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If You Could Have Any DLC...



  • Member Posts: 3,409

    For me It would be Springtrap/Fnaf. I know to many it is refereed to as a "kids game" (Which it really isn't if you delve deep enough particularly with Fazbear Frights books). But personally it would be the liscense that would make me cry happy tears, kinda like how others did when Silent Hill was announced to be in the game. The reason is that this was the first game that really got me into the Horror genre and got me engaged into a community that I really enjoyed to be with, it really holds a special place in my heart, in short I probably wouldn't played DBD if I did not get engaged as I did with Fnaf. I hope the serious becomes darker, and more for a mature audience later on which looks like it is, and then maybe our perspective might change.

    Now there is another Liscense I would like, Outlast in the game, because how could the Devs not, it is by far the most ######### up horror game in the entire genre! Like how could the Devs deny Outlast?

  • Member Posts: 942

    I respect your opinion, but personally I feel like the Lord should be finished up in FNAF before they add it to dead by daylight

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    That might be a while although they just recently realesed a new trailer for the new game which looks promising

  • Member Posts: 54

    That would be cool. And to be honest I would just love to have a vampire themed dlc, regardless of where it comes from, even have a fan copetition to help design it.

  • Member Posts: 942

    That's true, but it's better to have all the pieces together than just go willy-nilly on everything

  • Member Posts: 3,409

    IT kinda already is with the era that the who people are asking a fnaf chapter for DBD

  • Member Posts: 3,099
    edited September 2020

    What I want: The dark tower, it's my favourite book series, and I think it would fit into dbd better than IT. I also want a gunslinger survivor, so the dark tower all the way :).

    What I don't want: springtrap. All the annoying kids keep spamming their threads and petitions on the forums with bot accounts really turned me off. Also, the fnaf games are garbage, and are an embodiment of everything wrong with modern horror, generic jumpscares, loud noises etc.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited September 2020

    Either Candyman, as long as Tony Todd voiced him, or my most recent* suggestion for a two-body killer.

    *It's kinda old at this point, but it's the latest suggestion I've made at this point.

    Post edited by Orion on
  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I'd like a chapter that branches more towards the already-established supernatural horror theme of DbD. Everyone seems to go on about all of these horror titles they want to see introduced - but they're mostly sci-fi. And as much as I love sci-fi horror, nothing takes me out of the game more than seeing the Demogorgon derping it's way out of a hole.

    I'd prefer some lovecraftian killer that survivors barely get to see. Some unknowable and terrifying sentient that just wandered into the Entity's realms and started murdering, perhaps even without permission from the Entity.

  • Member Posts: 94

    Would really love a lovecraftian based killer or Alien either one.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Captain Salazar from Pirates Caribbean 5. Plenty of pirate ideas in the game already such as chests, dropping from height (plank) mutiny (leaving players behind) A ship, fort, or Brigg could work. Also a chance to add water to a map perhaps.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    sidney prescott that it I be happy.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I may be in a minority but I'd like to see Kayako from the grudge in here. just that sound she makes is creepy enough and hearing that behind you would be crazy. I'm not going to ask and beg for DLC's especially licensed ones because that can't be cheap. I'm just along for the ride.

  • Member Posts: 806

    I'm no FNAF superfan but I'd like to see an animatronic robot Killer for a change, but with it would come another indoors map. 🙄

    Oh, also, Scooby-Doo Chapter with Shaggy as the survivor, YEET.

  • Member Posts: 1,503
  • Member Posts: 806
  • Member Posts: 255

    A killer who's special power is to fix all the bugs in DBD. That would terrify the staff at BHVR for sure.

  • Gonna throw something different out there for a DLC idea.

    I'd like to see a story/campaign mode.

    Not sure if a story/campaign mode would work for Killer unfortunately but here's a pitch for survivor.

    You play as brand new DLC survivor who has just went into the trials for first time. Cutscenes and story between matches. The branching story changes depending on if you survive trials or not. If you want to see examples of how this can work have a look into legacy Board games like "Betrayal Legacy" or "Pandemic Legacy".

    If you want to go the extra mile, these matches could be against AI-controlled killers, allowing for some set-piece pre-programmed moments.

    Single player could be a option as well with AI controlled survivors, allowing for more set piece moments.

