.
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I never said it was easy to fix, but all anyone has to do is simply play the game to come across these bugs. The hook bug is still present in the game, and very detrimental to playing killer. Upon seeing such a major bug should have delayed the chapter update until it was fixed, because the very same bug also affects opening lockers and kicking generators.
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If you learned it from the game, then it was pretty lucky that you "never once got stuck in the hill" right? I guess by seeing others get stuck? So you would not have to play like a blind moron to get stuck. And even if everyone just got stuck only once and then avoided it, it is still a pretty ****load of games that could be thrown by the bug.
Again, being "avoidable" is not the best reason to downplay it. And if it is true what you say, then it is 4 weeks instead of 6. Not that much of a difference regarding my point that there is no survivor sided priority on dev side, which was my original point. Not sure why you jumped in on that anyway
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The number of weeks is irrelevant. It's the number of patches that matters. The hill was fixed in literally the next patch. Nurse was bugged for MULTIPLE patches. Hook bug existed for 2 patches. Most detrimental Killer bugs persist for multiple patches, most detrimental Survivor bugs are patched out in 1-2 patches. Most beneficial Killer bugs are patched out within 1-2 patches. Most beneficial Survivor bugs persist for MULTIPLE patches. Look how long it took them to fix the damn audio.
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It's also easier to fix general survivor bugs (ie, hill bug) than it is to fix general killer bugs (ie, hook bug). With survivors, you fix it on one character and it's fixed on 22 others (21, depending on the current state of Ash). WIth survivors, you fix it on one character and you both have to ensure it's fixed on 20 others, and if it isn't you then have to fix it on the 20 others.
Of course the devs would fix the easy-to-fix bugs first.
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didn't they fix the hook bug?
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The original post was from September 13th
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Except that's not true. When it's a universal bug, like the hook bug or the bug that trapped Killers in pallets, that means it's an underlying mechanic that is bugged. Just one mechanic that all Killers call on to function. So fixing that one thing would fix it for everyone simultaneously, just like with the hill bug and Survivors.