What's wrong with BBQ and Chili?

This is a serious question because I've seen a lot of survivors complaining about this in post game chat. Just now I had a survivor say "wow, another bbq on a red rank killer. keep relying on your crutches." Like??? To my knowledge, BBQ has multiple counters (distortion, lockers, hiding behind gen auras) so what's the big deal? There are way worse survivor perks that a lot of killers have to deal with, and most of those aren't even counterable. Someone please explain!!
Welcome to DbD, where people will attempt to shame you for using things they don't like. Enjoy your stay and ignore the haters.
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BBQ is a great information perk and encourages you to tunnel less, but I'd hardly call it a crutch. Unbreakable + DS is way more of a crutch and I still don't complain to people when they use it because I'm not a child.
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Survivors don’t want you to camp the hook.
Survivors also don’t want you to have an incentive to leave the hook for a new chase.
Survivors also complain that repairing gens is boring, and the only fun part is getting chased.
Go figure......
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People complain about BBQ because they see it a lot when they lose.
Its NOT because it actually does something as I have had people complain about BBQ when I was playing as/against Trapper who can't use the aura reveal information at all...
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Don't forget they also don't like to be "tunneled" (i.e.: chased).
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Honestly it's the same with whispers. I like to KYF a lot with some really good friends, and they ALWAYS complain about whispers. I can understand how whispers is more annoying to go against because it legit does not have a counter, you can't hide from whispers. Still, is it bad to not want a game of hide and seek? Sometimes I feel like survivors don't want to actually have chases, they want to hide in a corner and wait until the killer leaves to do gens :/
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What the vocal survivors seem to want is the illusion of danger without, y'know, danger. Like in an amusement park, in one of those "scary" rides. Unfortunately for them, this is PvP, and killers are not here to entertain survivors.
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In all seriousness though just ignore that kind of stuff in chat/messages.
BBQ is such a common perk that survivors should play every game expecting it, and counter it accordingly until they’re confident the killer definitely doesn’t have the perk on.
Mechanically all the perk does is tell the killer where to go next. Survivors being revealed by BBQ are usually just lazy rather than out positioned from a locker or the 40m “safe zone”
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"encourages you to tunnel less"
I think that BBQ is fine, but the quoted part is not really true. Sure, it has the intention to do that, but as long as the Killer can get his Stacks after he tunneled the first person out of the game, it does not really has this purpose.
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It shows you where people far away from the hook are, therefore it encourages you to go get them.
Whether you do or not is irrelevant, it still encourages you to.
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To be fair, there are certain killers where it has way more value than on others. Thinking about Freddy, Billy, Nurse and Spirit, it feels like they ate already on you before the BBQ aura reading even ends. On other killers it’s just a neat information perk.
and remember, those that complain are very probably not the same that can loop you for 5 min and only use Meta perks.. (there are exceptions of course)
and I know about the counters and am actually not complaining about BBQ as is. Would just be nice to rework it to get better value for low mobility killers but less value for high mobility ones.
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BBQ will reveal the aura of survivors after hooking another survivor, this means stealth is completely destroyed, and the killer will have a rough idea where every survivor is, and they'll know which gen to patrol. The perk allows them to pressure survivors or the gen they're working on right after ending a chase, this is extremely strong on killers with high mobility and it's super strong on Freddys, they'll see which gen you're on and instantly teleport to it. If they don't see aura's they know the survivors are close or in a locker, which typically means killers proxy patrol the hook.
Survivors dislike this perk for the same reason why Killers don't like OoO your entire aura and position is compromised and people don't enjoy that.
Post edited by Avarice10 on1 -
only boosted red rank survivor who will complain about things like that, as main survivor i always say to my team that killer has to do everything (playing with noed or tunnel or facecamp.....) that's the game and you have to play like you want, and i think every old survivor will agree
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I know you're asking what's wrong with BBQ from a rhetorical perspective, but honestly the answer to that is that BBQ provides double BP and twice as much BP means that you can consistently be running the most powerful add-ons. If there's a green add-on that you really like you can run that exact add-on every match without ever running out of it and having to use another. Is there a purple add-on that you like, then you could probably run that add-on most matches. As a perk without double BP, it's strong but not excessively so.
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A crutch perk? #########. Is a top tier perk due the aura reading and the BP bonus, both very useful, but a crutch?
If the ones who say that are using unbreakable and/or DS you can laugh at their faces.
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BBQ is just annoying to deal with/wastes the survivor's time, especially against high mobility killers. You yourself may be prepared to counter it by hiding/faking out your aura, but if you're with another survivor at the time and they don't bother to do anything about the BBQ ping, you just wasted your own time trying to counter it because the killer is probably coming anyways since your teammate gave them a reason to come.
