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Medkits are BROKEN!!!!

anytime I use the last 16 charges on a medkit, it does not heal all the way. happens every time since the new patch
*sigh, cmon guys.
Can we allocate some more resources to the bug and programming team instead of your character/art/wardrobe department, please!!!!
The people who work on characters/art/wardrobe are a different team with a different job. You can't have artists and cosmetics designers fix bugs even if you wanted
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Thanks for that insight, but I’m well aware character artists or environmental artists (another example) wouldn’t handle gameplay bug fixing. For the people in the back, “allocating resources”, and let me use this as transparently as possible, even though I have no place to do so, means pay more people to fix this broken game than to make cosmetics. That is all.
I’m using the cosmetics as an example because there seems to be no shortage of those. Repeatedly, we are offered new cosmetics to purchase. And while they may be fun to look at and keep things fresh for the player-base, it certainly feels like fixing problems with this game is on the back burner - and much of the community is becoming increasingly frustrated. Oh boy, new Greek cosmetics, now I can be frustrated in fashion.
This game is the most broken it’s ever been, at this very moment.
Post edited by ble3kaudio on0 -
Just used a yellow medkit with butterfly tape and Syringe - ran out of charges without fully healing and ate the medkit. No Syringe was used. I got no heal.
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I've also noticed that a grey medkit with and without butterfly tape will spend all charges to heal you, the medkit heals the same with and without butterfly tape, basically saying that slightly increases heal speed does nothing on medkits
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Pretty sure that butterfly tape only decreases the time it takes to heal and don't decrease the number of charges you use.
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Ah okay, I didnt know how that worked. Ty.
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Medkits and add ons have worked fine for me?
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But fixing bugs on a product people have already purchased isn't going to net them more cash...
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No but it will lose them future sales if those players quit out of frustration due to bugs.