    If the AI route is taken, t could also potentially be sold as a stand alone product not requiring DBD to play (Similar to how Call Of Duty Warzone is a part of Modern Warfare but does not require COD:MW to play) In-game options to upgrade to full DBD would help bring new players into the fold if they enjoyed the story/campaign mode.

    Never going to happen, but its fun to imagine anyway

  • Member Posts: 529

    alien or the thing

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited September 2020

    What I want added:

    I think what might be interesting is a vampire, say Dracula from Bram Stoker's Dracula (90s movie). At first it does not seem to be that good but actually BHVR could go pretty nuts with his powers. They could go to actually use lighting in a meaningfull way either he starts with full power and loses it the more gens are completed and also they could maybe vary the powers having diffrent effects in diffrent stages of the trial.

    This would ofc come with a survivor either good old van helsing or mina.

    What I dont want added:

    FNAF : I am just unable to find anything positive in it.

  • Member Posts: 219

    You also have an idea for a slenderman chapter too, but if I could have one, probably Pennywise, I mean, there are so many possibilities for new survivors and if I could choose, I'd want Beverly as a survivor, and there are soo many possibilities for pennywise too.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    What I want Is 'The Strangers: Prey At Night'

    What I don't want is Springtrap.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Jacket from hotline miami as a killer. Not only is it something he does already, but had be the first "good" killer there is (from the perspective of their own media, cause nurse could be considered good)

  • Member Posts: 1,101
    edited September 2020

    Would like:

    • Alien - Demogorgon turned out to be one of best visual&design wise killer, so Alien would be godlike.
    • Springtrap - same goes here, he will be amazing. All these metal clunking sounds, heavy steps and hissing. He'll be scary, especially on closed maps.
    • Crooked man - - make his power some kind of reworked old freddy's, I'll freaking main him.
    • Quiet Place monster&Wendigo from Until Dawn - they are quite similar so I put them together. I dream of a blind&very fast and deadly killer who can almost instantly kill any survivor he spots, so they have to be very careful will all movements and sounds they make in order not to be found.
    • Slenderman - his lore is very versatile and he has a lot of similarities with the Entity - spider-like limbs, the whole "abduction" motif. He could probably turn out one of alternative ways of Entity's abduction. Also, gold mine in terms of power and sound-visual design.
    • EDIT: SCP, how could I forget SCP.

    Wouldn't like:

    • Chucky - Can't imagine him being the killer, he's too small so he's likely to be like a Billy doll - decoration. In that case I'll pass.
    • Candyman - he's nothing without his hypnotising voice and I don't think they'll be able to get it.
  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Licenses I really wanna see at some point: Alien, Candyman, Hannibal, Friday the 13th, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Chucky

    Odd choices I have:

    Don’t Starve Together: Transition from cartoony style would be hard but possible, Charlie as a killer would make a really cool power, plenty of perk possibilities..

    Little Nightmares: Playing this right now and I love the aesthetics, I want to run around as (an adult) Six in her yellow raincoat. Don’t care that she might make questionable decisions later, she fits as a survivor and should get appropriate perks. The Lady would also make an interesting killer I think! Haven’t seen anything of her yet though..

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    If I could, I´d add a Friday the 13th Chapter. Chucky is great of course but Jason is a Legend.

    Map : Camp Chrystal Lake. Tommy Jarvis as Survivor. Finally, the band has assembled.

    The one chapter to prevent....I´d go with FNAF, Scooby Doo, or Predator (love the Predator Franchise but wouldn´t fit into DBD imo.)

    @Divine_Confetti What I wouldn't want added:

    Same with me, no FNAF/Springtrap. There's a certain cheapness to that series that I just don't think belongs in DbD. It's basically creepypasta tier, but even then some creepypastas are more interesting and iconic. I don't want a Chuck-E-Cheese lookin' ass in DbD.

    ^ THIS!

  • Member Posts: 85

    Amnesia: The Dark Descent Chapter.

  • Member Posts: 105

    I think a fnaf chapter would be cool. Not even necessarily for the killer, but I think the map would be cool. I would also really like to see Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Jason and Tommy Jarvis or one of the final girls from F13 2/3/4

    Crystal lake map. It's definitely the "big one" it'll never happen thanks to ongoing legal issues but I still have hope.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    By Crooked Man I thought you meant from the RPG maker game until I saw the video lol.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Dracula would be pretty great. He is one of the most iconic supernatural villains of all time. I'm pretty sure that if the character is based on the book, rather than a film adaptation, there would be no need to pay a license.

