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How is dcing for hatch still in the game? i just lost my adept because of this :/

Played a hag match, due to archive. wanted to do my adept at the same time. down everyone repeatedly and one hook everyone. manage to delay the game enough that i got iridecent on all categorys except sacrafice

yet they powered the exit gates. the last two survivors. i down one by an exit gate and begin to go for the other. the others already sitting on hatch. the guy i downed dc's and the other guy gets a free escape by abusing game mechanics, which completely negated all the effort i put into getting the achievement.

like cmon. all gens got done, and i still managed to get iridecent gatekeeper, and chaser. if that doesn't put into perspective how long i played out that match to try and get the adept idk what does.

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  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Same thing happened to me with Demo the other day. Took me another entire day to actually get Adept because of it. Meanwhile, each survivor is just 'lol just escape bro'

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    How would it ever not be?

    Just wait for the dc penalties to return.

    Also while possible I doubt you would have gotten adept if they didn't dc if that helps

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    I can recall when the devs said this was being worked on.

    What happened? Why isn’t it in the game yet?

  • Member Posts: 392

    Losing a Challenge to a survivor who dc`s thats a first... wait no

  • Member Posts: 942

    If you wish to look, I made a forum, the thread talks about people's issues with disconnecting. There is also discussion going on surrounding it with people trying to defend disconnecting and whatnot, feel free to take a look to see other's experiences.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    I would sooner call it an adult's problem to have your time wasted then a child's problem.

  • Member Posts: 48

    If you don't want to play with the possibility of being slugged then as one of the devs once said go play something else.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Honestly, this does not need to have high priority. It is happening rarely (for me, exactly once when playing Killer and two times as Survivor, when a random DCed in 4800 hours) and the DCing Survivor gives up all Emblem Points and BPs for this game.

    If they get the DC-penalty to work, they would even wait for the next game. And well, nobody will DC frequently to give their mate(s) the Hatch.

    While it is frustrating and something against that would be nice, I think there are more important things to fix in this game.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Seriously the whole existence of the hatch doesn't make sense. The Hatch was added to the game because BHVR needed a way to deal with survivors taking the game hostage by hiding near the end of matches, so they responded by giving those survivors a free win mechanic.

    In addition the way it's setup the Hatch only takes away from the points and fun for the Killer, and they expect players to just accept that, and take it lying down. If I won the game and there is still 2-3 gen's left. I expect to get my 4k. Not because I think I am entitled to it all the time, but because I beat 4 survivors and they still have to finish 2-3 gen's. A killer should not have to slug the last 2 survivors to avoid hatch, they should not have to runn through the whole map looking for one thing that will deny them the points they have already won, and they should not have the points that took their skill and work taken away from them because a survivor found a key in a chest. It's completely stupid. Completely and entitrely stupid, just how much detrimental affect the hatch has on the Killer, and all because SURVIVORS WERE TAKING THE GAME HOSTAGE.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    If you get a 3K with Hatch escape while still Gens need to be done, you won. Why care that much for the 4K? Like, you got a lot of BPs at this point, probably 4 BBQ-Stacks which is another load of BPs, most likely a Pip.

    So why waste everyones time instead of just going to the next match by slugging?

  • Member Posts: 48

    I can't speak for everyone but one of the reasons is the devout challenge

  • Member Posts: 723

    Ok... so what do you think should happen after the third survivor is sacrificed? Should a beam of light illuminate the last survivor and give them the hindered status?

    This game isn't a competitive game. You can get the extra points you missed out on the next game and it's not that big of a deal. Most killers consider a hatch escape an oppressive win, even though they technically didn't kill the last survivor. And the survivor who escaped through the hatch can feel happy about escaping. When I play killer I don't play "dirty" about the hatch unless I hated every single survivor on the team and wanted them DEAD. Otherwise I'm more than fine risking the last person escaping through hatch because I at least understand how nice it feels to find it, especially if you've been dying all night and haven't had an escape in ages.

