What was the first killer that you bought?

I remember during the old legion times I bought the legion as my first killer because I was a noob and I heard they were OP
Shape, that was the only one available to purchase at the time.
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Micheal. Got a 4k my first time playing as him. Worth it.
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I mix that up sometimes I thought nurse was the first killer added to the game
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I bought more than one at the same time, I got doctor, CLown, and Myers
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Halloween Chapter. I was into the game and iirc he was the first DLC that cost money.
To be honest the DLC has never been an issue for me because I have stocks that give me dividends every quarter, and this game has chapters coming out about every 3 months so technically this game is free to play for me, I just have to shift things around every few months.
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Halloween because I love Michael Myers, and it just went from there. I started a bit before Leatherface was new and I've picked up every DLC since.
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She was, but she was free.
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Michael Myers.
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Pig was the first killer I bought with real money, and Legion was the first I bought with iridescent shards
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OG Captain Kirk
...looks like him, anyways
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Technically, Myers... but I didn't buy it for Michael, I bought it for DS (I used to be extremely toxic, even maining Nea. That's in the past, and I don't want to think about those times). I really don't buy killers, I buy survivors. I would say the first killer I bought (as in, go out for) was Ghostface (not even Leatherface, I bought the paragraph for the Dwight cosmetic when I was a Dwight main).
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I just checked. Apparently it was Freddy, Doctor, Myers, Hag and Leatherface all on the same day.
I got the game mid 2018 and I think those were on sale a few weeks later.
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Technically Ghost Face, but I was gifted the DLC and didn't buy him. The first one I bought with shards was Legion, and the first two I bought with auric cells were Myers/Bubba, I can't remember which one was first.
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Bought game when Nightmare released. Got adept with old Freddy. I'll feel good about that forever. Got him and Quentin to 50 before I played anyone else.
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Biggest mistake of my life.
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Daddy Myers.
The main reason I was attracted to this game.
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I don't exactly remember, but it was either Myers or Clown (I'd originally started playing DbD about a month or two before Clown was released).
Though I got Hag and Doctor (and Nurse / Huntress) for free by virtue of buying the game on console, so I guess I technically "bought" them first.
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Bought Curtain Call the moment I heard there was a Clown in dbd. 🥴
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Clown. Ironically, I brought him for Kate, who ha seen my main ever since. After that - Spirit. First killer I bought just to play, and not because I even knew how strong she was. I just liked her in vids and thought "that sound fun." Then I got to mid/high ranks and found out that she was, in fact, one of the strongest killers in the game and that most spirits did not, in fact, know how to play her and just slapped on Stridor, thus giving me a bad name by proxy and earning me a buttload of hate just for playing my favourite killer.
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I bought this game because of mikey
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Bubba. I'm a big fan of Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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I had the game gifted when Legion dropped.... And then was gifted GF after
But then I did buy Plauge... with Auric Cells
And Deathslinger... with shards
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It was Legion when the game first came out on Switch. I waited over 30 minutes and never hit a lobby. I just don't have that kind of time to spare so never touched Legion (or any other killer) again for months. I felt so ripped off, lol. 😐
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Og freddy. My favorite freddy!
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Myers. He wasn't the only option for me when I joined the game but he seemed quite strong at rank 12.
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When Deathslinger came out, my friend started getting me into the game more. I watched a JFJ video of Deathslinger, which made him look immensely fun. So I bought the chapter, turns out he is my favorite killer now, and I feel like I can only play well with him now.
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Death slinger ain't that bad
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I don't actually know, to be honest.
It's been a while.
I do have all DLCs, but I actually have zero clue which one I got first. xD
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The shape because it was the first licensed one.
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Wow im am not unique at all, I too first bought the Halloween DLC. But not because it was the first one that cost money, I didn't start playing until around the time they added DBD to gamepass so like a year a go. But I mean, Its Micheal ######### Myers! P3'd him too, didnt even have teachable unlocked until I leveled up doc for M&A to have a 0 terror radius back when that wasn't standard. The good old green rank days.....
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Well I brought the game so technically,I brought the original 6ix. Let's see there was Billy,Wraith,Trapper,Hag,Doctor, and Huntress , Then I brought Myers after a while good times.
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Bubba, gotta have that bbq to manage the grind and Hag ofc for the good old ruin.
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The Shape back in 2016 right when he came out. I remember it being so scary. You only vs'ed Myers for 2 Weeks.
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When I first started DbD I began as an Ace main so TECHNICALLY Hag was the one I bought first.
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Myers, since he was the only purchasable DLC at the time.
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Myers, and the Killer I play almost exclusively in fact.
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I believe it was the pig, I'm not 100% sure but I am a saw fan so probably it was her.
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Hag and Deathslinger at the same time, just a couple of weeks ago.
I love Trapper, and I knew Hag played similar to him... so I went with her.
I picked up Deathslinger because he was also on sale and I love his concept... I've tried him a few times and I can still barely figure out which end of the gun shoots.
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pig, glad i did too cause shes one of my mains
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I had to go into my Steam purchase history to find the answer to this.
As you can see, Leatherface was the first killer I bought.
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I also bought Freddy and now I have the full arsenal of killers. And this is my 1000th comment!! 😋
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Leatherface. I bought the game a couple months after console launch and didn’t play that much until BBQ appeared in the Shrine for the first time. I bought the DLC after I barely missed it. The other chapters and skin packs followed.