Plague finally gets bugfixed but also nerfed at the same time?

To quote the patchnotes regarding the "nerf": Fixed an issue that caused the Plague to not slow down after using Vile Purge.
I'd like to know if this issue has been around since her release or if this was caused by the Pyramid Head release along with the messed up trajectory for her vomit. This might impact her playstyle and feeling quite a lot. If anything she'd deserve buffs instead of nerfs.
I don't get why she even has slowdowns in the first place considering how little map pressure this killer has on her own. She gets genrushed to hell since people don't even get to spend time on healing against her thus solely focusing on the main objective. What she'd need is a slowdown to action-speed for fully infected survivors.
It's only from the PTB.
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I love plague but I never play her. The aiming for vile and corrupt purge is horrible on console. The amount of times I’ve seen the purges go through survivors is ridiculous.
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I think a nerf would be fine, I still die before first gen pops against her and Freddie so it doesn't make that much of a difference.
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Because survivors on the ptb before she was released cried that she was to oppressive and that there was little to no counterplay once she was behind you so leave it to the developers to nerf her (regarding why she has the slowdown)
I honestly think she shouldnt even have it look at clowns they took his away and dude can slow you to ungodly speeds i don't think plague still needs the slowdown.
Nerfing a killer because you can't play around her is honestly the dumbest thing i've ever seen on the forums just being honest while we are at it do you want the exit gates to spawn open for you as well?
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Plague is possibly the most bizarrely restricted killer on the roster. Everything that could make her good is slightly tweaked to render her subpar across the board.
Ranged attack? You probably have to walk halfway across the map to get it and you slow down a ton when you charge it, so good luck using it at jungle gyms.
Vile purge? You can spend a bit of time getting everyone 1 shot, and then the survivors can soft reset the game and heal after 2 or 3 gens. You're also the worst killer in the game in a chase without Corrupt Purge.
All of her advantages come with such big disadvantages against competent players. It's really dumb.
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Absolutely! If you ask me she'd be deserving of a rework, her current kit has zero synergy with the way emblem scoring works in DbD. She's one of the least profitable killers to play as with terribly low bloodpoint income and hardly ever manages to get something better than a blackpip.
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Nerfing one of the bottom killers because you don't know how to play against her and her obvious tactics.
A l r i g h t y t h e n .
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Gonna bump this one, Plague NEEDS more love. No new original skin since over 7 months, also still no buffs to her most glaring issues (bad addons, bad bp scoring and no map pressure). Come on, don't treat vommy mommy like that.
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I played her for the first time a while back on PS4 and I kept noticing The Purge going through survivors that I knew for a fact that I hit. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed this.
Maybe the hit validation server has improved this.
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Clowns power doesn’t directly injure survivors, whereas Plagues does, either by removing a health state with VP or directly injured them via CP.
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It’s gotten worse since dedicated servers went live.
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I just want her throw-up to shoot out when I charge it for a little bit. So many times I want just a little to coat a generator, but I don't charge it up enough for her to puke. It's like there's an invisible line I need to cross before she pukes anything.... why is that a thing?
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Kinda like Demogorgan, just masses of counterplay built in.
Thats what people want Spirit and Pyramidhead to be like but when the 1 has such easy counterplay against the 4 that have comparatively little it leaves the killers in a weak spot.
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I don’t know what’s causing that. When a game starts, I have to fully charge, vomit, then I can do mini charges and vomit. She’s buggy, never used to be like that
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ideally most killers are like that, then they can blanket nerf survivors?
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Plague is one of my fav killers, but she is a very nerfed killer.
- The broken status takes ages to get effect in infected survivors unless you use very rare addon or Emetic potion + Infected emetic combo.
- When a survivor use a pool of devotion should stay in injured effect if he/she was in broken status.
- Base time of infected elements is very low.
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Welcome to DBD new player. :D
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I unironically think Legion is better than Plague if you have good M1 killer skills, because Plague is going to be an M1 killer against a good team. Difference is Legion can get everyone injured infinitely faster, has built in stall, has mobility, and isn't 90 feet tall.
The only effective way I've found to play Plague against good players is to play for a 4 gen from the onset, allow them to use the far pools, and only grab the pools near my 4 gen. You have to not only force a 3-4 gen, but you have to force a 3-4 pool so they can only cleanse in the area where they have to do gens. Your power is useless if you have to cross Azarov's to get it. And even when you get the stars to align like that, you're still playing Plague.
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I just wish really tall killers like Plague would get a camera that's fitting for them. Imagine if we had a killer who could see survivors over walls.
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Plague is in a good spot (she also got a insane buff awhile ago = 1 shrine is already corrupted at the start of a match).
Low Game Time / too many second chances perks is not a plague only problem.
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Been playing since 2018, they are just the ones that give me the most trouble since I hardly get matched with them. When I do I normally am the first to die since there apparently is only one hook in the game and it needs to be patrolled regularly.
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Then you're inexpierienced against them, understandable.
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I'm bumping this, it's absolutely not okay that Plague hasn't seen a single skin in close to 8 months now.
BHVR could at least try to remember her.