To people who play Ash knowing he is bugged



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    Sorry but I'm gonna play ash every once in awhile he was the first character I p3ed so he's special to me

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    Ash is bugged? how so? this thread did nothing to actually explain how just that people think he is. I use him all the time right now and don't see any advantage at all.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Doesnt every killer have the DS bug right now? Also it seems like it doesnt happens always, atleast not for me.

    That being said, sure everyone can use the charackter they want, theres nothing wrong with that.

    But if someones use certein things just because they KNOW it is bugged, then it is exploiting and thats a dig move.

    But the thing is, you cant even know if he knows.

    When the nurse had the speed bug with the addons i didnt knew that first and used it and also got insulted first, but when explained them i didnt even knew that they were ok with that especially since i didnt killed them then because i noticed that theres something wrong with my speed. :P

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    That is terrible just terrible......might get in a few Ash games tho im just a really big fan of the evil dead and havent played him in a minute lol

    But seriously, killer sucks. I was playing today for a rift challenge and got like no frames everytime i bloodlusted and RB wouldn't work, not for hooks or opening lockers. This is why people swtich to just being survivor mains, as if killer wasn't frustrating enough

  • Human_Giraffe
    Human_Giraffe Member Posts: 123

    I haven't played survivor since the new update so I haven't been able to play as Ash who I main. Thanks for letting me know, I'll play like, Laurie or Jake or someone like that.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    This forum is a trip man.

  • xXTrajikXx
    xXTrajikXx Member Posts: 20

    Im with the guys who say get a life. Like sheesh u complaing about a damn video game. Smh. Nerds!!! Btw, im using Ash now 😭

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Are you aware that Xbox is bugged and survivors can't hear terror radius at all? Now that you know this, are you going to stop playing every killer or keep playing? This isn't a joke, either. Since the new chapter dropped, I haven't been able to hear the killer's terror radius at all. The only killers I can stand a chance against are ones that have music with it. So like, Huntress, Meyers, Doctor, and Deathslinger are the only ones I can tell the killer is even near me.

  • FluffySharkz_
    FluffySharkz_ Member Posts: 48

    Me and my friends tested it, he's only bugged if you use Ashy Slashy, the puppet. I don't know why it's really weird. It could also happen with other hand cosmetics, but it happened with Ashy Slashy but not the default or prestige hands so take that for what you will.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    What about Ash is bugged right now?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Not just Blight. I couldn't hear Ash two days ago when I was playing Huntress.

  • What bugs? I was legit about to play him cause he's the only one I have MoM on.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    dont play Freddy because the dreamworld is bugged then

    and at that, dont run totems because of the Badham map. Or play over half of the roster because of the DS bug.

  • You Forgot "don't play survivor at all because some games killers can't hook people" I've been getting that bug as killer lately lol. Annoying, but it isn't anybody's fault but DBD.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    Following that logic 360’s are bannable when the killer misses because they got autoaimed. Exploiting ######### servers. It’s not really any different than someone who just has the iron will bug, except you know who has it ahead of time.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    So, firstly, you seemed kinda aggressive in the original post, and some of the comments. If you want people to do something, try and use a more respectful tone,

    Secondly, there are way too many bugs to just avoid them all so saying a specific one isn't too helpful, as some have mentioned, iron will is bugged, aswell as totems on remade badham and ds, etc.

    Thirdly, sadly people won't be banned for using this exploit, unless devs put something out about it until it's fixed, prime examples old legion and his blade addons (infini-mend)

    Lastly, personal opinion, I feel like they shouldn't say don't use ash as he's a pay for only dlc so if people got it, they should be able to use it, and they should instead prioritize fixing it, badham totems, and the hill as two are game breaking bugs, and the other is something that they can't really say, hey stop doing that until we get around to it for the 6th anniversary

  • HeroFromTheSky
    HeroFromTheSky Member Posts: 23

    Can someone explain how my main man Ash is a "glitch"?

    I mean...obviously I know how...but might wanna explain it for someone else here who doesn't get it...

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2020

    The people who are complaining and saying they're intentionally going to play ash are the same people who come on here and whine about killers using moris in their games. Just ignore them and kill them, move on to the next game.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    I main Ash.

    There's a lot of audio bugs on survivor side. Pretty common stuff. Nothing new.

  • Zarr0ch
    Zarr0ch Member Posts: 589

    I didn’t see people stop playing legion when he was bugged to all hell, actually I saw more legions. But I guess when it’s a killer advantage you don’t care

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    Wats up with ash

  • Lmronby
    Lmronby Member Posts: 339

    I've never not Once seen an In Game report do Anything; no stories, no personal interactions, no posts; so why bother

  • RatQueen
    RatQueen Member Posts: 16

    I didn't know Ash was bugged (partially because I don't have him, but also because I don't keep up on these forums that often) but if it's to do with the 'in built iron will' malarkey that I saw mentioned a few weeks ago, I've noticed that I'll play as Adam or Feng and I'll randomly stop making noise at a point in the game, however it's not every game that it happens and it's not just limited to those two, they're just the ones I play as the most.

    At the moment I think it's an all around bug that's affecting different survivors at different times. Welcome to DBD, where one bug gets fixed and 5 more take its place.

  • and what about the people who solo main ash? i myself solo main dwight because i have all perks in the game and a bunch of items/addons on him. i only have the rest of the characters to level 40, which means that they obviously don’t have the perks that i like playing with. so if some no-life on forums yelled at me not to play dwight bc his sound was bugged and i should be banned for playing him? yeah, good luck with that buddy.

    so yeah. what about the people who like me, only leveled up one character. and what if that one character was Ash? what are they supposed to do?

  • Boozespecter
    Boozespecter Member Posts: 3

    Honestly, it's behaviour's fault, not the player.

