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Number 1 Reason why Console Players Could be Disabling Crossplay

The main reason could be because there are too many PC hackers and lagswitchers. I remember encountering someone who was definitely doing something to the match once in a blue moon in Console but with PC is several times a week.

How do I know its lagswitching or exploits? Everything is going extremely well with the match up until the point when Im in a chase, injured looping around a pallet and Im about to make it to the pallet to throw it. Even with dead hard the lag that is created at that moment is so much that I back-track and the killer is able to get me.

The reality is that exploits and hacking are way more accessible and easier for PC players and we can't cover the sun with a finger.

***Now what is the only solution that the developers have provided to players: "Turn off Crossplay, because basically is optional. Even though we are pretty much trying really hard to make you enable it by telling you that we will only match you with people who have also turned off crossplay and that you will have to wait longer". Which means that basically we are penalizing you for doing it"***

The same thing with the DC penalty. "Let's Turn it off because we can't control hackers" which I think its okay but we are still being penalized for something we shouldn't.

I honestly don't have anything against PC players even if I believe they aren't that much better at the game than console even though they have a huge advantage of their control mechanics which are way easier to manage and be better at the game than console controllers are.

But now I have to either decide what to do because one thing is bad internet, normal lag or just admitting that we got downed fairly by the killer. But another thing is lag created solely in the moments where it clearly benefits the killer and you know its exploits at that point.

As a killer it isn't much different. I once encountered a PC survivor who was clearly hacking. He was teabagging me and my hits went through him like if I was hitting the air and by the teabagging I knew it was exploits.

Now, what other real solution are the developers going to provide other than penalizing people for turning off crossplay?

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  • Member Posts: 6,344
    edited September 2020

    The small number of hackers is not why I turned off Crossplay, they are still few and far between, despite having great press agents in recent months (also known as big streamers).

  • Member Posts: 879

    With crossplay i had 5 hacker in 2 week i turn the crossplay off i did not see any hacker for now.

    Honestly crossplay only help pc player because on ps4 i got fast queue when i play exept recebtly survivor queue take a while but i blame the hook bug for that

  • Member Posts: 1,274

    I only have Crossplay off because of performance disparities between platforms. DbD usually runs somewhere between 10-30 FPS on console, I didn't really want to play against people who had the hardware to regularly get 40+ FPS. If performance ever improves (or gets significantly better on next-gen consoles) then I'll turn the feature back on, because I think Crossplay is an awesome concept for the future of gaming.

    Until then, I see no noticeable changes in my matchmaking times with or without Crossplay, so I have no real reason to keep it on right now.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I have crossplay on.

    I've run into hacker survivors. Never killer, so far. At least not that I'm aware of.

  • Member Posts: 43

    In my experience, they always facecamp. Meanwhile console survivors urban evade all game and seem allergic to gens. Cross-play has been such a disaster.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    No hackers so far with crossplay so far.

    Dedicated servers would greatly deter hacking on PC, wouldn't it?

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I haven't run into any more (illegal) issues than I had before crossplay. If someone has ever hacked the game, they were subtle enough that I couldn't tell and lag-switch (or maybe just bad connections) have always been kind of an issue for the game.

    The only thing that I don't like about it are there are certain killers that are a huge advantage on the PC. When I run into a Nurse that can travel halfway across the map and then blink themselves right into your teeth, I know that was a PC Nurse. Or when I run into a Huntress that could bullseye a Womp Rat from across the map, I know that's a PC Huntress.

    Other than that, I've had no issues with the crossplay.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I turn it off because lag seems to be worse against pc survivors. Lots of swings going straight through them at point blank range.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited September 2020

    Like others have said, after thousands of hours on PC I've seen maybe a hand full of hackers at most. A lot of this is people being new to the game and not fully understanding how mechanics work and instead making the excuse of "hacking".

    Hacking is not a serious issue facing DBD at the moment, at least on PC.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Hits are still killer-sided/registered despite dedicated servers so a laggy killer will in fact get hits they never deserved.

    The devs are going to switch to server-sided hits for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    It's not hits "they never deserved". 99% of those hits, on the killers screen, looked perfectly fine. It's desync, not whether or not they deserve the hit. Survivors aren't the only ones who suffer from desync. Case and point - grabbing someone off a gen/during an unhook attempt. It will literally start to play the grab animation, and not register. It's desync, and nothing more - and it can never, and will never be 100% fixed. It's just the nature of dedicated servers.

