What’s up with gens sound now?

Did we really need to change this? It is incredibly loud, it drowns out hearing and as killer I can 100% tell when a gen is being worked on, seemingly from even further away. I really don’t want to hear a 1978 ford pinto trying to start up all game
It was always loud, it's just that now the "Clunking" has been replaced with "Clinking" or "Sparking".
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I want to drive a generator.
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They now sound like you're starting a Car, it's incredibly stupid and needs to go away. it makes the gens just annoying to repair and the sound doesn't fit and is stupid. Yes I know I said it was stupid twice.
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Have you played today? Now it’s clinking, sparking, and a loud ass trying to turn over an engine sound
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It is stupid, so the double use is warranted. :)
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Am I the only one who was very confused by it at first? I was like "Where's that truck?"
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I genuinely thought it was a horse lol
The old saying goes "don't fix something that isn't broken". These new gen sounds are just extremely annoying to hear and are way too loud. Just doing gens repeatedly was annoying but now this makes it unbearable.
Hopefully this is one thing they change back soon.
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If anything is driving, then it's the generators new sound. It drives me crazy.
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So.. ya having trouble hearing the killer approaching?
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You beat me to the punch by about 30 minutes. I JUST posted my own long-winded response on how the new gen sounds are too extreme.
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The turn over engine sound just sounds bad and out of place for the generator. Instead of adding new unnecessary sounds they should focus on fixing the missing sounds.
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While this isn't gamebreaking like the aura changes were the new gens sounds are just as annoying. I don't recall there being some sort of outcry to change the gen audio, much less to a sound that is significantly louder and completely out of place. The first time I heard the sound earlier I seriously wondered if a new element had been added to the game and I was going to have to find a replacement battery for the generator. This was an unneeded, unnecessary change that made the game worse.
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The developers love changing things that don't need to be changed and end up making the game worse in one aspect or another. The community has to push a brick boulder up a hill to get the developers to even think of changing anything else.
But then, ofc there's money, which speaks louder than a thousand posts.
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Oh my god I'm so glad I'm not the only one who HATES it! It's not that it was too loud it's just freaking annoying, it makes my back shiver almost the same way likr when someone scratches a chalkboard with nails...urghhhh I hate it so bad.
I don't even know what they were thinking...it's like mixture of sounds: car starting, weird horse huffs and a pigeon stucked inside the generator. (Yeah, that's how it sounds to me).
They should really consider adding new sounds to the PTB cause urgh... Or maybe they should consider hiring someone new who specialize on sounds cause come on...during the last year I got many times iritatw by some sounds, f.e. I find Demogorgon's roaring after each hit so annoying, I remember when Yui came out her hooking scream was so pinched it was making my ears bleed (it got fixed), and I'm not even talking about how annoying Zarina's crying on hook is/was.
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But in terms of balance, it's needed.
I legit can't hear people fixing gens just beside me when i'm playing as killer.
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"(Vroom Vroom), killers know they cant catch me! (Vroom Vroom) Cute, Sexy and my Gen's sporty!"
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It was so comical the first time I ran past a Felix tryin’ to start up his beat-up old 1970’s station wagon generator.
Having worked on DBD gens for hours today, it’s actually super annoying, imo. There seem to be like 3 distinctly different startup sfx. One sfx would have been more appealing, although not necessary.
A gen that size may have a larger rev.
They jus sound noisy an silly, tbh
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Absolutely agree. There was no need whatsoever to change the gen sound. Why change something that works? You can only make it worse. I hope they listen to us and remove the new sounds, they are annoying as hell.
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You've gained a superpower from playing so much killer. Time to take to the streets with a red leather suit on and wipe crime off the streets of Hell's Kitchen
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I think I'm in the minority here when I say that I actually really like the new gen sounds. The whole car engine starting is a little over-the-top but I think it's cool nonetheless.
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Am I the only one who briefly wondered if the Entity knows what a generator sounds like?
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It's not needed. I could hear people working on gens just fine. and the sound doesn't fit. If it's needed so bad then make it a sound only the killer can hear. it's annoying otherwise.
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ITS LOUD AS HELL! Also repeats too often. Very annoying. :(
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I like it too! I love having these new sounds, it's cool to hear something different after years of repairing gens.
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I like it. I think it is a little bit too loud, but overall I like the new sound effects for gens. Even if they are stupid.
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I hope they get rid of those sound effects. It is way too loud, it sounds off, annoying, silly and makes me not want to do a gen. Please remove and we will pretend you guys never did this...
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Yeah, these gen sounds are so horrible and are making me uncomfortable doing them.
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Ok. This is the second time since I"ve come back to DBD that a change to the game is literally in my opinion, REDICULOUS. Sorry, whoever was behind the "New Auras" that got instantly reverted and whoever is behind this Gen change is KILLING the game.
I've been enjoying this game so much lately, but I will 100% say this and I'm not just complaining. It's FINE if you want to alert killers that people are working on gens, making some perks more useful. BUT The gen sound right now is VERY repetitive, and ANNOYING. I literally hate the sound, I don't want to work on gens because I have to listen to this loop track of a car starting every game.
Gen repairs are a core part of the game, and if you ARE going to alter or change a sound you should make sure it's a sound that people can listen to over and over again for literally hundreds and for some THOUSANDS of hours. It's not a decision that should be made lightly, and I really think you should have tried this out in the PB before bringing it to live because I'm SURE it wouldn't have made it through.