Otherwise, I think some survivors just complain about it because they're used to killers complaining about seeing the same survivor perks, so it feels like a fair retort to make the same complaint about BBQ/Pop/etc.
I personally find BBQ to be somewhat annoying on occasions when I have no way to counter it (in a deadzone, not enough time between downs/hooking to hide aura, etc) but I appreciate that it discourages camping somewhat. Of course you have the people who literally don't care about leaving the close proximity of the hook, but most people seem to take the BBQ ping and leave the hooked person to go start a chase with someone else. It's a good perk and it encourages fair gameplay, in theory. I really think survivors complaining about it is just a retort to killers who make the complaint about seeing the same perks over and over again, since BBQ is probably the most commonly run killer perk (for good reason)
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People who are salty and want you to play the way they want you to.
There is nothing wrong with bbq and it's far from a crutch perk, in matter of fact survivors have more crutch perks tho
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BBQ and Chili is ok as a tracking perk but it’s not the best one even. Half the players who use it do so in large part because of the bloodpoint bonus in fact. I posted a poll recently for example that got a fair number of replies asking who would still use BBQ and Chili if it had no Bloodpoint bonus and it was almost an exact even split between people who would still use it just for the tracking, people who wouldn’t use it without the extra Bloodpoint bonus, and a small number who don’t use it now.
Survivors complaining about this perk are mistakenly thinking it’s overpowered during the game, when really it’s just an ok detection perk with a large out of game bloodpoint boost.
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If that's true then you will be fine removing the detection aspect of BBQ in favor of keeping the blood point bonus. Lots of killers use this perk for the detection the extra blood points is just a nice boon, but if Killers are really going to down play how strong the aura reading ability is then they will be fine with it being removed too as long as they keep the double BP's
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No, that’s falsely assuming the players value the detection and the bloodpoint bonuses equally. I suspect it’s more like 2/3 and 1/3 preference in that sense. They like the detection but not enough on its own as a perk by itself, but that extra bit of bloodpoint bonus pushes it into the always use category.
And by the way I don’t use BBQ and Chili at all typically, I don’t need the Bloodpoints and I like other perks better without that bonus.
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Survivors forget they have their own bbq perk.
Dark sense, every time a gen is complete you see the killer's Aura for an x amount of time.
Alert, see the killers aura x amount of time every time he breaks something.
Object of obsession, unless your close you can permanently track the killers movements.
And against freddy as long as you stay in the dream world you can permanently track him no matter how close he is.
Buckle up, when you heal a downed survivor both of you see the killer's Aura
Kindred, you see the aura's of all survivors and the killer, and if you're the one on the hook everyone sees it.
Babysitter, if you unhook a survivor you and the killer see each others aura
Breakdown, if you are unhooked you see the killers aura
I think that's about all the survivors aura reading perks, some strong, some good and some weak.
So survivors crying over bbq is plain and simple big ass bs, and they just need to learn how to counter it
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Lol everyone saying it's the auras
Nah they just jealous you're getting so many of those good bloodpoints
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Which makes their crying even more dumb because they have more perks that give extra bloodpoints than the killer has 😬✌️
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Survivor Perks rated by not Otzdarva that read aura's, a well known and respected Killer main.
Buckle Up: 18:03 | Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Terrible
Babysitter: 1:56:45 | Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ Terrible
Breakdown: 2:05:27 | Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Mediocre
Dark Sense: 27:33 | Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Mediocre
Kindred: 57:27 | Rating: ★★★★☆ Very Good
Alert: 7:16 | Rating: ★★★★☆ Very Good
Killer Perks rated by not Otzdarva that read aura's.
Deerstalker | Rating:★★☆☆☆ Mediocre
Blood Warden | Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Mediocre
Bitter Murmur | Rating: ★★★☆☆ Decent
I'm All Ears | Rating: ★★★★☆ Very Good
A Nurse's Calling ★★★★☆ Very Good
Barbecue & Chili ★★★★☆ Very Good
See a difference?
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The survivors version of BBQ literally doesn't give the survivor any kind of bonus, it just gives them bonus blood points, Killers want their cake and eat it too, total hypocrites.
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Hey I was just giving examples.
Besides, it's all personal preference and tbh deerstalker I can't personally don't even count because the survivor has to be downed so I'd rate it more as a 1 star.
Btw you forgot the 5 star survivor aura reading perk OoO.
I think everyone (probably except for mains in a swf group) will rate that as the most annoying perk in dbd as it has absolutely 0 counter to it.
