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Time to uninstall.



  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Obviously, you’re the only one of us who isn’t content with the “story,” so kindly take your unnecessary inquisition elsewhere, thxx🤨

  • Member Posts: 84

    I know what the original post said but from what I gathered this person has been only playing survivor recently and has been upset with the way killers are playing. What I asked was to stop playing survivor and play killer solely for a long enough time period to understand the other side. It's very easy to lose understanding for one side or the other when you end up playing one for too long. As I said if you play killer for a long time you will inevitably camp or tunnel its just impossible if you want to win or at least get a kill or two.

    If you truly played both sides then you wouldn't make a post like this on the forum.

  • Member Posts: 84

    Also in my experience I tend to get bad teammates or "unfun" killers and do you know what I do? my best. I know that sounds crazy but its led to some amazing moments that I would take over bullying a killer who refuses to tunnel and camp for my enjoyment. I'd rather punish them or find some way to overcome it and those moments are why I still play the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Maybs it all already has happened an what we’re playing out is simply the entries in various former killer’s memoirs.

    Who knows?

    It’s a collaborative effort, all are welcome!😉

  • Member Posts: 159

    Trust me this isn't the only game. Predator hunting grounds makes this game's power role look like a god. I swear this is the case with most asym games. It's sad.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I've been able to win often enough while playing solo survivor, so I find that to be a big exaggeration.

    Nevertheless, swf survivors definitely have unfair advantages over solo survivors, and countering a camping killer is one of those. With a full solo survivor team, until the last survivor has realized that the killers is facecamping, it's already too late for the survivor team to rush through enough gens.

    And I honestly don't understand why camping still gets defended so much by some people on these forums.

    Though the probably biggest disadvantage for solo survivors right now isn't even related to balancing, it's the matchmaking and rank system.

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited September 2020

    if only Matthew Cote was here to be a salesperson for Civ VI again...

    Edit: I'm still betting a butt-ton of marbles that he "got in trouble" for that because he was advertising another game and not because he insulted the community.

  • Member Posts: 434

    Whelp I too am done with this game. My last game just cut the straw.

    I'm trying to learn blight, and on console he is very clunky. I think any killer played on console is more difficult. Well I kept getting 360ed every single time by this Feng and the auto aim would swing me wrong and kept making me miss. This happened every time. I'm low rank on killer too because clearly I'm not the best. I get 4ks with doc and spirit but I really wanna play the new killer. Well this Feng just really aggravated me, plus she had a key, so I tunneled. I admit that. Well she kept 360ing me and camping powerful loops. It didn't help my fov was in the grass either. Well I finally get her and of course everyone on her team (I think they were swf) had borrowed time and of course she also had DS. They all ended up getting out and tbagged me as well. I knew I wasn't going to win, I just wanted the Feng. She was real toxic, tbagging pallets then would run to another loop and tbag. They all also were running really powerful perks too, a lot of crutch second chance perks. As a survivor main of four years, I don't even run those.

    But anyway, that's not why I'm choosing to stop playing, it was after game where they all chose to message me and laugh at me, telling me how bad I was, how I sucked, how I deserved it, flooding my messages with laughing emojis. Btw I was rank 13, they were all rank 5s. It wasn't enough that they won, but to bully me and laugh at me when I'm already feeling down about losing. Im just sick of it. I'm sick of how toxic the dbd community is. I've delt with this for years and I'm just done. Its sad that not even the overwatch community is this toxic. Egos need to be checked. Tbh now, even as a survivor main, I dont care if they nerf survivors even more. I hope they do actually. Maybe it'll set some of those toxic ######### in place.

  • Member Posts: 4

    DS + BT + Good looping skills (or good teammates) = Problem solved.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Ye, you surely play at high rank to say this. If you would and if you would play killer you would know how useless those perks are.

    Not useless actually but not that strong to prevent tunneling and camping.

    BT = if the killer tunnels, you just earn 1 hit.

    DS = slugging counters it perfectly

    Good looping skill sure but against a good killer it won't last 2 hours... and some killers totally negate looping (PH, nurse, Huntress, Spirit, Clown).

  • Member Posts: 251

    Coming from a guy in the team "We killers are crying for 4 years". Lol grow up.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Well if you don't want Killers camping maybe you should ask the devs to either 1. Increase gen times or 2. Add a secondary objective to the game other than gens. Most of time killer's camp because survivors do the gens too quickly and doesn't give the killer enough time to chase everyone properly so in order to counter this they camp a kill. It's just bad game design by the developers.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2020

    Killers on this forum continue to defend the camping and tunneling "strat" or mechanics cause they are trash in chase, trash in map control and overall trash in the knowledge of the game design.

    The game has been designed around generators, it's the main objectives for both side.

    Survivors need to do gens and to hold the killer enough time to escape.

    Killer has to protect the generators to prevent the survivors to escape.

    Generators placement on the map is not randomly dumb, there are always 3 gens that you can properly defend one next to another. Doing this will give the killer a huge advantage at the end of the game when there is only 1 to 2 generators left to be done.

    1st phase must be hard chases and as many hooks as possible.

    2nd phase should be defending the gens and getting kills.

    But you know, it requires more than 80 IQ to understand that camping/tunneling are a cheap mechanics, to understand how to properly play the game to have fun and to give fun to the other side.