  • Member Posts: 248

    Oh no I didn't get a 4k... Please stop.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    I mean, yeah, this is a reason and one of the times where I also had to slug. Usually I only go for the 4K if the last Survivor was annoying or I see them when downing the 3rd Survivor (or for a mission). But other than that, I dont really see a reason for slugging.

    I have the feeling I won when 2-3 Gens are left and 3 Survivors are dead and I know that I would have gotten a 4K when I would have slugged. Works for me, at least.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Adept are a joke anyway. You can get that at any rank. So if you play against brown / yellow survivors you should do it with ease, you just have to drop back that far and do it with every killer then.

  • Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2020

    Most killers consider a hatch escape an oppressive win

    That's where you're wrong. Most killers consider a hatch escape as having the win taken from them (because it is). The Dev's try to push that getting two sacrifices should feel like a win, but the game itself and the community all will tear a killer apart for even considering it. The point system itself tells you "Entity Displeased", and the embless will barely get golds. Same with only 3 sacrifices in many situations. It's the most detrimental aspect of the game. There should not be a mechanic in any game that is simply a free win mechanic, especially that is against the side that has less players. It's like ltierally telling your player base that the singled out player doesn't matter in every match, and the dev's only care about the fun of the 4 people pitted against them.

    Playing Killer is stressful, it's hard, and most times not even fun to play when you get into higher tier play. All of that and then to put the icing on top that survivors are just going to abuse a free win mechanic. Talk about dumb. What if there was a mechanic in the game where a secret button spawned on the map when there 2 or less gens left, and if the Killer finds it first - all survivors get claimed by the entity and the game ends giving the Killer "Entity pleased". I'm sure the survivors would love that. I'm sure no one would complain. I'm absolutely certain that the survivors would just go "it is what it is, but at least we got 3 gens". /s

    • The hatch was introduced to give players that were taking the game hostage a free win mechanic to deter them from taking the game hostage.
    • It deny's the killers of point and gratification for their skill, and takes away the fun from the game.
    • Survivors delibertally focus around the hatch in dire situations refusing to do objectives
    • Survivors will DC to give hatch, denying killer not only of another hook/sacrifice, but giving another survivor a free win.
    • Survivors will take the game hostage to hide out for hatch against other survivors.

    Is the fact that it ruins the games for Killer's in every unfair aspect possible not good enough for you?

    • The existence of the hatch encourages other survivors to sabotage other players to force the hatch to spawn and open
    • The exitence of the hatch encourages survivors to take the game hostage to get the free win mechanic than finishing the objective.
    • The hatch is easier to use to win the game than the actual objective of the game.
  • Member Posts: 583

    I lost my adept clown because of that exploit. The last two survivors were both injured and tbagging me on the hatch. I down one then they disconnect giving the other hatch

  • Member Posts: 723

    Plenty of killers feel the way you do, and plenty of killers feel the way I described. It's not a universal sort of sentiment either way. It's very hard to pin down what is considered a win for either side- a SWF may consider only a 4 man escape a win, some may consider a 2 or 3 man escape a win, and some consider a lucky hatch escape a win for the whole team. A solo may consider most of the team escaping a win even if they die, and most would definitely consider a hatch escape a personal win, if not a win overall for the team. Killers have a bit more of a difference- some consider only absolute 4ks a win, others are happy with a 3k+hatch escape, others go by the devs' apparent definition of a win (2k and anything other than an Entity Displeased), and some consider their wins by the emblem system+kills. I would assume most killers base a win on how many kills they got.

    And you DON'T get Entity Displeased for one single survivor escaping out the hatch. This argument isn't about keys- I assume you already know that but I'm just making sure. As far as I know, we are discussing the existence of hatch, not the fact that you can skip a gen or two to escape with one or more survivors.

    Iridescent isn't SUPPOSED to be a free and easy emblem to gain. It isn't a super close comparison, but I'd compare it to the Unbroken emblem for survivors- you only gain Iridescent in that category by not being downed a single time in the trial, otherwise the best emblem you can get is Gold.

