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Rift problem

Hey I've got a problem with a rift challenge. It's on the tome IV, chapter 2 on the far left "Start a chase with 4 different survivors while playing the perk Beast of Prey (and in one match)". So i tried doing just what it says : doesn't work. I tried bloodlusting everyone : doesn't work. I tried leveling up beast of prey to level 3 : same result. And re-bloodlusting everyone. Anyway, am i missing something or does anyone had the same problem ? Thanks a lot !


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I had no problems with that challenge at all, so definitely nothing you are missing and it wasn’t as complicated as getting blood lust on everyone or something...

    do you Play the game in English? there are apparently 2 perks in the French version with the same name (can’t confirm that one, just read about it)

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    For this challenge you just need to equip the perk and chase each survivor at least once.

    But you can only chase one survivor at a time so even if you are chasing one, and an other is running in front of you, it will only count the chase for the first survivor not the second one ^^.

    I suggest doing this challenge with Legion, you will get in chase with survivors pretty easily ^^

  • FairyW
    FairyW Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the answers, I do play the game in French! I'll definitely look at all the perks name, if there's 2 perks named the same, maybe there's my problem. Thanks again!

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    It a problem, but I really am not sure if that is really the case. Just read about it and I think it was ‚predator‘..

    did you try the challenge after the hotfix again? Maybe there was a minor bug that is now fixed..

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Yeah French translation screwed me over so many times i changed to English ^^ But i got a good laugh when i realized Bubba's power is "Tronçonneuse de Beauf" instead of "boeuf" :P

  • FairyW
    FairyW Member Posts: 3

    Hey, I found it, two perks are indeed named the same in french. Beast of Prey and Predator are both named "Predateur". And it is Predator that you need to equip in order to complete the challenge. Thanks again for the help !