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What’s up with gens sound now?



  • Member Posts: 605

    I hate the new gen sounds. If I wanted to hear a car stutter, I would go ask my parents to start up their old car. It's really annoying

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    It's horrible. Don't they test this before? I'm using headphones and can't hear the killer coming because this is so loud. You just want to not do gens anymore and that is not good.

  • Member Posts: 208

    It's usually just the devs wanting to try something new. Arua readings were a flop obviously, but I keep seeing everyone complain about something that they probably wanted to try out. Hell in their defense they've been using the same gen sound for 4 years "And they should've just left it it as it is like how it was 4 years ago" . In all honesty after 4 years of hearing or doing the same thing I'd want to try and experiment with something different too. The devs made bad decisions before, but this is just something they probably wanted to experiment with and had high hopes it would have some sort of positive feedback.

    Hell I'm starting to think that some employees bet $5 if someone complains about something they recently added.

    I'm normally not ALL for the devs and there decisions but seeing the devs wanting to be a little creative only for it to be deemed as unnecessary by the community and playerbase itself, is discouraging to see.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    It's also louder even before the graphical update, so killer can actually hear it. Are you saying that every killer uses this information is baby killer?

    Like i said, they can change it again, i don't mind. But telling people to rely on eyes only is not helpful. Sounds are crucial in this game, and provide many informations. The reason why devs haven't fixed all sound bugs is beyond my understanding, but this is what we get now.

  • Member Posts: 106

    So YES to making it more apparent to killers when a survivor is working on a gen, NO to this annoying SFX loop. Thx.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    cough PTB exists cough

    I'm all for the devs trying crazy and whack things, but not with the live build D:

    I'd love to see tests on place-able totems, radical changes to NOED, Pop, gen speeds, priming pallets, whatever you can think of that might make the game better. I don't want those changes suddenly forced on me in the live game.

    That's the reason PTBs exist. That should be their sole purpose: to gather information from the players on what new additions the devs are thinking of including. One of the two times the PTB was used like that was for the self care change that just made all healing actions 25% slower while granting the ability to heal yourself. Everyone disliked it, but it was an awesome change for the PTB!

    The reason I'm so negative on the changes the devs make like this is because

    A. They aren't using the tools at their disposal for testing things

    B. Things from the PTB often aren't changed even if they are buggy because (and the following is a guess after reading reviews on Glassdoor* in addition to what various devs have said combined with the knowledge I have of how companies often work) management forces teams to push out patches on a timeline that's not suited for non-buggy, large-scale updates.

    This probably WAS a change that was meant to be included in the PTB but was not included because both the PTB and patch were forced out prematurely.

    My annoyance isn't really directed at the developers but at the people who make them put things out that are buggy or unfinished. Bloodlust stayed over from PTB into live for the first few days at least, issues with gens popping on the PTB were only addressed in the hotfix recently, and countless other things from all of the recent PTBs have been included in the following live build even when it's very clear that they are bugged or not all that pleasing to the community.




    An advocate of place-able totems, a priming-pallet interaction, and the removal of Exposed from tier 1 Devour Hope.

    Also supports changes to how many survivors need to be present to start repairs on a generator.

    #revertNurseaddons #reverttieroneDevour #reverttieroneBL #nofreechaseresources #placeabletotems #revertBillysounds #workwiththemusicyouhave

  • Member Posts: 208

    Well I do see where you're coming from though and I understand. (Even though you may know this already) we can't forget the PTB for blight and graphic updates for badham and yamaoka and gens, etc was a week behind from the current version. Maybe they did plan out to add the gen sounds in the PTB but they had to give what they could share. But either way I do understand your points nonetheless.

  • Member Posts: 1,619
    edited September 2020

    Oh, poor guys, they're feeling uncomfortable while holding m1 and genrushing now and they don't hear the killer 32 meters away so they cant hide as soon as the heartbeat start. :/

  • Member Posts: 9

    I agree the Gen sounds are way too loud, as a Killer I can hear a gen being worked on from across the Map basically, last night i tried to play a game with my friends and it was horrible the gen sound is so loud you cant hear the heart beat anymore, and we actually joked that the gen sounds like an old car trying to start up, I have that image of someone jumping on a gen and driving it to the exit door running over the killer on the way while crashing through the door. the Devs really need to fix this.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I hate that they now sound like were trying start a car not a gen.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I mean, yeah. It's just disheartening when things like the PTB are a week behind. Like, how is any of our feedback going to be relevant.