Personally I think killers should have the better aura reading perks as they have to find 4 survivors and als hook them all 3 times (so 12 hooks total)
Also survivors have more ways to counter aura reading perks tho 😉✌️
Also I never rated the perks as they were like I said, examples and nothing more.
A very single bit of aura reading for survivors is allready very strong even if the perk is bad
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The difference is that a Killer who plays in 1st Person has stronger Aura reading perks than a survivor with 3rd Person?
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Lol they say this as they dead head for distance to save themselves, jump in a locker with DS to scare you away, use unbreakable or deliverance at the end to make a hatch escape, or have adrenaline pop to zip away from you at endgame at full health. Hypocrites.
Any survivor that complains about BBQ is a moron. I say this as someone who has played a lot of survivor. If the killer is chasing you down from 40+m away then hes not camping/tunneling. You can’t have it both ways. Id rather the killer come find me than sit around the hook. Its more fair on everyone. I feel its the Blendette types that hate it the most. They’d rather hide in the bushes and let everyone else die and BBQ goes against their playstyle
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Actually not Otzdarva rated it a 4
Object Of Obsession: 1:09:31 | Rating: ★★★★☆ Very Good
You can watch his review of the perk here: https://youtu.be/yHMlvOrIWYk?t=4170
He is a very good Killer main and isn't entitled like most of the community which makes him a breath of fresh air.
Honestly his review of perks are solid and accurate.
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I can only speak for myself but I don’t use BBQ now since I don’t care about the bloodpoint bonus, I definitely wouldn’t use it if it was just bloodpoints only. I don’t play survivor personally but I also wouldn’t use the survivor perk that is bloodpoint bonus only either. I get that some people do though since they really want the extra points so more power to them I guess. 🤷♂️
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That's why i was called a hacker by a 4 man blendette group.
Was using the wraith with all seeing - blood - so they could never hide unless in a locker.
Having to get that message allready showed they never played killer nor did they bother on finding ways to counter it.
It's so hilarious sometimes seeing aura reading complainings 😂😂
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I don't even have the perk but survivors who whine about the Killers perk choices are kinda a meme themselves.
I just respond "gg"... but if the whine is particularly salty, they get an added winky face. Mine wrath is a terrible thing to behold.
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I rather have my own personal rating than follow that of someone who is known in the community.
It's fun and all following someone's judgement blindly, but i rather judge them for myself.
He might for example plays really well against a certain reading perk, while someone else plays poorly against it and visa versa
I also didn't say he rated it a 5 star, I just told you you forgot to include it.
As for me that is a 5 star perk because it doesn't have any counters or cool down.
But than again everyone is entitled to their own opinion ofcourse, as I do disagree with some of his ratings
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Actually, you said OoO was 5 stars, be it an presumption or your own personal opinion, you never said, but the rating was actually 4 stars. So your presumption/opinion wasn't correct.
At any rate you're kind of being hypocritical here, you don't want me or others to care about his ratings of the perk because you only care about your self absorbed opinon? To me you're just a random dude on the internet, not Otzdarva is a well known and respected Killer.
it's not about following his opinions blindly, it's about respect, I respect him and his judgment, I don't know you so I don't respect yours. I'm sure the same goes for me. It's an irrelevant subject either way. Naturally everyone has their own opinion on something, that's why we make decisions based on a general consensus when it comes to a community. not Otzdarva reached 300k+ people, how many people do you think will see your or my opinion? Definitely not even half that.
Post edited by Avarice10 on0 -
I said it because about 99% here are talking like sheeps and just saying what is popular at the time.
Also I can't see how an opinion can be wrong unless you've been given facts that counters your opinion.
So me saying it is an 5 star perk for me is right in my opinion and wrong for someone else.
Respecting the opinion of someone is a good thing not many have, that's why i also said everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I respect all opinions even if I personally think different.
I just present my opinion about it, nothing more.
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Nothing. It's just Survivors wanting to blame the Killer for everything so they don't have to get good. Blendettes in particular hate this perk because it means they can't just hide all game.
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Survivors rulebook 101
Survivors are always right and the killer is always to blame for everything
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This. When someone complains about BBQ I always ask if they want to be camped on hook more if it means nerfing it.
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I once had someone get salty at me for using Barbecue & Chili alongside Infectious Fright, which would be understandable had I not been using them together on Freddy. (BBQ for points, IF as part of a build I use more for laughs than effectiveness). They were calling the combo op even as I pointed out Freddy's own mechanics mean IF isn't very useful.
Short version, some people will find an excuse to complain about anything.