    Also - they recently had a server side hit validation test. It literally made things worse, for both killer and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 618

    The moment my friends and I encounter Spirits, Nurses, and Huntress at an alarming amount of trials, we turn it off. Every other killer is fair game, unless the three said killers are played at an inexperienced level.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    Lagswitching makes survivors impossible to pick-up/hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    It also doesn't allow them to be picked up by team mates. Therefore, it gives them no real advantage.

    It was a good try, though.

  • Member Posts: 4,321
    edited September 2020

    The server-sided beta worked perfectly for me. It made no difference as killer and as survivor I finally didn't receive any latency hits anymore. I think the vast majority of people that complained forgot how server-sided hits work. They punish the player with the bad connection.

    Many people don't even know they got bad internet so they blamed questionable hits or misses on the server-sided hits.

    The only actual bug was Huntress hatchets that weren't able to connect from point-blank distance as far as I know.

    Anyways the devs merely disabled it because it was a BETA not because it didn't work well for the most part. I can't wait for the devs to re-enable server hits.

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    For you. Since it worked fine for you, it must have been perfect.

    Makes sense. I guess only your experience matters.

    These were the day server side validation was enabled.

    Get off the "if it's fine for me, it's fine for everyone, and I know everything" kick. It's not working out for you, cause none of those things are true.

    Yep, it only affected Huntress. OnLy AfFeCtEd HuNTrEsS!! wOrKeD PErfEcTlY fInE fOr Me!11!!!!

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    You realize a streamer's connection is more likely to suffer from server-sided hits than a normal player's connection due to the fact they are... You know... Streaming?

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Your realize that streamers are only streaming at a maximum of 8Mpbs a second (and that's for a partnered streamer), and aren't even close to saturating their connection (aka - bandwidth - learn it), right? You also realize that downstream (aka - not what you use while streaming) is what matters most in games, right? If streaming affected games that much (which is doesn't, literally at all from a network standpoint) - there'd be no competitive shooter players streaming.

    Don't talk about networking if you have no clue how it works. Please do your research before you make another ill informed comment. Otherwise I'll just be convinced you're trolling. I'm actually really glad you decided to die on the "I know everything" hill. It's mildly amusing.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    So all streamers got perfect internet even though every streamer mentions internet issues on a fairly regular basis - gotcha!

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Again - there's a difference between upstream and downstream. Each stream (up and down) is separate in how much bandwidth it provides. It's the reason FULL duplex connections exist. You can max your upstream, and still have your full downstream. They do not bleed into eachother UNLESS your network adapter is saturated, which is nearly impossible unless you're literally streaming at like 1Gbps (0.8% if that is what Twitch supports at maximum), which literally nobody is doing, and no streaming platform supports.

    The average upload speed in the USA is approx. 33Mbps (or 3.3% of what a network adapter on any PC from the last 10 years or more supports). This is all ASSUMING that streaming affects gaming. Which it doesn't, from a network standpoint.

    But okay - go ahead in thinking you know everything. You're only showing that you know very little. You're embarrassing yourself.

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    What do you mean “a good try”?

    and yes it does allow them to be picked up, because they dont let out when their friends come to pick them up.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    As I said: Streamers got perfect internet - gotcha! Anything else you wanna say in a passive aggressive and truly embarrassing way?

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    As I said - you have no clue how networking works. Nobody said streamers had perfect internet. I merely told you how internet works. Instead of dying on that hill, admit when you're wrong. Telling you you're wrong and why isn't passive aggressive. It's called education, bud.

    It allows them to be picked up? But...

    It can't just make them impossible to pick up for the killer, unless the survivors are on the same local network (even then, the lagswitch would have to be network based instead of locally initiated). Everyone is connected to a centralized dedicated servers. What would affect a killers ability to pick them up would also affect a survivors ability to heal them. Otherwise it's just them on the ground dying, cause the bleed out timer doesn't stop.

    Carefully debate with yourself whether or not you'd like to continue. You make this way too easy.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Would you get more passive aggressive if I told you I'm not even reading your comments and just saying you're right anyways?

    I'm sure you must live a happy life judging by how often you show your passive aggressive nature in a gaming forum.

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020
    Passive aggressive - of or denoting a type of behavior or personality characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and an avoidance of direct confrontation, as in procrastinating, pouting, or misplacing important materials.

