is late night solo qeue always like this?

Hello hello lovely forum I have a question, is it just me or does it seem that later time that you play on solo qeue, the more toxic the survivors seem to be? I just got done facing off against a Blight who had a perfect game(good on him btw) We all ended up dying and in the aftermath chat two of the survivors(I believe a duo SWF) just began to throw insults and slurs and saying I'm bad yet I'm rank 3 and got 2 iri, 1 gold, and 1 silver emblem and there was about a 10k point gap between me and the the rest of the group. I'm use to it as its the internet but the point is that I've noticed that the later in the night I play, the worse survivors seem to get. This isnt meant to bash anyone but I want to discuss this and see if anyone else has ran into this sort of thing. (for more info regarding the game. I was rank 3, the other three survivors ranged from purple to green ranks, and the killer was rank 2)