  • Member Posts: 1,003



    Because he is Iconic for being related to Horror and could work pretty well but also might bring Slenderman back to his prime.

    He would prob be a mix with Doc with static, madness, and illusions while using something related to Ghostface or Wraith for stealth.

    Also they could make it so if it hits endgame his tentacles will come out of his back just to be intimidating

    And to reduce Madness or the effect he gives you have to find Pages across the map but there will be more then 8.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    I would want Springtrap. Not just because I am a fan of the series, but because I believe he would be what the Entity looks for. At least in comparison to other characters.

    1. He is a malicious person: Depending on who you ask, William Afton (aka, Springtrap) has been portrayed as mad, or completely demented. Either way, he still killed people, and caused major tragedies... which is what the Entity feeds off of.
    2. The Entity can make a deal: The Entity acts like the devil a lot, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he did with William. Escape hell if you kill for them? Sounds like a dream for William.
    3. He is a dark and gritty character. A decaying corpse mangled by machinery... that kind of tormented soul would appeal to the Entity.
    4. He causes fear, and loves to cause it. In FNaF 3 and FNaF 6, trying to keep him away with audio is always a challenge... half the time he can't even be stopped by it. He is relentless.
    5. Almost every place he goes to becomes marked by tragedy. Be it Fredbears, to Fazbears Fright... People go missing, die, places are burned to the ground...
    6. Like the Spirit or Deathslinger, he can is undead and can be manipulated, although I don't think they need to go that far to convince William. As I said in point 2, just freedom from Hell would be enough for him (Ultimate Custom Night is Williams Hell).

    If the devs wanted to, there are multiple different appearances for William, since the AR app has 3 different skins already (Toxic, Flaming, and Clown), besides his original and Scraptrap appearances...

    On another note: FNaF is still going strong. The trailer for FNaF: Security Breach dropped earlier this month. It will be releasing on PS5 and PC, the movie is still on schedule, and there are lots of books, all of which means that it is still a relevant franchise. Which could bring in new players, if they are not turned off by unbalance, bugs, and lack of care for the killer role in some cases.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I can name 3 that I want.

    • Carrion (Game about escaping confinement as an amorphous blob of eyes, mouths, and tentacles). Map could be an underground jungle with patches of water and biomass with a few higher tech rooms. Having many turrets and defenses shut down that turn on during ECG (Wouldn't actually be dangerous of course).
    • Friday the 13th. Iconic slasher that deserves to be in the game. Pretty much everyone knows about Jason.
    • FNAF. While many hate the idea, the contents of the series would blend perfectly into DBD. The main killer people want has been killed off in the lore as well, making it a great candidate.

    I wouldn't say there is anything I don't want in the game, as it's better to have more content regardless of the series that enters DBD (With exceptions, of course).

  • Member Posts: 873

    Honestly I wish I could refund a lot of the current dlc for auric cells.. just saying.

  • Member Posts: 487

    Mine would be a "not 5 nights at freddy's" chapter. No characters, no perks, no map, just pay $10 to not have FNAF in the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    I see lockers in the pyramids fun.Like on midwich Normal lickers next to DBD lockers lol

    Coffins next to a locker. Lol

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    I doubt they would add a doctor remember he can one hit kill on lore so unless you make a low TR and 105% base speed wont be viable even so he wouldnt 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I see more viable to be the Old man SCP and having another kind of dimension. Making surv invisible for others and unable to interact with the real world or like Spirit does (to look like they are indeed in other dimension and they need to find the right exit spread around the map.

    TLDR: Basically make survs unable to interact and be invisible also no collision and run to find the exit. If they dont find it they are considered Lost in the dimensions (a The pig head pop basically) Each time you enter in the dimension its considered a hook (same as cage from pyramid).

    Pretty good killer for red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 392
    edited September 2020

    We kinda got all the iconic interesting Killers they should focus on adding interesting Gameplay.

    Slender man: You cant look at him or he grows stronger while your vision dimishes. Also survivor must collect pages to reduce his power growth.

