BHVR Rewards Tunneling

A player got 545 points after being chased, camped and hooked 3 times within the first 3/4 minutes of the game after a Wraith tunneled the ######### out of her, didnt respect DS potential, just tunneled her out and left it to a 3v1 and got a 31k... How is that fair or rewarding gameplay? Yes there are perks to help that, but not everyone is a swf, these guys were purple/green rank. That type of killer forces a boring perk meta that's already boring and unchanged for months. How can anyone branch out and make fun builds when killers act like complete #########? It's his job to kill, but to bully someone out 3 minutes into a match is just toxic. Or am I the only player of both sides that gives survivors a chance of at least a black pip?
"Just bring DS lol"
You have to be pretty trash or have pretty trash teammates to only last 3-4 minutes for 3 hooks.
You have to be farmed off all the time, no borrowed. Trash teammates then.
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Im not on about me, but forcing players to bring ds and bt every game is so dull but without changes its forced. I have no idea what was happening but all I saw was her Wraith sitting in front of her and the other 2 trying to save her. saying git gud bring x y z perks isnt an answer, its just a bandaid on a bigger problem that BHVR wont fix
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at lower levels it is a good killer strategy because newer survivors don't know to just sit on gens in that situation. As they rank up they will find that it easily becomes a loss as survivors get better at extending chase and staying on generators.
To sum up, the tunnel and camp strategy eventually goes away as you rank up, so it is punished in that they will either have to change tactics or get a 1k most matches after a point
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It sucks that they got tunneled but your story sounds off. How did they tunnel, camp and get three hooks. Then get 31k. It sounds like you farmed the person on the hook.
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Jokes aside, is right, the game rewards "tunneling" unless you think you can get 12 hooks in the highest level.
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I have a killer who told me he tunneled the first survivor because it's a bad map. I forgot what map it was but it wasn't a bad map for him. Unlike that spiteful first comment above, the survivor lasted longer than a few minutes but there's no fun for both survivor and killer. I'm not sure why killers are so adamant at 'keeping their pip' or 'pip up' (therefore trying real hard without actually having fun) every game when they will have easier time at lower ranks. Yes I'm a survivor main who doesn't play to pip. I play for fun.
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On the contrary the game heavily punishes killers for tunneling good survivors. Hell it even punishes killers who don't tunnel at all.
Either way though if that person really only got 545 points throughout that whole game then that sounds like a them problem. Survivors don't just spawn on the hooks so to me it sounds like they were just really bad at looping so they probably need to work on that.
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And yet she was rank 6, I just dont get it, why have a rank system if anyone can climb regardless of actual skill. You shouldn't get a pip for doing nothing but gens and rescues, because once you do get chased you get downed fast and it ######### the rest of the team. Even in red ranks I get other reds that cant do chases but pip off being a gen jockey. But if you punish players for only doing gens when the killer tunnel visions its unfair. The game itself ######### itself over. I love the game, but the way the Devs half ass it and the community aggravates me.
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31k for tunneling/camping your joking if this was true everyone would do it.
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To say "We have to do it, because they forced us to do it" is nonsense.
You rob yourself of your fun, if you follow this philosophie. If you like to play with ds, then do it, but don't come up with this sort of excusses, because they aren't.
Every player has bad experiences in dbd. If everyoneone would play like that, we only would see ds and noed, but it isn't always like that.
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The devs don't care. It's that simple. They consider it a "legitimate strategy" even though it only harms the game. They just don't care.
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Wraith counters Borrowed Time, FYI. No matter if he was farmed or not, if the killer proxy camped he could easily tunnel the unhooked survivor. With or without DS, because Wraith has the bugged stun duration.
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Camping is punished pretty hard by the emblem system. Facecamping a survivor will cost you a lot of points.
If that survivor really got camped/tunnelled and still took 3 minutes to die your team should have been slamming gens like madmen. There's no reason you couldn't have finished 4 gens in that time.
Also, 545 points? There's something fishy about that. You can get more points than that just for sharing the killer's air for a few seconds. I had a game yesterday where a survivor who was AFK for the whole match got 800 points. And she died instantly on her second hook because she didn't struggle (which also gets you points).
I'm not trying to defend killers who facecamp, but something about that match as you describe it seems hinky. Is it possible your teammate was also AFK and the killer was using her as bait? I wouldn't condone that behavior, but I wouldn't condemn it either.
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They should just make hook progress stop when the killer is within 10 metres, easy fix. Id say about 75% of the killers in my games tunneled
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I purposely went on my brother's account to see how tunneling effected my score at low ranks. There was no DS so it was extremely easy. I ended up getting Adept Wraith for him from that match. So, yeah, tunneling rewards killers.
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Was already tried and abused by survivors.
Most cases aren't tunneling either. The survivors are just bad at chases or get hookfarmed.
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No killers do force a DS, BT, UB meta. Tunneling and camping is common. If there is no obsession people are getting tunneled straight off hook. Dont complain about DS, UB if it's the killers who have made the meta what it is.
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It's not fun when the survivors are disrespectful the whole game, escape and trash talk you at the end. That's why all killers need to tryhard all matches, cause if they don't, they lose. It's not for the pip
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Been there so many times - trash random players just unhook in front of the killer and I get farmed and destroyed in minutes. Those matches are not fun.
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And during that 3-4 minutes what were the rest of you doing?
You said 3-4 minutes, so let's take the middle of that and say 3:30. That is 210 seconds. Assuming that 1 person goes for the save and the other 2 work on gens. A gen takes 80 seconds to complete. During that 210 seconds, survivors can finish 2.6 gens solo. Now let's assume it takes some time to run to the gen so we can make it go down to 2 gens solo. But let's also factor in that first chase where you had 3 survivors on gens before the tunneling started. During that time you could have easily completed 5 gens and escaped, but you didn't. Instead, you came to whine on the forums.
I never understood the anger around tunneling. Personally i like getting tunneled because holding m1 on a generator is boring and i'd rather be getting chased. Camping i give you, because that is completely uninteractive and also boring.
Also, to close it out, if the survivor only got 545 points from being chase and tunneled, he wasn't running away correctly. I can easily clock 8k boldness every game even if the killer doesn't tunnel. Often times it is the reason i end up getting camped...