what are some good perks to use on legion

right now I'm using discordance, iron maiden, bbq and chili and bamboozle and its working pretty well for me ive won every match so far even with no addons although I know legion is really good so it could just be that its just easy to win with but yeah
and no I'm not a legion main just using him for for now while I get bp to use on other killers
Best Answer
I'm using Enduring, Bamboozle, Spirit Fury and BBQ.
Enduring because it's faster to get stunned by a pallet and break it than to wait for that 4 second stun.
Bamboozle for countering the epic outplay by Survivors that allows them to go through you while vaulting a window, making your power useless.
Spirit Fury to punish pallet camping Survivors and BBQ for bloodpoints and map pressure.
alright now all I got to do is get the bp to get all of them cause I'm newish to the game I have had it for a while but the only thing is that I didn't play it much till now so now I'm trying to become really good at it but thanks man for the info :D
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I use BBQ, Pop, Enduring and Spirit Fury on him.
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I think at the moment I’m using something like
Discordance - Knowing two survivors are in the same spot helps ensure you get multiple hits with Frenzy
Pop Goes the Weasel - Good additional slow down
Thanatophobia - Since survivors are easy for Legion to injure this generates additional slow down
Trail of Torment - Since I’m kicking gens to trigger Pop, Trail synergizes with Undetectability which is useful for getting close to the next survivor before the chase starts.
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Spirit Fury + Enduring
Undying + Ruin
Discordance, Thana, Pop, and Corrupt are also above average on them.