New bugfix patch notes list of changes does not include all changes.

Hi everyone, I read the tweet today about the 4.2.1 bug-fix patch that came out today. I know things have been weird on the forum and communication is kind of fuzzy today, although the tweet here says that it lists all of the changes made, it seems that there are actually a few things that were changed that are also missing, most prominently nerfs to compound-21.
I was wondering, are there any other changes that have been made? I heard generators got an audio rework, but that also doesn't appear on the list.
What are these changes exactly?
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Compound 21 now reveals survivors in a 8m radius for 3 seconds.
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The effect supposedly is still unchanged, it is merely the description of the item that has changed. It still lasts for 6 seconds.
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Even 8m for 3 sec is ridiculous. 5 slams, 40m worth.
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Five 8m circles is only 1/5th the area of one 40 meter circle, and thats with zero overlap. Cutting the radius in half reduces the area by four.
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They made it so you don't need a flashlight to play Freddy on Badham and Yamaoka.
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I felt so bad cause I had a Freddy on yamaoka and he couldn't see anything. He didn't dc so, respect
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Compound 21 has not yet been changed, the text has changed on the add on but this has not been implemented on the Live build at the present time.
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Oh thank #########
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Unhookable Glitch on Killer is still there along with the 2-second ds on certain killers are literally game breaking but haven't been fixed with this hotfix
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Why they always keeping secrets? People always discover them in the end. ☺
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Then why change it first if it doesn't do what it mentions?
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Damn I was hoping that hook bug would be fixed. The DS one too but I play mostly killer and that bug has been losing me matches sometimes