    Killers think they are pro cause they got 3k/4k by camping, they think they are high skilled cause they are red ranks. Last months, i have met so few good killers that know how to apply pressure and win games without campnig/tunneling, it's crazy. It's not even 5% of them i think...

    A killer that get a kill on a survivor that got hooked only once should not get any extra points. A killer that succeed to get 4k by hooking all survivors only 1 time should get 6k points + some chase points and depipe.

    If the developpers want an enjoyable game, they have to punish killers that play like this cause it's not fun and it doesn't help anyone to improve.

    Survivors have T-Bag to be toxic, it doesn't ruin the game, some killers just take it personnaly, it's not a good behavior but well it's just a surv crouching...

    Killers that camp are ruining the game for everyone. When i play killer, i go away from the hook everytime but ye sometimes i got 2k with 10 hooks, fair enough as i pipe up, and everyone had fun.

    A killer that has 0k with 8 hooks should be more rewarded than a killer that has 3k with 5 hooks.

    Post edited by maderr on
  • Member Posts: 30

    Not sure I entirely agree. I'm a red rank survivor and this is what I always thought if I see a killer face camps. But it's actually almost always red rank killers that face camps.

    On that train of thought, I think you're right. It's the low rank killers that do face camps, tunnels. Got their pip and ranked up.

    Wish there's ways to match up with killers that got their ranks without that much tunneling. At least if I lose I know I lost to a skilled killer, and I respect them for that.

  • Member Posts: 159
    edited September 2020

    You want my advice? Turn off crossplay. I had it on and match after match I was put with toxic survivors that weren't even close to my rank so it was loss after loss by a landslide. As soon as I turned it off I was put in more balanced matches that felt like the survivors were around my skill level, they couldn't pull off stupid 360s because it's harder on console and surprisingly they were less toxic. No joke I had a couple matches of survivors trying to be friends with me as the killer lol. Matches will take longer to find but honestly it's worth waiting a bit longer for more enjoyable matches.

    Oh and of course they'll still tbag at the exit gates there's no escaping that but just wait till the timer ends and they'll leave and you won't have to face them tbagging.

  • Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2020

    The problem started with SWF and no buff to killers around it.Devs strategy is to get milk from survs.They wont be any operation health not buff for killers till game go hell.

    Survs complain of broken killers were the brken part of the system are them.I hope it keep having more and more broken killers or already a killer riot or basically no more killers that will be the only way to get a balance

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, it is indeed saying a lot when the DbD community makes Overwatch toxicity in Competitive mode look like a game of Roblox by comparison.

    The community has been an absolute turn off here for too long. I shouldn't feel a need to close off all chat and make my Steam profile completely private just to play a game and have fun. Not even in Overwatch do I need to go through all that just to play in peace.

    I've actually uninstalled for a host of reasons, and plan to delete the forum bookmark after posting this to you. I play video games for fun, even Overwatch, and DbD is just not fun anymore. And there are far, far too many options out there. I don't "need" an asymmetrical game, or a horror game, in my rotation. I'm having a blast in Spellbreak, for example.

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    edited September 2020

    I had match like that today it was Felix not a feng all had those perks we all hate I dced throw my controller I was pissed that how it is playing killer not fun.

    sorry they sent you tho message too it why I have my turned off the survivor are the most toxic people in the game sorry there are killer who are toxic but with this being 4v1 game there more toxic survivors there always will be.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    as someone who played predator, thats not true at all. Predator in that game was so easy it just had a high skill floor. Back in the early days me and my friends ran kill squads to kill the predator every match, that was until they nerfed our class

  • Member Posts: 159

    Obviously you'd think predator was powerful if you were up against complete noobs. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell you predator was nothing more than a punching bag for the fireteam and still is. Get on that game's forums and you'll see I'm not lying. In fact play the game as fireteam use a loadout that isn't garbage and you'll be killing predators all night. It's a joke how easy it is. If you do all of this and then tell me predator is easy to play as then I'll know you're a compulsive liar.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    you know that i played from beta and preordered right? meaning like this game fireteam was way stronger and i still succeeded. My build has never failed me and never will. i just don't play due to the queue times

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    but i thank you for reminding me of the other game i play that isn't as hair ripping as dbd

  • Member Posts: 1,295
  • Member Posts: 1,295

    omg i just read the forums, what have they done to my combistick

  • Member Posts: 434

    Sad part is, cross play is off. Controls on console for survivor are easy to use, especially when 360ing a blight.

  • Member Posts: 832

    It's a problem, and that isn't deniable.

    But if you punish them for camping, the number of campers in this community will probably go down by one.

    Unless they're stupid.

  • Member Posts: 298

    In my country we have a saying: when the insult comes from a pathetic nobody, there's no reason to get mad at it.

    It perfectly fits my case with you and with all the survivor mains like you. Cya. :)

  • Member Posts: 298

    In my country we have a saying the roughly translates in this: "When the insults come from a pathetic nobody, no reason to get mad at it."

    And it fits perfectly for my case with you, cya ;)

  • Member Posts: 251

    Lol, posting this twice cause you are in need of attention ? 🤣

    But to feel the need to say something like this, your life is surely miserable...

    At least, i'm sure you are nowhere near what i have achieved in my young age but anyway, cya , you didn't bring any valuable point on this thread.

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