    The maximum amount of points a hatch escapee can deny you is 4, which would still be a Silver emblem, and that's only if you didn't hook him once already/he would have been your 9th hook. The minimum is 2, which still leaves room for a Gold Devout emblem. You can't gain an Iridescent Devout emblem from a game where someone escapes through the hatch (but that does not prevent you from gaining a Merciless victory) but you can easily gain a Gold just from killing 3 survivors, hooking everyone at least once, and having at least 9 out of 12 hooks throughout the trial.

    If you get Entity Displeased at that point, it's not the fault of the survivor for escaping through the hatch- it's because you didn't get enough points throughout the rest of the trial.

    The only other points you could possibly lose out on from a hatch escape would be Chaser and Malicious category points, which can be (and often is) denied anyway as the survivor can simply hide until he dies to EGC, so that is not entirely relevant.

    Regardless, as far as Sacrifice/Devout emblems go, the game leaves you room to get Gold in that category even with just a 3k, which doesn't deny a Merciless victory as long as you did well in other categories.

    And one other note- a survivor DC'ing for hatch still gives you 2 points for their DC. Slugging for the 4k is incredibly annoying for survivors so I personally don't blame them if someone does that if the killer takes forever to find the last person. I myself have never DC'd for hatch but I've experienced the 4k slug many a time and it truly gets old. Hook the person and have it over and done with. If neither of you know where the hatch is, killer inherently has an advantage (outside of it being purely luck based on whether hatch will spawn nearer to the killer or the survivor) because he can move freely about the map looking for the hatch without worrying about hiding. And if he already knows where the hatch is, great! He has priority when it comes to closing it as long as he is there first.

    Your button idea isn't too far off from moris- at least survivors have a chance to gain points before they're offed by the killer with the 2-gens-are-left button. So that's a moot point. It sounds like you're talking about key escapes through the hatch, anyway- which I just mentioned earlier in this reply that we are not specifically discussing. We are solely focusing on open hatch escapes in end game as the last survivor, which in that case your button idea isn't comparable, anyways.

    Now, as far as other survivor behavior goes regarding the hatch, some players are just extremely selfish and I don't really know how much hatch actually affects their behavior. Getting rid of hatch might stop some people from playing selfishly... but I honestly don't expect it. Some players play like jerks because it's fun for them. As someone who does main survivor, though, I haven't noticed enough jerk behavior based around the hatch to warrant a desire to remove it. It's once in a blue moon where I see someone who is deliberately and clearing sabotaging to get hatch because we either need a certain number of gens already done relative to how many survivors are alive (most jerk survivors are usually sacrificed at that point, in my own experience) or they're insane and willing to throw the whole game just to see if they can beat the killer to the random unknown hatch spawn location by being the last man standing. Most survivors already know that killers usually slug for the 4k, though, which renders it difficult to employ that little endeavor. I can't speak for your experience and I can't speak for a more killer sided experience. But again, I will reiterate, this isn't about keys- this is about the last survivor escaping from an already open hatch. I DO see selfish behavior from survivors with keys. But that's not part of this- keys are a different issue even with being related to the hatch.

    Anyways, my question to you is, what would you replace the hatch mechanic with??? How is the game supposed to end after you kill the third person? Are the gates supposed to be powered automatically (regardless of how impossible it usually is to open them?) or do you have another idea? Hatch was the best solution for an annoying problem- survivors had to play very carefully, slowly, and immersively to have a chance of escaping in the past. Even if they weren't deliberately holding the game hostage, they were forced to drag it out if they were seriously trying to escape by finishing gens.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    LMAO DC as a counter to a game mechanic that the devs support? Do you realize how crazy you sound at this point? People like you are why the DC penalties were implemented. It's very sad but not surprising at this point that people support weaponized disconnecting.

  • Member Posts: 583

    If you are going for adept killer and you are a higher rank you need the 4k to get it

  • Member Posts: 473

    You could technically report for exploits because, it is in some way, that's an exploit in itself

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Have my hug, bro

  • Member Posts: 871

    Your argument is that Killers are fine with the hatch. They are not. It was introduced to reward players that were taking the game hostage. It gets abused as an easier way to win then doing the objective, and makes the Killer lose fun and points as a result. Key's are no better. Makes 0 sense that you can find them in chests. Mori's have nothing to do with the hatch or key's - yet everyone seems to want to compare them when they are uncomparable.

