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General Discussions

If You Could Have Any DLC...

Added/Not Added, What Would It Be And Why?

What I Want Added:

Personally, I would love to see Chucky as a killer, he already has the strength of a normal man, and it would be cool to see new animations for bringing a survivor to hook. Also throwing them on the hook.

What I Don't Want Added:

Springtrap. After the whole fake FNAF trailer fiasco, it kinda just flooded the forums for a good week. I can't imagine what would happen if it was real. I also would wanna wait till the FNAF games/movies/books are done being released. Because the lore for the franchise isn't even over yet.


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  • Member Posts: 942

    Can you add your reasoning why, I really like to hear why people think a certain DLC is a good addition ^^

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Trick 'R Treat: I'd love for us to have Sam as the Killer. It would be hilarious to see him dragging a full grown person and then tossing them upwards to fly on the pole. His Totems would be Jack-o-Lanterns.... etc.

  • Member Posts: 985

    Like it or not, but the FNAF franchise that have a large and engaged fanbase and the game series have sold well despite being a niche horror game. Even if you might not like some animatronic bunny robot possessed by a child killer who's corpse still remains within, it'd be a smart business move to add Springtrap as a Killer to DbD as it'd attract the massive fanbase of the franchise.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Probably Springtrap. His backstory is dark enough.

  • Member Posts: 942

    2 things, first, love your username, my mascot for my Discord server is named Usagi. Second, the mummy is actually a good idea, because since the map is like a maze it forces some dead ends.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    And thank you for being civil about springtrap. I hate the "it's for kids" argument.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I understand that, but considering most the fanbase is 10 and younger I expect most (not all) to throw a hissy fit when they die/don't get a kill. Also for the survivor, they could add one of the nightguards.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    My name gives this one away. I really want a SCP chapter, I made a concept a while back on how I would do it.

  • Member Posts: 3,014
    edited September 2020

    Added: Parasite Eve. Mitochondira Eve / Aya Brea Killer/Survivor pairing.

    Not added: Yeah, FNAF. Don't really care for that one. So if I had to keep something out, that'd probably be it. It'd probably be the one DLC I wouldn't buy unless they did something really out of left field.

  • Member Posts: 985

    You don't believe that those people already exist within Dead by Daylight? It'd not change anything, other than a major influx of new players which is something healthy for any game.

  • Member Posts: 1,395
    edited September 2020

    What i want

    Pennywise, Supernatural, Fnaf( i would love to see everyone on the forums freaking out or complaining if this ever gets added), Happy death day( the killer is just a guy with a knife but i would love to play as the main protagonist) Sidney Prescott, Candyman, Friday the 13th, Hellraiser and Until Dawn.

    What i don't want

    Chucky ( running away from a doll doesn't sound really exciting, and chucky itself doesn't look threatening), Alien and Predator ( i'm not interest in any chapters that take place outside of earth and it doesn't seem to make sense lorewise, Demogorgon is an exception for me because he is from a parallel dimesion that takes place on earth), Terminator ( Idk, i'm just not a fan of the franchise)

  • Member Posts: 942

    I do understand most the fanbase is children, and most (not all) would be angry if they don't survive/get a kill, but my other reasoning with the lore is the main one

  • Member Posts: 942

    No, trust me I already know grown adults sometimes act like 5 year olds. But it is true it's a healthy influx we just have to wait for the 2nd licensed DLC to be released. But I respect your opinion ^^

  • Member Posts: 942

    Technically not really, @Pawcelot has a point. It'd bring new players which is healthy for the game. Bigger player base is gonna be good. But I still stand by my point too that the fanbase is mostly made up of kids with a little under half being adults. The "it's a kid's game" argument doesn't cut it in my opinion. I rather the lore be finished though.

    But I fear that the adding of the DLC will create more toxicity though.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I think the Plague doctor SCP is a good idea personally.

  • Member Posts: 317
    edited September 2020

    Wanted: Candyman + Pinhead. Does this really need to be explained?

    Not wanted: ??? = The more the merrier or should I write SCARIER! As for all the Springtrap haters I wouldn't mind it. I haven't played that game, but I think it looks creepy.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    I think 049 could be really unique if picked, though I personally am a bigger fan 106.

  • Member Posts: 756

    Its the Fortnite crowd, it would ruin the fanbase of this game even more so, and those are not the influx of players you want in this game.

  • Member Posts: 942

    True, so 049 is the Plague Doctor's number?

    If so the map can look similar to the villages in the fourteenth century. The melee weapon could be a cane and for the power the could have an animation that splashes a vile of liquid on vaults and generators that can cause the survivor to get sick. Everytime the killer gets stunned in some way, they drop another vile (the antidote).

