is late night solo qeue always like this?

Hello hello lovely forum I have a question, is it just me or does it seem that later time that you play on solo qeue, the more toxic the survivors seem to be? I just got done facing off against a Blight who had a perfect game(good on him btw) We all ended up dying and in the aftermath chat two of the survivors(I believe a duo SWF) just began to throw insults and slurs and saying I'm bad yet I'm rank 3 and got 2 iri, 1 gold, and 1 silver emblem and there was about a 10k point gap between me and the the rest of the group. I'm use to it as its the internet but the point is that I've noticed that the later in the night I play, the worse survivors seem to get. This isnt meant to bash anyone but I want to discuss this and see if anyone else has ran into this sort of thing. (for more info regarding the game. I was rank 3, the other three survivors ranged from purple to green ranks, and the killer was rank 2)
It's not exclusive to late night, or solo queue.
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Killers are toxic too. Just hook camping, won't leave the area and let you save someone on the hook. Just makes me not want to play at all.
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Yeah, that's normal. As the average players go to bed, the concentration of despicable, arrogant cruelty rises.
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I think it is important to differentiate between ''camping'' and ''patrolling''.
If the killer is pretty much right at the hook, it's camping.
If he's walking around the area, staying close to threaten someone getting the rescue, but not in the face of the hooked survivor, its patrolling.
I don't think patrolling should be seen as ''toxic''.
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Even then, camping isn't toxic. It's a legitimate strategy. Even the devs have gone on record saying this. Hell, even the original DBD tutorial videos (the ones that were in the game before the playable tutorial) showed the Trapper camping is prey on the hook.
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How is that toxic this is the most efficant way to play killer right now.
On another note i dont know if you watch the recent tounement but every killer were tunneling, camping and slugging just because its the best way to win as a killer
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That's just normal survivor behavior. I play on xbox and I have only gotten toxic messages and party invites from other survivors no matter what side im playing lol
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Why not? It isn't an effective strategy, not unless you're going to tunnel the hooked survivor. It is basically camping with extra steps.
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Depends on the situation, but it is generally the most optimal move if there are a lot of objectives around the hook. For example, if the last generator is next to or close to the hook, why would you not patrol? There's no benefit to leaving the area.
Camping generally has the ill will of the killer wanting the survivor to stay on the hook, because they want them to die ASAP.
Patrolling doesn't have ill will towards the hooked survivor and generally the killer does it out of a self-awareness that it is the most optimal play for them to do, evidenced by how they'll allow for the hooked rescue (or give opportunity for it).
Branding the killer as ''toxic'' for being in the vicinity of the hook, is just survivor entitlement in my opinion, you cannot expect the killer to leave the area if there are two high-value objectives for the survivors right next to each other (e.g a hook rescue and a almost completed generator)
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If the killer constantly stays within the vicinity of the hook with no possible alternative reason, as most of these cases are, then they are just being toxic, lazy or unknowingly terrible. Either way, it doesn't really matter, because the end result is precisely the same.
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I used to play ultra late night / early morning killer games, and the survivors I matched with would get toxic around midnight, like Cinderella coming home from the ball. I think it's true that the casual players log off at a certain point and you're left with a lot of people who are in a weird mood.
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I watched a bunch of survivor mains playing killer, with a couple of killers who played well.