The DS Bug..

I understand that DS is currently bugged right now. but I'm just here to say that I wouldn't mind DS nearly as much in its current 60 second state if the perk only stunned for 2 seconds. I haven't complained about getting DS'd at all recently (I play Nurse a lot so I get DS'd a lot), and it's simply just because the stun duration is shorter. As Trapper, Wraith, Hag, Bubba, etc., I don't have as much of an issue when I'm only stunned for a few seconds.. when I clearly didnt tunnel someone but still get DS'd. If I deliberately tunnel someone then I fully deserve the DS, but I don't tunnel and still get the perk to go off.


  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    I think it should be 3 or 4 second stun. 2 gives a survivor no chance to escape unless they've been downed by a structure.

  • xillucide
    xillucide Member Posts: 92

    except for corn maps, 2 seconds is enough distance to get to a pallet or window tbh.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It helps if there is windows nearby or if it's end game and you picked up in front of opened gates. But if you downed in opened area you pretty much gonna down again quickly. This perk became more situational.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636
    edited September 2020
    1. 2 seconds does not give you enough distance at all.
    2. The killer can still tunnel you even if you’re at a pallet or window.
  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited September 2020

    No think about it, that just punishes those that can run the killer for a long time, they still get hard tunnelled off the hook but lasted long enough for ds not to work at all anymore.

    We have been over this all long enough, it's now just up to the devs to implement the change...

    DS should not have a timer, it turns off after having used it or doing any action other then movement and healing yourself or being healed by another, that's it

    Post edited by BioX on
  • DonZwiebel
    DonZwiebel Member Posts: 136

    My only use of DS as killer is to change obsession for my sweet STBFL stacks without bringing a perk for that myself. Survs are easy to bait into DS'ing me when I need it.

    The way bigger issue I have is with tunneling. They need to do something that makes it quite worthless for killers to tunnel right from the start of the match what happend almost every match I played this weekend.

    Hey what about returning a little fair play if no one else plays toxic and there are 5 bps and or cakes on the table?

    And I don't mind a killer tunneling in the endgame where it is the last option the killer might have to get downs and hooks. But there is no reason to tunnel a fresh unhooked surv when at least 4 gens are still to do.

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    Not on that one atrocious corn map. I forget it's name. Rotten Fields?

  • xillucide
    xillucide Member Posts: 92

    hence why we all want DS to be reworked to where if you're still getting chased, the timer pauses, but if you do anything to progress the game or are healed, it deactivates.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    What if it were based on how accurate your skillcheck was and if it was at the end or beginning it's the short stun but if you hit it directly in the center it's the 5 second stun

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510

    Although Tbh i miss the old 3 second stun. 5 seems alittle excessive since you can lose so much momentum in a trial which isnt your fault by a 59 second ds. And its synergy with unbreakable. It became 5 because of enduring but enduring has nothing to do with it anymore.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    3 seconds was also not enough to gain Distance, since the animation is 1,7 seconds alone (or 1,3, but I think it is 1,7). And "because of Enduring"... I would doubt that. Otherwise they would have changed it again.

  • xillucide
    xillucide Member Posts: 92

    I think people forget that Head On stuns for 3 seconds.. it's more than enough time to get to a pallet or window.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510
    edited September 2020

    I mean when enduring affected ds and head on in a patch they raised ds to 5 seconds. Im not sure if the reasoning was personally for enduring but maybe. Its kinda interesting how the perk which used to effect all stuns can't counter ds (i understand it made headon useless but i mean its a perk vs a perk) and unnerving pressence which is supposed to affect all skillchecks has a ds exemption...hmm...

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    I love it. Nothing better than a braindead survivor running at you after being unhooked to trigger their crutch strike but it actually fails and they die horribly instead.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084
    edited September 2020

    Yeah. Nothing better than trying to get away from a Hook when the Killer comes back and getting instantly hooked again because of my 0,3 seconds of Distance.

    (Since a Clown once said that I was "abusing DS" because I ran away from the Hook when he came back, I dont take Killers who claim to not tunnel or stories about Survivors running at them not that seriously anymore)

    But well, fixed later this weak. Then we can enjoy more Forum Threads from Killer Mains who 100% did not tunnel *wink wink*

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    The clown doesn't have the DS bug. I have 0 empathy for survivors because gens can be done in 3-4~ minutes. On top of that, survivors can equip multiple extra lives (on top of the 3 they already have). Reeee my 4th life doesn't work in a game that's done in 4 minutes reeeee.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084
    edited September 2020

    The Clown-thing happened before the DS-Bug.