    Even after your long winded explaination, it doesn't change these simple facts. The Killer shouldn't be losing a single point when they are playing well because survivors just have a happenstance. My button idea is literally the existence of the hatch, but in the killers favor instead. It's completely unrelated to Mori's.

    Mori's are broken, and were only intorduced in the game as a way to give killers a unique kill animation. It doesn't make sense that is off the first hook stage. When they could easily just have it as a 2 hook phase requirement, and then all the Killer gains by using one is the animation and not having to carry a body to a hook (Perk avoidance as well).

  • Member Posts: 871

    I play both and abuse the **** out of the hatch. It's a free win mechanic, why wouldn't I? Also requires 3 dead? Not even. If you bring a key, or better yet find a key. You are golden. Go in with a rare item, and Ace in the Whole you are almsot guarenteed to find a purple key in a chest.

    Plain and simple. The dev's never should of responded to players taking the game hostage by rewarding them with a free win mechanic. That was stupid, and it didn't even solve the problem of taking the hostage. Players now take the game hostage just to abuse the hatch.

  • Member Posts: 329

    So you are forcing people to stay in your game, to bleed out and then complain as soon as they get fed up with that? Play survivor for a change and when you will be forced to afk for 5 mins tell us about it, because I would do the same, unless killer simply hooks me. Don't waste people's time.

  • Member Posts: 274

    Because BHVR can't make up their minds about keeping the DC penalty. So if DCs are not punished, then there is no reason to not DC.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    I thought they were re-enabled?

    Yeah this person wasn't on ground for more then 10s. this person instantly dc'ed after i got them off a gate and downed them, with the other person instantly jumping into hatch nearby. I'm not a bad killer, im rank 1, and i slug for pressure, something you don't seem to understand. if someone is able to be downed within 20s of someone else being downed, why wouldn't i go for it. why would i risk hooking someone, when the other would net a free escape, when i can get both in under 30s. thats just dumb play.

    i care about the 4k, specifically for the fact of my adept achievement. along with this fact, due to the guy dcing, and one getting hatch, i didn't get it.

    There's nothing wrong with a 2k. but when i EARNED my 4k, and i have it robbed through people exploiting game mechanics in order to specifically deprive me of an adept achievement (quite easy to tell that i was adept, seeing as i was running only the 3 hag perks all of which are obvious etc) i feel #########. if i had of lost fair and square, thats algoods in my books, im not the best hag. but i fought for that win, and the games telling me. No. because one player dc'ed with another on hatch. thats bs to me. if the guy legitamately found hatch, or brought a key? fair game i feel. its in the game, i can't argue with it, i can be mad, but i can't argue with it.

    Dcing for the hatch is an objectively scummy tactic.

    Why would i want to derank to play against players lower then my skill level though? i bullied enough players during the mmr period of time, along with i feel bad if im not clearly vsing an equal match to myself. im just trying to farm out all the achievements, and people like this who aren't actually playing the game deprive me of that, because even when i play well i still lose which is grossly unfair. i would of had that adept.

    And thats fair enough. thing is though, this wasn't a legitamate hatch escape. one guy camped hatch, next to the other guy. guy on door dc'ed as soon as i found him/got to him, making sure the other guy could get hatch as i slugged him for 10s. i saw the guy going into the hatch. If their wasn't a DC i would of won fair and square and got my achievement. because their was a DC, the hatch as it had spawned, opened up, instead of waiting for me to kill the other player, and instead i didn't get the achivement. I'm not a good hag player. i admit that. but when i do genuinely well, and then get robbed of an achievement i've been trying repeatedly for, because someone just decides that they can do that on a whim (Which they could tell i was an adept hag as only hag perks.) thats quite unfair is it not?