To sum up my opinion:
Gen sounds being more distinct when being worked on for killer is OK
This sound loop / file is HORRIBLE and I will most likely quit playing the game because of it. I won't listen to this engine sound for more than 1-2 games at a time.
Not only do I not feel like playing much, but I usually watch Dead by Daylight gameplay on YT before bed, and I don't even want to do that at this point.
I really do hope our opinions of the gen sound is heard and hope that DBD team will investigate the feedback further.
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Haven't been able to experience it for myself, but all the complaints make me worried, that it might cause problems for me; I am hard of hearing and the old gen sound already was incredibly distracting for me.
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The sound is so obnoxious when working 2 or more on the gen.
Also, not that anyone used to perk beforehand, but now Feng Mins perk Technician serves no purpose, cause it doesn't turn down the volume of the motor, so killers can still hear you working on the gen
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Have to agree that the normal gen sounds were kinda relaxing, even with the added gen sfx during the Blight release, they all synergized well with multiple survivors repairing the same generator simultaneously.
New gen repair sfx seem excessive, imo
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Wait what the actual heck? FEng's PERK Doesn't help? Omg... and I thought this decision couldn't have been made more blindly. That's just lazy. OOF who is working on the backend of game development :(
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It is genuinely irritating on the survivor side. The SFX is so damn loud and it plays the same three variants of the revving SFX just seconds apart from one another.
If more than one survivor is on a gen you hear both your revving SFX and the other survivor's revving SFX. Yes... This SFX stacks and plays on top of itself for maximum annoyance.
The SFX is so comically loud I can't hear my friends talk. If a skill check happens at the peak of a revving SFX you won't hear the skillcheck SFX.
This inclusion is silly and, more importantly, is irritating because of how loud it is and how often it repeats itself when working on a gen.
If they're adamant on keeping this out-of-place SFX in the game just lower its volume output on the survivor's side and keep it at its current output on the killer's side if you must (so the killer can hear you working on the gen).
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It was extremely quiet before. When you're engaging in a chase near the gen, you can't hear it at all.
I have survivors popping a gen just besides me when i'm chasing other survivors in that area, and i don't even know it's being worked on.
Sure if you play stealth killer, you can hear it. Otherwise, no. So it's actually needed.
But i wouldn't mind if they change it again to suit both sides
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I like them. I think it is good addition.
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I like the new sounds. Love it covers up that killer approach from both sides.
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As a killer it makes patrolling ridiculously easy I can hear from a few meters extra if they are working on a gen or not. It's a huge time saver i'm starting to think this is the bhvr solution for genrushing.🤔
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I thought i was versing a billy when i first heard that. But no, they decided to turn gens into car engines.
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This is what people are worried about ..? Personally I'm just glad killers got SOME sound indicators back
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As a new player, all I can say is that this change was critical to me.
I don't know if it's my sound card or my hearing or what but I couldn't hear any generator sounds at all except for the standing whirr of a progressed gen. It's to the point that I've tried to kick a gen that was being worked on the other side.
Reading on the forums and tips that I was supposed to be able to hear these clicky clacks was driving me nuts. With the new sounds I feel like I'm getting the proper cues and it'd really suck for me if they reverted it.
Mind you, I don't want others to suffer if it's really grating on them. But I want to contest the idea that the old sounds were working.
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They def needed to add an extra sound to replace the clinking. The new gens were too quiet with just the sparking. I actually love the new sound and makes a perk like Technician more viable if you feel the absolute need to do gens quietly.
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Have you ever started a portable generator that requires pulling a rip cord? It makes a noise pretty spot on to what the new gens do.
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That's a fair argument too. not being able to hear during a chase is a music issue it's loud for sure.
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I think it's great killers have a better and more reliable way to audibly keep track of progressing gens while in their vicinity; they just need to tone it down on the survivor's side. I think the particular sound they chose (the revving) sounds silly and out-of-place, but I'm glad there's something more there for killers, at least.
It's just this SFX is so loud and the nature of what this SFX noise is becomes grating on the ears in no time on the survivor side.
I'll mention this one more time: Keep this new SFX volume the level it is on the killer's side (to help killers) and reduce it for the survivor's perspective (so their ears don't bleed).
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Vroom vroom. Gotta go fast
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Technician just reduces the range the sound is heard by 8 meters for the killer (as a survivor you won't be able to see this effect) as it isn't a straight reduction in noise like Iron Will vs injured moaning.
A majority of complaints isn't even that Killers can hear them working on it or not - it's that it's an ear piercing grating annoying revving noise that the survivor is forced to listen to now that stacks on other survivors doing the same rip-cords. Lawnmower noises wouldn't have even been necessary if they made the clinking noise equally loud - if anything the noise pollution as a headset killer doesn't give me any real advantage as someone who could hear survivors working on gens as it were.
Edit TLDR: Just crank the volume or keep the same sounds for the killer's hearing now if they think it's balanced but tone that racket down for survivors who don't enjoy listening to annoying noises just for doing their objective
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I hadn't realized what was going on last night and I asked my friend if his dad ever got their car started 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂
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Use your eyes? I mean fine make the gens slightly louder. (even though good killers pay attention anyways.) But making it so loud that there's no effort on your part to know if survs are working a gen while you chase near it is just a braindead buff for killers. When I play killer I constantly look back to see if survivors are back on gens (bc they try to get away with it all the time.) I dont need a baby buff to make it effortless for me. Why would full time killer mains need to be babied?
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Yes, it is louder than it needs to be. But the real issue is the sound just doesn't match the object. It sounds like I'm starting a car. I hope they change it.