    The rest of your post is better left uncommented.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    DS of 1-2 seconds is worthless. I refuse to play until it is fixed - there are just too many tunnelers out there and fear of DS is the only thing that kept them in check.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    There's not much of an animation delay to burst out of a locker it is near instant as opposed to getting dropped regaining your control then finally being able to run away. Probably works out to be about the same distance a survivor can get from either perk.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442
    edited September 2020


    • Survivors move at 4.0 m/s
    • Most killers move at 4.6 m/s
    • The stun animation is 1.25 seconds for survivor.
    • It often takes a half second or so to figure out which direction the survivor went.
    • Lunge range is 6 meters
    • You generally lunge at around 3-5 meters due to dead hard, spinning, etc. (lets average at 4)

    Based on those stats, if the stun was 3 seconds long, this would mean the following:

    • Killer gets stunned, spends half a second locating the survivor.
    • This gives the survivor 3 - 1.25 + .5 seconds = 2.25 seconds of distance
    • During this time a survivor can cover 9 meters of distance.
    • Once the killer starts running at the survivor, it will take them 5 seconds to be within maximum lunge range
    • It will take them 8 seconds to reach a safe lunge range (spins, lag, etc)

    At the worst end, the survivor would be able to move 29 meters. at the best end survivors will be able to move 41 meters.

    Even if you take the worst case scenario, 29 meters should be enough to get to a window or a pallet etc.


    Despite all of that, i don't think the solution to fixing DS is to nerf the stun duration. I think it should stay long at 5 seconds and they should buff its anti-tunnel capabilities.

    To fix DS truly, they need to do the following:

    Make it so the timer doesn't tick down while in a chase, buffing it's anti-tunnel capabilities

    Make DS deactivate if any one of the following events occurs:

    • Another survivor is hooked
    • You start repairing a generator
    • You start cleansing a totem
    • You are healed for one health state
    • You heal someone else for one health state

    This will buff DS as an anti-tunnel perk, but nerf the aspects that are so frustrating, like hooking a different survivor only to get DSed by the last one you hooked, or by a survivor just doing a gen in your face then jumping in a locker if you get close, giving them basically 60 seconds of immunity and wasting the killer's time, either by making them stay there and wait it out, or by just doing 60 seconds worth of a generator. Doing this means that if you get hooked, your goal will be to go get healed within that 60 seconds, then go hop on a gen, which allows killers to maintain the pressure they got for hooking you.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Because it is correct? I refuse to believe anyone playing this game at a "high level" doesn't recognize the fact that 3 gens can be done in ~80 seconds by a good team.

    It is only a handful of band-aid perks, as well as incompetent survivors terrified to touch generators, that prevent that from happening.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    I for one am loving this DS bug, I never use that crutch perk when I play survivor and it is almost always abused and never used for it's intended effect.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657
    1. If you're using it well and are intentionally going down at a tile, it gives you enough time.
    2. If you go down immediately at a tile, that's 100% a "you" problem.
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084
    edited September 2020

    I never (and I mean "never" as really never) had a game where Gens got done in 4 minutes (if the Killer was not afk). I know that a certain Streamer likes to upload videos about this when it happens in 1 out of 200 games and this forum goes ham. If you want to keep your evidence on this...yeah... pointless to discuss.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Then we must be playing entirely different games. If I am not running multiple regression/stall perks, I expect a 4-5 minute game.

    If you don't have corrupt intervention, I would say on average 3 survivors will spawn DIRECTLY on top of generators and the clock is ticking 3-4x from the first few seconds you load in. I exclude console gamers from this discussion since they are notably worse than the PC gamers.

    And don't assume I only play killer. I play survivor equally and have witnessed countless games where 3+ gens pop before the killer gets his first down. Do I disparage a killer in that situation for camping and tunneling in an attempt to win? Absolutely not. In fact, I expect it. And it blows my mind that the survivors will get 3 gens done in the first 2 minutes of the game and then expect the killer to just let them unhook for free.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    I've encountered many good teams (read: SWFs) (some assumed due to gameplay, others by clan-like names, or post-game chat) and RARELY have any games ended in 5 minutes, let alone 4. In fact, the quickest games I've ever played were when I was facing a bunch of wide-eyed, brown-ranked survivors who were tripping over themselves. To add to that, I'm a pretty mediocre Killer (at best), so survs have ample time to do their objective and escape. Everyone talks like they face the much-dreaded "survivor team 6" everyother game, but that can't be true. 

    Anyway, I agree with @Aven_Fallen n and @darktrix about DS. Sure, it does suck when you get that "59 second" DS (b/c it's always 59s :p) after hooking another survivor or whatever, but in it's current state (~2 second stun) there's been an influx in tunneling and therefore a negative impact overall.

    @OldHunterLight , I have noticed that I'm not seeing less DS-equiped players lately. I've stopped using DS completely because of the reduced stun time; I can only assume other people have realized how totally ineffective it currently is.