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Disagree with this to an extent but only because keys exist. outside of what everything you just said, hatch is completely fair. and i agree its the last possible escape for a survivor. but keys are an old mechanic, that allow for multiple survivor escapes within 30s of the guy opening hatch, allowing people who simply bring, or loot an item to escape, even after the hatch is closed. idm one person using a key, or one person looting a key and escaping legitamately. but, when 3 survivors before the final gen is done can jump into a hatch it feels a bit bs, the same way mori's feel like robbing people completely of playing the game for me (outside of devour hope/rancor.)

    The game in its base state is balanced. the game when people dc to rob people of hook states, and when people use very overpowered items, addons, offerings etc becomes unbalanced but thats an entirely different discussion and i do see your point.

    i play a majority of my games as survivor in swf/solo. i don't dc after 10s of being left on the ground, nor dc at all. because im not a salty player. Your weaponising DCing by giving players the win, and its just as ######### when a killer dc's 2 seconds into a match, or a survivor dc's early which dooms everyone else. in this case however, the guy dc'ed literally to give the other survivor who was standing on hatch, hatch.

    i did

    thanks rattman i appreicate it <3

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Trolling? They're being serious, they just stated they're not going to sit there for 4 minutes and bleed out just because the killer wants his 4k.

    It's not trolling if it's put into action.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Every time a survivor DC's on me I just have to accept that they were the better player that match. Give them a solid gg

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Yes, I'm absolutely furious. Just fully devastated by a child's logic.

  • Member Posts: 288

    Survivors have it bad as well. Example: when a survivor DCs immediately at the start of a game and the rest of the match is a 3v1.

  • Member Posts: 723

    1. That's your opinion. Plenty of killers DGAF about the game mechanic of hatch opening for the last remaining survivor besides it being a slight annoyance here and there in some games. Neither you nor I can speak for how every killer feels about the hatch- the ACTUAL fact of the matter is that there are plenty of killers who hate it and plenty of killers who don't really care about hatch. If anything, I shouldn't have picked the word "most" when I said that a portion of killers still consider a game with a hatch escape as a win. But that still isn't me attempting to speak on behalf of every single killer main.

    2. This is not about keys. It's about the hatch. We aren't talking about how fair or unfair it is to be able to open a closed hatch with an item you can equip or find in a trial, it's a totally different topic than the hatch automatically opening for the last remaining survivor. That's what we are focusing on.

    3. Hatch has been in since the beginning of the game, the only thing that changed was hatch spawn requirements. Now there is no gen completion requirement for it to spawn once only a single survivor is left (it used to be that 2 finished gens were required for hatch to spawn, regardless of whether you were the last man alive or not). So it is easier to make an escape in a match where absolutely nothing was done, but ya know, killers still have the advantage of being able to close it and deny a hatch escape before a survivor finds it, outside of the luck aspect (which can randomly benefit either side, since it can spawn either closer to the killer or to the survivor). The killer has even more advantage if the hatch already became visible, even if both killer and survivor know where it is, as killer can shut it in the survivor's face before he has the option to jump in.

    "Simple facts" are still largely your opinion, because you are saying things like "hatch takes away the fun for killers". That's not a fact, that's an opinion and not everyone shares it. And your button idea isn't even close to an equivalent to the hatch- because, let me reiterate once again, we are NOT talking about keys. That is a separate issue. Your button idea is not equal to the hatch opening for the last survivor, it's not even quite equal to a key hatch escape. Especially when you consider that a killer can move more quickly and freely about the map and thus has the advantage to find and shut an open hatch without worrying about being found first.

    (And ok about moris, I only mentioned them in regards to your button idea, I'm not really trying to compare them to keys or anything else besides your button idea :) )

    But you still didn't answer my question. What better mechanic is there other than hatch? You don't want to lose emblem points or blood points from a survivor making a hatch escape, but I'm sure you don't want to play a long game of hide and seek with a single survivor as he struggles to finish gens so that he can escape. Or do you think that every survivor should just wave a white flag and pop up out of nowhere once you've killed all his teammates, regardless of how well he played and if you've even been able to win a single chase against him the entire game? I'm genuinely interested in your idea for a better end game mechanic for the last survivor, because you obviously dislike the current one but seem to have no idea for what would be better as an end game mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Watch the forums, and livestreams it's not "just an opinion".

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