  • Member Posts: 882
    edited September 2020

    Chapter I want: Tie between Resident Evil and Siren/Forbidden Siren. I think I would literally die if I could play as both Kyoya Suda and Leon Kennedy in the same game. Unfortunately, Siren is basically dead, and Resident Evil's own asymmetrical game is a breathing exists, so I don't think any of them are coming. There are probably tons of concepts about how a resident evil chapter and perks could happen, so I won't get into it, but here's a sample idea of what I think Kyoya's perks could be.

    A chapter I don't want: Controversial opinion, I know I'm going to be yelled at in the comments, but... I don't think MLP would be a good fit for this game. I know, shocker.

    Ok, but actually I really don't care. As long as the series is horror themed and bring good stuff I actually don't care.

    Post edited by CheeseAnton on
  • Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah 049s the Plague doctor, that concept actually sounds pretty cool. Alagadda actually could be a really cool map. I myself am more of a basic ######### lmao, I've always thought about the standard containment site as the map, like from containment breach.

  • Member Posts: 1,238

    If you say ANY dlc content...

    I choose jason or candyman.

  • Member Posts: 942

    The lawsuit between 'Friday The 13th: The Game' and 'Dead By Daylight' ended on the terms that FT13 couldn't release DLCs that wasn't part of the FT13 franchise, so who knows, we might get Jason. But Trapper/Evan is supposed to be Jason technically

  • Member Posts: 942

    MLP, as in 'My Little Pony' who wanted that added lel

  • Member Posts: 942

    Maybe for the survivor or the Bloodborne DLC they can have a contest.

    Have a base female/male design that can be designed by contest contenders and whenever they prestige the survivor it can give a bloody head/torso/legs for both the male and female and the name can be gender neutral.

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    I want more horror game representation now that Silent Hill has opened that door:

    Outlast / The Evil Within / Resident Evil / Alan Wake / etc.

    While I think there are some decent arguments for/against a FNaF paragraph, I don't personally think FNaF is a worthy horror series for DbD. Mostly because it feels like the EA Sports of the Survival Horror genre to me and also doesn't seem to know whether it's trying to cater to children or adults or both. Not 100% against it happening eventually, but there are several other IP's (from both movies and games) that I would rather them attempt first.

    The other thing(s) I REALLY wish people would stop asking for are generic movie/game monsters. Things such as the Last of Us Clickers or the Quiet Place monsters. As far as I'm concerned, the only exceptions to this rule are monsters that exist as individuals within their origin film/game/show (such as the Demogorgon and the Xenomorph) and can be viewed as a unique character instead of as a generic enemy.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    A medieval killer.

    I already have his kit thought up

    This killer has a power known as bloody chivalry, every 120 seconds he gains the ability to ride on horse back for 15 seconds.

    While on horseback he cannot attack but he can cancel his ability early to have a shorter cooldown and get closer to a survivor, but canceling the ability or it ending has a 3 second cooldown where you cannot attack but you dismount your horse. His m2 attack is called chivalrous strike. This move is an insta down but he has to get close and it has a 30 second cooldown that only starts to go down during chase( kinda like how exhaustion doesn't go away while running). His weapon is an english longsword. His lore is up for discussion.

  • Member Posts: 810

    What I would want:

    Resident Evil and FNaF just had huge showings at the PS5 showcase, and I would love to see both of these come to the game some day. L4D2 is getting another major update after remaining dormant for 10 years, so an extension to the L4D chapter would be pretty cool to see alongside this. There's obviously more that I'd like to see in the game some day, but these are just my general picks, not particularly strong about any of them except for FNaF.

    What I wouldn't want:

    There's really no a whole lot that I'd actively oppose being in the game. The only thing I can really think of is creepypasta stuff (and then again, I wouldn't be mad if Slender was added. He's not my #1 by any means, but still cool).

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Want Alan Wake, don't want Spongebob creepypasta.

  • Member Posts: 832

    Not necessarily.

    Most FNAF players are like 12-14 or something. This means that not many new players are coming to this game, and all you end up with is lot of unhappy dbd fans.

    I don't know if a lot of people in that 12-14 age range play dbd or not though, so don't take my opinion seriously.

  • Member Posts: 942

    So I think that's really cool, personally I am a fan of Greek Mythology, Egyptian things, Asian Culture, and Medieval things. So personally I find this to be a fun addition!

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Yeah I kinda thought about his entire kit on the spot. Although I need to specify fast the horse goes, maybe as fast as oni's demon rush

  • Member Posts: 942

    So, don't get me wrong I agree with not wanting a lot of people in the 12-14 (for me 10-14) age range. I am within that age range, but I turn 15 next month. And personally, I wouldn't wanna see many people in the age group on the game, most have short tempers. And we have enough of that with the few grown adults who already act like the are in that age group.