    I was very excited to play the new killer, and in a KYF match, my friend told me that I had no terror radius, only chase music.

    So despite really wanting to play blight for a good time now, I should not do so because one of the many ######### ups that came with the latest patch? Heck no.

  • Hood_bro
    Hood_bro Member Posts: 2

    Damn wondered why I was Ferring alot of Ash, I should have screen shot Ted my last game of the night was against 4 Ashes, still won but yeah... Oh and as a Killer main I will say I was one of the very... Very few who didn't exploit the hill bug, play who you like.... Just feel bad when you still loose with an exploit 😂

  • Flip_Flopper
    Flip_Flopper Member Posts: 19

    Must be some weird combo thing then because the same bug happens with Cheryll but with mainly demogorgon.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    I mean there is no message from BHVR that is telling people not to use him.

    Like i didn't even knew he was bugged until i saw your thread. And what type of bug is it ? Coz if it's a sound bug it's not only him, as every survivor you can vault a pallet without sounds even tho you don't have quick and quiet, so that would mean you have no right to use pallet anymore ? ^^

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    Ash Is my only character with all perks. Why would I stop. Its not my fault he's bugged

  • AestheticCharms
    AestheticCharms Member Posts: 136

    Remember When ds didn't work against doctor? Then the doc mains increase. Lmao gfys let the survivors get their time to shine

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited September 2020

    I bought Ash because I'm a huge fan of the character and Bruce Campbell. I'm not going to stop playing him because he's bugged, especially when he's otherwise the second worst survivor in the game with how loud he is and his perks being very gimmicky.

    Besides, every killer took advantage of the hill glitch and every killer (that can) is taking advantage of the stun and DS glitches, but I haven't seen a single post complaining about killers taking advantage of them.

    Post edited by DetailedDetriment on
  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    well "most" killers took advantage of the hill. As killer i never faced it but as survivor i didn't count how many times the killer would down me then dropped me away to give me a chance, and that in red ranks ^^

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    It's a common audio problem that happens to more survivors then just Ash. It happens to me consistently on Steve as well. I'm not going to stop playing Steve though- I wanna show off my new P3 face. Just send in a bug report and hope it gets fixed soon.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277
  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    edited September 2020

    I was let out once. I got stuck around 8 times total. It was always a Bubba or Wraith to take advantage of it.

    The bug is also sound oriented. Currently Ash only makes breathing sounds and screaming sounds. He has free BL, Q&Q, and Iron Will.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I wonder what using Calm Spirit would do. I think Ash would literally only breath and nothing else.


    I had to make an account on here to give my side of the story.

    You messaged me on xbox after the game asking if I knew Ash was bugged. I told you "Its like permanent iron will" because I didn't feel like typing out a longer response on controller. I thought the sound bug was only on my end though. I didn't realize killers couldn't hear me.. You immediately accused me of exploiting a bug. So I told you to "Get a life" because it seemed like you only messaged me to pick a fight. You falsely reported me over an assumption. I wasn't playing Ash to take advantage of a bug. I've been an Ash main since he first came out. He's the only p3 survivor I have and the only one who has good perks set up on him so he's all I play. I hope this bug gets fixed soon because I don't even wanna play survivor anymore if everyone is gonna accuse me of cheating just because I'm an Ash main.

  • Xyex
    Xyex Member Posts: 140

    As Killer I found 5 or 6 Survivors stuck in the hill. I pulled every single one out and left them slugged. As Survivor I also witnessed 2 other Killers do the same.

    I have yet to see a single Survivor let me, or anyone playing Killer, hook them when the hook bug happens and causes them to escape.

  • MasterTater
    MasterTater Member Posts: 46

    Nah if you told me to not play Jeff cuz he was bugged id tell you to ######### off as well hes the only survivor that i have leveled. Also unless the Devs say anything its a bug that is allowed to be exploited just like the Killer ######### rn

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    It Is rare on both sides, and im glad that you are one of the ones who recognize a bug and help out. I am not saying it never happens for either side, but it is rare. I had 2 matches last night where I stopped struggling to let the killer hook me (first one he dropped and picked up a second after arriving at the hook, so probaby didn't notice and the second was a wraith on the game with me on death hook). A friend of mine wiggled off in another match because of the bug but stayed at the hook so the killer could try again.

    In truth a lot of people get fixated on playing their side and don't really understand the experience from the other.

    I didn't mean to come across as us vs them or anything, was just pointing out that there are those that do play with good sportsmanship and an appeal to them should be positive. The kind of people that knowingly exploit a bug don't care, and the kind that don't will not appreciate an accusatory tone and it may have the opposite effect

  • ASLucifer
    ASLucifer Member Posts: 5

    I would agree, except people did lose their ######### roughly a couple of years ago when infinite mending legion was a thing...

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I'm watching someone playing ash right now and he's grunting and groaning loud as hell... apparently you're the one with the issue. You might want to look to the devs before claiming ash is bugged! enjoy!

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Finally I have a reason to play as Ash.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    It may be surprising, but I'm a killer main and didn't exploit the hill bug. I play survivor for rituals and archives, so I get the struggle, completely.

    But I'm a rarity I'm guessing? When I played survivor I avoided any hill after the first time I got stuck, so I wouldn't know first-hand.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    It is refreshing to see so many on here that didnt exploit that bug, i just wish you were in my games :)

    I led a trapper on a chase deliberately to where a meg was trapped and what did he do? Slugged me, downed and hooked her, then hooked me. Alright downing me is fair play, I was free to make my choices but that was just dirty. I felt like I sandbags her

  • Gam1ngga5tly
    Gam1ngga5tly Member Posts: 129

    Wait what is wrong with Ash. Btw I don't play him because his perks are very situational

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