    Am I being arrogant? Absolutely. Passive aggressive? definition? No. But go on. This is fun. Proving you wrong and watching you resort to ad hominem attacks.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    That's the kicker. It's not a stereotype if it's true. In my case, it is. Literally every purple/red killer I've faced who was not on PC tunneled people to death.

  • Member Posts: 1,505
    edited September 2020

    Passive aggressive and arrogant are two completely different things. I'm arrogant, not passive aggressive. Please use the right terms. This is why you consistently lose arguments to the point where you bail.

    In any case - of course they can manipulate their ping. That's why it's called a "lag switch". I'm saying that it does nothing for them, other than make it so 2 people aren't on generators (in the event that someone comes to revive them). Even then, you can only "lag switch" for a maximum of a few seconds before the server drops connection with you entirely. So you're greatly exaggerating what can be done with a lag switch on a *centralized dedicated server* as of right now.

    I don't think you should criticize other peoples attitudes, and throwing personal attacks after such a long vacation. It's not a good look. Especially when you can't differentiate arrogance and passive aggressive behavior. Though, perhaps text makes it hard to tell; and I'm only arrogant because, well, it's easy. You guys boost my confidence literally that much (thanks, btw <3).

  • Member Posts: 3,536

    That’s a long-winded way of saying “you were right”.

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    Not really - it's a way of saying "you intentionally left out a key part of what a lag switch does, and didn't mention that they will be dropped after only a few seconds of switching, therefore it doesn't provide them any benefit, and I was actually right the whole time".

    So basically, verbatim what I said.

    Just stop, Clicky. It's almost like harassment at this point. My goodness.

  • Member Posts: 312

    If they change it to exclude pc, I'll turn it back on. Until then, nope..

  • Member Posts: 287

    For me, same with pc players. I never ran meta until crossplay sigh*

  • Member Posts: 287

    I have the worst luck with pc players. Idk what it is but dang do they love to die. I work on a gen for like 5 seconds and everybody suiciding for one hooked person.

  • Member Posts: 425

    Well have you tried playing on consoles lately they kinda didn't do something right and now fps and lag is a huge issue for killers its probably the most frustrating thing to play right now.

  • Member Posts: 19

    The amount of hackers now are more than ever in the game's history. The anti-cheat is a complete joke

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I've come across only maybe one hacker and that was a guy using wall hacks on PTB. I also doubt they're disabling. Almost every game I get console players on my team and some tunneling killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    Nah theres definitely some hacker seen a great deal of killer speed hackers. I'm talking about just getting a hit and gaining distance quickly. Also dont say it because we cant 360s they never worked anyways with all the respect and the broken movement.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I've disabled it when going back to my xbox for the rift challenges. Vs a pc nurse/huntress at 20 fps with a controller and awkward camera? no thanks

  • Member Posts: 2,870

    You are right lag switching can not be hooked I agree with you on this clicky. Lag switching is exactly what the name suggests switching the lag on and off when you need it.

  • Member Posts: 220

    I play on xbox and my main reason for disabling cross-play is that like 99% of the time my teammates are potatoes. Lately there has been a lot of tunneling, camping, and moris. I've been one-hooked so many games in a row. Its not fun. To add to it since the update I've been lagging all over the place (even with cross-play disabled) and the frames have been terrible. Rubberbanding in every direction. I've also been randomly disconnected from matches multiple times.

    I am mot saying everything here is only happening with cross-play enabled, but it seems worse with it enabled. Especially the potato teammates, no questions asked its worse!

  • Member Posts: 905

    Question but since you have met a few on this would a Cheryl picking herself up using soul guard when I had no hex perks on be a cheater and would a team willing playing with then also be cheating?

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    It seems the stereotype of all PC players being entitled, toxic and bad players is also true. What a shame.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    There's a lot of blankness in that scenario. Did you see her physically pick herself up, on your screen, unobscured? Did she also have Unbreakable or No Mither? Did any of her teammates have an auto-heal?

    If you lost sight of her for more than 2 seconds it could have been a stealthing teammate, even if you were in the area. Unbreakable/No Mither are just obvious perks to tick off, I only really mention it to cover all bases. And auto-heals, the pink medkit add-on, pick people up if a teammate administers it to a slugged person.

    However, I do not believe that her teammates are liable for anything she does. Even if she was hardcore cheating they might not have known. Cheaters are the ones who break the ToS, everyone else is just there. Additionally, I cannot emphasize how few hackers I have come across, though from talking to other PC players have come across a relatively large number. So often it is just paranoia.

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