Can we vote on the new gen sounds?

I don't understand why this change was needed. Can BHVR make a survey to ask people if they like the new sounds?
Personally I don't, they're annoying, unpleasant, distracting, I'm gonna have to use spine chill now because I can't pay attention to stealth killers, every beginning of a match I feel like I'll be grabbed by a Ghostface because I can't react to his cloth audio queue.
If I wanted to relax for a bit, I'd play survivor, do a few gens, and it felt like a relaxing task. Now it's like somebody is scratching a blackboard with their nails right next to my ear.
Who asked for this? I don't want this to be a rage post, but... WHY?
I like them, although, I understand why some people think they are out of place and too distracting. They should try other things.
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Fixing generators in this game should be tense, if the new sound helps with that, then that is a good thing.
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Well they're not going to only add stuff that we ask for.
I don't really mind these new sounds, but if they can be even better, i'd obviously want that.
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They have a million ways to make the game more tense, mainly adding real dangers instead of having a sound scratching your eardrums for a 80 seconds to complete a task.
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I hate them. I liked the new design and animations but the new engine sound and the sparking is really bugging me.
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Ok, i have a solution on how to fix that. Make it 20% quiter but compress it so ppl like him wouldnt complain. Or just 50% quiter for those who repair it
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I recall when I first played that all in-game sounds done that to me. They agitated my hearing and that brought on anxiety, the audio is pretty well designed in the game. This recently added car-engine-turning-over stands out because we are so used to the other sounds that they just fade into the background and have little effect on us trying to survive.
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The sound in DbD is great, one of the best parts of the game. I liked everything they did so far.
Unfortunatly the new generator sounds are for me the very first really big missstep in my opinion. Just change it back please.
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I think it needs to be louder. Working on generators is easy so now it requires more awareness than just listening to ghostface cloaks ir similar noises.
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The new gen sound is a bit goofy. When I first heard the new generator I thought my car was messing up. Can I at least hear the sound of a sportscar please?
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The new sound is just annoying, especially when more than one survivor is on a gen. Only time the sound was an issue with ganeplay was when it's high pitch sound was at same time as a skill check - it's basically free Huntress Lullaby.
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Personally I love this change. Previously, it felt like working on a generator made NO extra noise - the only noise being the generator ACTUALLY running. Plus the realistic animations/noises/lightFX are an awesome addition. Now the avtion is much more tense (as it should be). From a Survivor perspective: working on a gen should keep you on edge, it shouldn't be a leisurely and mindless activity. From a Killer perspective: generators are much noisier now which can mask other sounds the Survivors may be making, as well as helping to actually identify which gens are actively being worked on (which we could not previously). I thought that this was a wonderfully surprising addition.
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As the new gen sounds are a buff for killer and a debuff for survivor, no you can't have a vote on it in this 4 v 1 asymmetrical game, is the answer. "Can we vote" will always result in the survivor-side of any question winning, it's why you don't vote on game balance
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I really do not like the new sounds, as both sides. When I play Survivor, I can barely hear the TR over the Gen sounds now, and as killer, I've had survivors literally not even realise I was standing there. It's not a buff to killers imo. It feels needless and cheap to hit a survivor with it now. And when you have more than 1 survivor on that same gen, it's like multiple cars are being started and you can't hear a damn thing.
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The new generator sounds are excessive and distracting for me as killer and survivor. Anyone who is saying that they enjoy loud excessive cranking match after match is trolling.
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oh yeah this new change its revolutionary, headphone users are going deaf thanks to this
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I'm all for making changes but this isn't an "Us vs. Them" situation and doesn't need to be. If they wanted to keep the new sounds on killer side only I'd be more than happy. The current sounds are just obnoxious and painful.
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I don't mind them but I really would like them to be a bit quieter.
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Even when you play a killer the new sound is quite unless you're right next to the gen being worked on. I don't really see it as a buff for killers and just annoys survivors
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I don't know what you mean i mean starting up a chevy engine and having it nearly deafen you is totally fun am i right?
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I'm only asking to vote for the sounds on the survivor part. I don't care what killers hear, buff the sounds on the killer side, I don't care, they could light up the aura of the gen I'm working on for all I care, but is not enjoyable or pleasant to have a car engine start on your ear for 80 second straight. It's just bad user experience.
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BHVR loves doing things the community doesn't want (Hillbilly, Nurse*, blueprint offerings, etc.). I think the gen noises are terrible, too.
*not rewriting my comments about this; it's searchable
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This change was unnecessary. The new sounds are annoying, I was the old ones back. I don't mind making the old sounds louder for the killer, if necessary, just remove the new terrible sounds.
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They never take information from their surveys. I remember around the end of tome 2 they created a survey talking about the content in the rift.
Weirdly enough nothing has changed since that survey.