    It just feels so much more like a publicity stunt (new killer announcement once for the PTB and then again for the live release) than anything productive. :/

    I completely get the fact that there's a lot of negativity, and often on its own, it seems completely unreasonable (and at various times may be, or directed at the wrong individuals). I would feel terrible working on a project like this where I knew there would be at least one change in every patch that the community hated. But for a lot of people who've been following not just the game for a long time but the developers, their announcements, and the way they treat community concerns (see MCote's Civ VI statement), it usually feels like not much has been done to change any of that mentality.

    I didn't mean to pooh pooh your attempts at reducing negativity, but I did want to point out how often the devs seemingly don't look for player feedback before going through with an idea (another example being the extent to which the devs changed Hillbilly before even releasing a word to the public, and everyone else went, "What? Why?").

  • Member Posts: 208
    edited September 2020

    I thought hillbilly was getting changed due to feedback from players about him feathering too much or at least having a power that's doesn't come at a cost for using it? :0c

    Either way I just really hope this game and the devs pull something big, but at the same time the community is also pretty ok with it.

    it's just I've never seen so much negativity in a community before (while not EVERYTHING is negativity which some is just regular old criticism) while I understand that there's always besides the occasional angry fan(s)/bad apples everyone shrugs off it seems like EVERYONE here is angry at something whether it be the devs, Survivors hating on killers, killers hating on Survivors, DS this, NOED that, keys n' moris, (while it's understandable) just seeing the same post over and over again is draining. I'm starting to think if the twitter replies to DBD's twitter account are just a wee bit more decent than the forums, due to it. Besides those Sidney Prescott fancams

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    This community and game brings out a lot of hate from everyone, and it gets directed at everyone because often very few people know the underlying cause behind what's making them upset.

    The community doesn't really know what made the devs look at Hillbilly then, but the "official' stated reason was to make using the Hillbilly's power require more micromanagement. Survivors were upset at Hillbilly (and still can be) due to how ridiculous his chainsaw hits can appear to survivors (aka it was (and still is) a hitbox/animation issue that often made hits due to Hillbillies trying again and again on the same curve feel unfair). There was also some problems regarding insta saw and crack billy, but those could have been dealt with through simple number changes if necessary (the existence of the combo is actually more of an issue of bloodweb leveling still being the only way to level up perks*, but that's a different conversation). When the changes were announced, nearly all of the feedback that I saw was overwhelmingly negative, from both sides. The best ideas I saw were to just scrap the changes completely, but that was unrealistic because the devs had (stupidly imo) already spent significant time and resources into making the changes.

    The final product, after tremendous community pushback against the devs decisions, was not different at all from the previous product in terms of kill ability and efficiency. However, it was significantly different in the aspect of just having fun, not equipping perks to win, and going for crazy saws recklessly in the hopes that somehow the stars would align and a survivor would say, "Wow. That....was unexpected and definitely caught me off guard in the best of ways." I was that kind of player. I loved whipping around jungle gyms again and again and again even if it meant I was losing the game. The changes the devs made neutered that while not touching the real issues players had with Hillbilly (same for Nurse). Also, the roar completely turned me away from the killer.

    The only reason people can be deluded into thinking it was a positive change is because Hillbilly got less popular as a result (because he was less fun to play given the entire experience). Then, since survivors saw (haha, get it?) the issues around hitboxes and animations less frequently, they were much less likely to think about them and complain. That's how BHVR dealt with the issues around Nurse and Hillbilly. The devs made changes to Freddy seemingly because of how much the community hated him. The same parts of the community still tend to hate Freddy, so it was a worthless rework imo. For Doctor, I enjoyed him beforehand. Now, I hate him and won't touch him, in large part because of the godawful music but also because of how terrible he feels to play. There's no skill involved other than preventing the survivors from using their skills, and that's not killer skill in the slightest. Stealth players still don't like him (I didn't mind him before but now I do, and this is coming from a somewhat stealthy players), and most killer gameplay I see of Doctor just seems boring compared to what a killer could do before with his power.

    This was a long way to say, "I'm pretty sure the devs don't make changes for the community's sake unless it's a matter of nearly 100% of players hating it. All other changes happen because the devs trust their own judgement over the judgement of the community." I'd love to be wrong, though. It would mean cool changes are going to be coming in the near future, hopefully to how survivors interact with chase resources in early game. I sincerely doubt it, however.


  • Member Posts: 102

    I don't mind the sounds themselves but man it is difficult to hear skill checks nowadays. The gen sounds just made Lullaby op

  • Member Posts: 55

    I changed from 60% in game sound to 5% and I still can't hear people over the sound in game now It's the loudest thing ever and tilting me big time.

  • Member Posts: 723

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