    Please don't hate on me for being in that age group though, I swear that I am a good sport on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 942

    That seems pretty balanced, this coming from a survivor main. Killers aren't that scary right now. Though something that's be super cool is a Headless Horsemen killer. That can be a killer released in fall. I have been working on an idea for it, but I wanna get the kinks sorted out.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Added: Well this was always PyramidHead so I guess I need something new now. I'd love another video game franchise added, I guess the obvious one is Nemesis from Resident Evil. How they would balance a rocket launcher in the game I don't know 😅

    Don't want: I have to agree sprintrap doesn't fit too well. Chucky would be kind of cool but I think it would really suck being camped out and tunneled across the map by a midget.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I am uncultured and you're the second person I saw this from, who is Alan Wake?

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Imagine hearing a horse go neigh on the clown map and thinking it's the undead horse that's under that building then hearing galloping. I'd be like oh ######### I'm dead

  • Member Posts: 942

    True, but an idea I had for Chucky is he can jump on a survivor and it causes this thing where you have to hit tremendously difficult skill checks to throw him off. Succeeding with cause him to be stunned for 5 seconds. Failing will apply the broken status effect

  • Member Posts: 942

    Same lmao, his mori is he puts a pumpkin on x survivor and kicks the back of their knees knocking them to the ground, stepping on their back and then uses his weapon (sword) stabbing it through their back (where the heart is) before pulling it out. While his foot is on the survivor's back they try clawing at the grass to escape

  • Member Posts: 810

    I've seen people as young as 10 enjoy DbD, and probably just as young with FNaF too. The majority of the people I see play these games are under the age of 18. There's young people in every fanbase, and this one is no exception.

    Typically, from what I've seen, the average age of a FNaF fan varies a lot. Of course you have the young fans, who if I were to guess, range from 11-13, but then you have the fans that have stuck with the series throughout the years, and these people tend to be older (maybe around 16-22?). DbD's fanbase is sorta hard to tell, but (from what I've seen) the average age for a DbD fan seems to be ~20 (with many outliers on both sides). Again, these are just from what I see on places such as Reddit and the DbD forums.

    Although (and this isn't directed toward you), the real question I have is why does it really matter? Let people play whatever they want without being told "no" simply because they're younger/older than the typical player (and this doesn't apply specifically to DbD or FNaF). I love playing games like Splatoon and Smash Bros, but I'm not going to let the kids of those games ruin my enjoyment of them. If they're not directly hindering my enjoyment of the game, then why should I, or anyone, care?

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Or he takes off his pommel and ends him rightly lmao

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    To not get into too many details...

    Alan Wake is from the videogame Alan Wake.

    He's a writer who is taking a vacation after not being able to think of anything to write for a while.

    At this vacation, he jumps in a lake to save his wife's life, and at some point wakes up in the forest, having no memory of what happened between jumping in and waking up now.

    In this forest and numerous other locations in the game, he has to fend off humans who have been overtaken by darkness, only being able to hurt them after putting them in the light.

    It turns out that he had written a story that so happens to be the game itself, and he wrote this between the moments of jumping in the lake and waking up.

    In my opinion, there's not really a big villain in the game that could work as a Killer, but Alan Wake's gameplay is quite similar from the gameplay in DbD, setting aside that you can shoot in Alan Wake.

    But without a weapon, Alan Wake is the same as a DbD Survivor: Close to helpless, having to run to survive.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I want a Scooby-Doo skin package for survivors.

    Velma - Jane

    Shaggy - Ace or dwight

    Daphne - Meg

    Fred - King

    Scooby-Doo - Ace, Jake, whoever

    It would be hilarious, like every time, getting pallet stunned by scooby-doo.

    On actual killer, I like the bhvr ones better than any of the licensed ones. Ghostface is the only licensed one I actually like, and he is barely a licensed one.

    Please make the scooby doo package happen. I would buy on first day.

  • Member Posts: 832
    edited September 2020

    It matters because my point is that dbd doesn't appeal to younger people.

    Thus, the playerbase would take a huge hit.

    Even if dbd has some younger people playing, they are the minority whereas FNAF's younger playerbase is the majority.

    Don't misinterpret what I say. I'm fine with younger people playing this game overall.

    Also I unironically appreciate that you completely disregarded the existence of ESRB.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I love vampire movies. My suggestion is 30 Days of Night, it was a comic and 2007 horror.

    The level map could be pretty much all snow covered.

    The killer could be the head vampire from the film or inspired by their general creepiness.

    Actor: Danny Huston

    And the survivor could be either of the main heroes

    Actors: Melissa George and Josh Hartnett

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