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To people who play Ash knowing he is bugged



  • Member Posts: 30

    Some killers have no terror radius or reduced /messed up TR or theme music. I see these killers more frequently now. Now why don't you tell them to not use these killers too? No terror radius is much much more breaking than free iron will. Also I rarely play him so I can't tell what exactly make him silent, but not every Ash I encountered are silent.

  • Member Posts: 261

    stop fooling around i played Ash for a couple of games and hes not bugged.

    this community lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Actually it's not. The devs havent said its a ban to play him. Also what about the killers who are bugged against d's? Or nurses bugs? People use bugs for an advantage and the devs don't care enough to stop them. Also I just played against an ash who made noise. Its not always.

  • Member Posts: 411

    damn boys thanks for letting me know about Ash, ever since the great nerfing of MoM i felt like my money was robbed now this is the Ash i paid for.

  • Member Posts: 185

    I'd say we do the opposite and play Ash more frequently. The more often we face him, the louder the voice will be to fix him.

    On the flip side, I love Ash Williams so this is a huge plus and makes up for his Mettle getting nerfed last year. He's currently the strongest survivor in the game and truthfully, it fits with the lore. The man has survived countless years of apocalyptic events, whats one killer compared to an army of deadites, demons and monsters?

    Buff his personal perks, Flip-Flop Buckle Up and Mettle of Man as well. He needs the buff, but for now...


  • Member Posts: 875

    I think I got stuck 6 times in total, nobody freed me and kept me stuck to snowball and then came back to kill me.

    you bring up a good point though

  • Member Posts: 162

    I only played against Spirit in all my games tonight. Maybe because we can't use DS against her like some killers ?

    I don't play Ash. But I want to play him when I saw many killers abusing of bugs.

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    Whats wrong with ash?

  • Member Posts: 114

    This is too true. For even just saying that you might be lynched. ๐Ÿ˜…

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited September 2020

    Why can't you use DS against her? I pull her out if I start getting bullied. I'll use someone else though if she's bugged. I suppose I could just slug and wait the 60 sec like I usually do anyway. ๐Ÿ˜

  • Member Posts: 71

    Yeah, but I also remember a time when I ended up stuck in every other pallet that got slammed on muh head. Did survivors give me free hits, or just finish gens and leave? No, they kept me in game for 20 minutes while they farmed points and blinded me over and over.

    This is just the worst, most addictive game ever. LMAO

  • Member Posts: 376

    I get how that would be frustrating. If I'm being honest though in a situation like that there really isn't much a survivor could do to assist other than perhaps if they had Any Means Necessary and could pick the pallet back up. Their only options would be to slam out gens and leave with a depip and less than 10k BP or do what they did to get as much BP and emblems as they could. there are 2 whole emblems and scoring categories blocked if the killer doesn't or can't play. I hope I don't come across that situation, because I have definately done that sort of thing with AFK killers

  • Member Posts: 71

    That's all I'm saying. If there's a glitch that has a negative effect on a killer, survivors are still gonna do their survivor thing, even if it negatively affected the killer's game... And vice versa.

    I don't so much, because I quit caring about the 4k a LONG time ago. 90% of games, I'll give the last survivor hatch no worries. My main thing is having fun.

    Example: Other day I'm playing as GF on Ormond. I'm stalking a Meg, get revealed by a New above me on the balcony. I turn around, do a butt dance, Nea does the same. We butt danced together for about 5 minutes, then I went wherever she pointed. I ended up letting them all escape, and we all butt danced in a line to the exit gate. Good times. LOL

    People need to realize this is a game, and just a game. There's so many bugs in this game, that if you take it so seriously that you have to complain on forums like the OP did... You will NEVER have a good day of gaming.

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