    Also having a Killer who could reduce vision range slowly (the map darkens) and forcing survivor to carry candles to increase vision range but certain actions / killer power make the candles flicker and they might go out and you have to find a way to lit em while having next to zero vision range :3

    Five nights at Freddys could also work (you control freddy) but you can jump into the other dolls for a limited amount of time (once they are out of power you return to freddy and must wait for that dolls energy to replenish).

    But i think the next 5 dlc will all bring a Killer who runs faster with extra steps.

  • Member Posts: 716
    edited September 2020

    I would want either Alien or Predator as DLC.

    Alien would be a cool creature killer next to Demo, plus I would like to see a spaceship map in the game.

    Predator would be a cool stealth killer added to the game. His ability could be similar to Wraith's by going invisible and hiding his terror radius but has another ability to allow him to see heat thermal locations of survivors or gens that are active for awhile with a cooldown of 2 minutes and we could also get a jungle map.

    Both mori's would be cool like Alien using its tongue mouth thing to put a hole in survivors heads or planting a face hugger on them with a baby alien bursting out their chest and Predator could use his lazer canon to mori or his wrist blades to mori survivors.

    Actually now that I think about it, Predators mori could be the sickest most horrifying mori in the game if they allow him to rip survivors skull & spine out their backs or let him skin them alive. 😳

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Honestly I just want workshop support for custom maps and no I don't care about consoles if we're being realistic I really don't. Only thing I truly want from this game is custom maps. Console just lessens the likelihood of it is why I'm giving my truthful answer in that regard. Nothing personal I just like games with mod support.

    Licensed content I'd like a more fleshed out chapter for Leatherface, Ghostface and Ash Williams. Notably an accompanying other character and a map.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    I don't really think the one shot thing matters, remember that PH also one shot in SH2 regardless of health. The devs have gone out of they're way to establish the Entity can change characters powers to something more fitting.That said I am also a bigger fan of 106, I think he could be a super unique addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 334
    edited September 2020

    Killers: Pumpkinhead, The Strangers

    Survivors: Fox Mulder/Dana Scully, Dewey Riley 

    Maps: A graveyard or spooky mansion, Carnival

    Post edited by TheGhostofZgor on
  • Member Posts: 1,264
    edited September 2020

    Want: *More* Silent Hill *stuff*

    Don't want added: Child's Play,Fnaf

  • Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2020

    Friday The 13th

    Let's be honest, Jason deserves his place in this game and i am aware of the lawsuit going on, but i'd love to see Jason along with Tommy Jarvis and Crystal Lake as the map. As for the ability, i dunno know what he'd have, based on the movies, it probably would be some sort of a teleporting ability along with some sort of an instadown or some passive effect like that he does stuff 5% (stackable up to 40% or maybe 25%) faster every time you stun him since in the movies he seems to just teleport around along with being really REALLY strong and he also seems to be pissed off at all times since you know, they killed his mum, so it would make sense that stunning him would not exactly calm him down.

    As for Outfits, there are many MANY MANY MANY things to choose from - You got the Part 4 Jason with the Green shirt, gray pants and slightly damaged bloody mask, or Part 6 with the rotten/zombified and destroyed version of Part 4, you got the sick ass Part 7 with the chains and stuff or the really cool M O I S T Part 8 Outfit, then theres Freddy vs Jason and the 2009 Remake with the brown Jacket, teared up shirt and teared up jeans with the yellow tinted mask and FvJ having a zombified version of that, or the futuristic Jason from Jason X. There is just SOOOOOO Much to choose from.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    this why I feel jason is overrated I mean I watched every movie growing up yes he show up out of no where but does he really have teleporting ability?

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    this not f13 the game I'm talking about the movies not his game they may give him different power all together.

    with the lawsuit having him in this game could mess up dead by daylight like it did his game.

  • Member Posts: 2,416

    F13 the game only follows the movies, if he can TP in the game he can TP in the movies. Thats how they designed it. Thats also not how the lawsuit works, since after the lawsuit is over theres nothing they can fight over, and as such nothing to interfere with the game.

  • Member Posts: 122

    I would love an Aliens chapter....xenomorph and a Ripley, don't care if it's Amanda from Isolation but I have no interest in FNAF, my daughter likes that and she is 10...I've seen enough to know I don't like it but I'm not the end all so if it's added whatever.

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