Am I the only one who stops struggling if the killer encounters the hook bug?


I don't expect survivors to stop struggling if the killer encounters the hook bug, but I'm wondering if anyone other than me does out of a sense of fair play? I just feel dirty if I wiggle free because of a bug. It sucks when it happens to me as killer, so I refuse to do it as a survivor out of some stupid sense of honor I suppose. Does anyone else do this?


  • shadowman0105
    shadowman0105 Member Posts: 261

    I do it too I’ve started playing survivor more then killer because of this bug.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I haven't encountered it on either end myself, but I'd probably do what sulaiman does.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I do it out of respect for a killer, as losing a hook to. bug is utter BS.

    Today, as blight, I got d-striked when I wasn't tunneling while a Jake was on a gen, he tried completing the gen in front of me and failed, but his team mate abused the bug and bodyblocked and sabo'd. I made sure they both died with me nodding at them on the hook.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,206

    you the only one as killer they always go free and as survivor it don't have always get hooked.

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    I yell at my teammates to stop struggling too. It's a bullshit bug that already robs killers of pressure and time I'm not adding to it.

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    No, I will wiggle free if I can and then run away. Why should I give killers a "free" hook cause of a bug if they themself abuse bugs like the hill or DS bug?

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,907
    edited September 2020

    Half of the killers have a 2 second stun anyways so you gain no distance if you wiggle free.

  • InsaneNurseMain
    InsaneNurseMain Member Posts: 53

    Why do I get the feeling you were one of the people who would abuse the hill bug when you played killer?

    As for op, yes I stop struggling as I'm not toxic. Same way I freed survivors from the hill bug when it existed

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I mentioned that in another thread. I would say a good 40-50% of killers grabbed survivors out of the hill bug and didn't hook them, I have not encountered a survivor that either stopped struggling or stay under the hook after escaping. I wasn't able yet to escape due to the bug, the two or three times I saw it as survivor, they always managed to put me down and attempt again

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Depends on if I like the killer or not.

    It's surprising people aren't calling out survs for abusing the bug and people are saying that killers are "abusing" the DS bug....


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Wow... more people right here say they would grant the hook. Why doesn't that reflect reality?

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    I just don't wiggle to begin with. I just assume the glitch is gonna happen. The Killer has always hooked me right away, too. They could take me to the basement but don't. 😄

  • CaptainCastle
    CaptainCastle Member Posts: 536

    The whataboutism is great. Yes some players suck. I choose not to be #########, I don't care if others don't have the same priorities.

    "Hurt people hurt people" is the dbd motto