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I keep getting confused by the game Killer role

PlayerLUE Member Posts: 38

As i'm ranking up i'm trying to adapt my mindset to the ranking system, today i got this result on a match: (spanish lang :D)

When i started playing DBD i thought the best way to rank up as the Killer was to prevent survivors from... surviving.

So i learned, the hard way, that it was going to happen more often than not. So i tried to adapt my mindset to not get frustrated.

Then the above result happened and i thought: Nice! Only one got away! GG!

Result is 0 pips and survs having somewhat of an angry response, which to me is often related to feeling the "loss".

Basicly the baffling my mind is on right now has taken me to the forums.

Can anyone explain to me which mindset should i have for ranking up as a killer?


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    To rank up you have to score accodringly in the 4 emblem systems. These are Gatekeeper - This emblem reflects your ability to protect generators and stall their completion. Devout - You earn points for Hooking and Killing Survivors, bleeding out on the ground doesn´t award any points. Malicious - Hitting Survivors and interrupting their actions, like catching them healing/repairing and forcing them away. Chaser - How well you do in chase. You are awarded points for finding and hitting survivors. The shorter the chase, the more points you get. You lose points in chaser for staying near a hooked survivor.

    In order to rank up you have to reach a certain threshold in each respective category. It becomes harder to pip the higher your rank is.

    To give you an example of how not to rank up despite getting a 4k : If you were to hook each survivor once and camp them till they die, you obviously would have very few chases and hits - low scoring in chaser. In this scenario the 3 survivors that aren´t getting camped are free to do gens - so bad gatekeeper. You also will have low Devout and Malicious, since you will only have gotten 4 hooks during the match and, again, very few hits and interactions.

    The mindset required to pip can be summarised as: Interact, hit and stall as much as possible. Go for as many hooks/hits as you can while simultanously stalling the gens and their heals as long as you can.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Ignore ranks and pips, they’re meaningless aside from being used for matchmaking purposes. And they’re not even going to be used for that once the newer MMR system is turned back on.

  • PlayerLUE
    PlayerLUE Member Posts: 38

    Good to know a new MMR system is coming,

    I admit this could be a misunderstanding of the role from my part, but being honest the game is called Dead by Daylight and the role is named Killer so "Dead" and "Kill" sounded like the relevant points.
