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General Discussions

Why are the survivor's adept achievments so easy?

Member Posts: 2,948
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

I have them all for both roles, except Adept Nurse... Cause... Console...

I have to say that, besides Lauri and David's adepts, every other adept is WAY too easy for survivor, and for killer it's actually a challenge.

Why not change survivor ones by making a condition to Double Pip like with killers? It's not that hard but it woould at least make them a challenge, RN I've watched multiple survivors just crouch and get hatch doing nothing the whole game to get the adept...

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    It’s actually that hard because they can’t just change the descriptions/requirements on consoles as they wish. As long as the achievement is somehow legitimately achievable, they can’t change them. Because of Sony At least that’s how I understand it.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    It's because you only need to leave and "survive" long as you have the 3 original perks of said character.

    Killers have to make the effort to kill FOUR survivors with only their original perks.

    Survivors dont have to do anything but leave. The killer can easily leave survivors alone the entire trial. And the survivor gets the achievement.

  • Member Posts: 542

    If it was just kill the survivors, it would be easy.The killer has to spoonfed the match to the survivors, giving every oportunity and second chances so they can save each other, and hope that one of them don't disconnect or get the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Because it's almost impossible to get 4 iri emblems as a survivor. The requirements are: not being downed ONCE during the entire match AND being chased by the killer for a long time, while also having time to do gens and unhook people. Seems pretty busted, that's why survivors only need to escape.

    Killers? Well, it is kind of unfair compared to the survivor, but achieving 4 iri emblems is much more possible. Hard, but doable..

  • Member Posts: 1,073

    As stated all a Survivor needs to do is escape.

    A Killer, however, needs to double pip. They can't 4k too fast because if they do they'll not be able to do it. And it's almost impossible to do it at Rank 1 because Rank 1 requires all Iridescent Emblems for a Merciless Victory. Whereas Survivor at rank 1 can be off by two to three pips on the bar and can double pip so you need to generally wait until rank reset.

    In short, it is SO much more difficult for Killer to get Adept instead of Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,253
    edited September 2020

    The worst part is, it's not just 4 kills. You also have to double pip. So you need 12 hooks with the hatch being in the game (so youre forced to slug the 3rd and even then its not guaranteed). Also 1 DC also robs you of the achievement. And people killing themselves on hook. So it's not just about you playing well, it's also luck based.

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