Dead by Daylight is Broken on Nintendo Switch With Sound (Needs urgent Fix)

So I play both sides but since the new killer and patch landed.
The sound has been super low in game and broken. it’s unbearable and making the game unplayable.
(And I use quality headphones)
So firstly the only loud sounds that ever happen in a match are the obsession sound. Thats pretty much it unless someone misses a skill check.
The cry sounds on hook are super low when survivor gets hooked.
But that’s not the worse.
The gens have become super quiet so can’t even hear them now unless your right a footstep next to it.
Even more frustrating now you can’t hear survivors running, or the killer breathing.
So when a survivor gets hit for example they barely screem.
And yes I’m aware it’s not iron will.
This is making the game very unplayable now and hope the sound quality comes back before this latest patch landed on Switch.
Theres numerous bugs for killer to like not being able to hook a Carried survivor unless you hit M1 first or it won’t let you hook them! This happens very often.
As does when you go to kick a gen your killer will repeat the action 2 or 3 times and sometimes get stuck and can’t move inside the gen. This also happens again with pallets!
Please behaviour fix this ASAP.
I haven’t been able to even play the latest chapter or enjoy the game since the latest patch.
This is still a huge issue and making the game really unfun and unplayable even more so as killer.
please fix this behaviour soon!
Thank you for all the hard work you put in.
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Why are you actually playing dbd on the switch?
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Because you haven't truly died until you play on Switch. ☺
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Switch is not a terrible port. Its not great, but its not bad
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I used to play with my wife (she stopped playing). It’s truly a painful experience. 15-25 FPS (not an exaggeration), graphics on par with a PS1/2, shoddy controls. Nightmare mode
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Ah I see you’re a newcomer to DBD.
Patches that break the sound effects in the game are a regular occurrence on all platforms. You’ll get used to it.
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Because it’s fun and easier for me right now while being a student.
I like Nintendo but with cross progression coming I may upgrade to PS4,PS4
But I supported DBD on switch since it’s release and I love it.
I just want these dam bugs fixed immediately it’s ruining the fun.
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Sort of new nearly been playing both roles for nearly a year.
I appreciate the heads up.
I’m aware but strider still broken for 3 patches now which sucks.
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I would appreciate if a Developer responds and reassures on this matter on all the game breaking bugs affecting the switch version right now.
please if anything fix the sound.
I want to actually be able to hear again with my headphones and enjoy the world of dbd again while in game.
Not these amass of bugs since the blight update.
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Hope the developers take note of this.
Becasue since blight update the game has been unplayable even more towards killer.
please fix the above problems ASAP.
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You’ll be waiting 3+ years, and nothing will come. More broken sounds on switch:
- you can hear billy revving his saw, no matter where he is, as if he’s right next to you
- same with PH’s ability
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I'm going to be the most honest to you, they will fix it, when? I sincerly don't know, I'm waiting on BHVR to actually give us the patch console players needs, waiting for console optimization (which apparently was promised a year or a year and a half ago), waiting for them to actually say why CrossProgression Switch/Xbox (it is not a Microsoft problem btw, I have confirmation it's a dev problem) so in all honesty, good luck for things happening for console
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Unless something has changed recently, Cross-progression is going to be specific to Switch, PC, and Google Stadia, so if that's a concern you're probably better sticking with Switch or Swapping to PC when able.
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I'm a bit bothered by how killer sounds are weirdly universal across the map- I can hear Plague get stunned across the map, PH's every m2 move, the Chainsaw Boys revving, etc., all regardless of where they are. It's a toss up of whether it is a good thing or not hahaha- I always know when someone else is in a chase against these killers, but I have lost chases due to not being able to tell just exactly where the killer is if I'm not staring behind myself as I run, since their sounds are always in the same place audio-wise.
I'm assuming I'm not the only one who hears Deathslinger's shot differently now, too- sounds like a higher pitched version now LMAO
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I play on switch too! Switch is the best platform to play on because you can play anywhere you want to.
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i play switch too and ive made you dc a couple times lmao i still have the screenshot
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Firstly cute.
I have never DC in DBD I only revived errors in game.
I make people DC as killer coz there like you, Second chance reliant and abuse it.
I enjoy both roles but shows what kind of person you are.
(Because you can’t loop or mind game)
So you rely on your cute second chance perks. People like you can’t learn and adapt.
Your the part of the community that ruins DBD so go play your fortnite ok and bag to get comfort.
And lastly go find your validation somewhere else you have to bag to feel good about yourself.
How pathetic.
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He's not talking to you LOL, he's talking to the person he quoted
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Ah I see.
Well my point still stands, anyways I just hope all these bugs get patched on all versions of DBD.
We just want to have fun after all.
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LOLLLLLLL when you quote someone its a reply love. You got so heated going off on about second chance perks and fortnite outta NOWHERE LOL. I play killer bro, I made that dude dc. I hope you check yourself before you go off on another tangent next time my king
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Yeah, he was talking from a killer standpoint and towards someone else
Killer on switch is literally UNPLAYABLE rn, I'm PRAYING that they either fix it ASAP or bring out cross platform progression so I can get the hell out of dodge LMAO