Kindred base would be a good start to balacne solos to what SWF have since 2016.

what do you think? the ineficiency solo provides is the reason why good survivors join together with other good survivors. if u give taht weapon to solos by default they would be able to make better decisions without breaking the game since SWF already do it since 2016, and the fact that pretty much killers STOMPS solos without any issue most time (if they are kinda decent) but without breakign the game since is only when they are hooked not in the rest of the match like

" Guys Guys is doc and is with me on shack rush demn gens at the other side" or kinda stuff like that... i think would be nice tbh.


  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    No. To both killer and survivor sided perks becoming base like that. Run the perk if you want that info.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    or just run kindred?

    Its not like any survivor needs the full DS BT unbreakable stack.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    It would be too overpowered in favour of survivors. Whispers and BBQ & Chili would be insufficient to counter it, and if the quote you put at the bottom suggests Kindred should be on constantly (I'm not saying you said this, btw) it would defeat the atmosphere and have too much information.

    There won't ever be a suitable counter to SWF, and taking it away would lose a decent portion of their fanbase. Their best bet is to create a ranked mode which offers higher rewards, but does not let SWF in. Keep SWF in the game, but introducing a mode without it that you can earn more for (whereby you need currency to get in, either by being earnt through the basic game mode or paid for) would turn the game into how it should be.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272

    I like it when the killer doesn't know I run kindred. Gives me a small edge and I always combo it with we'll make it.

    It's honestly impossible to soloq without it though and I agree that there needs to be some form of balance that makes swf a little less strong and soloq a bit more playable. But kindred should stay as a perk. Otherwise killers will just camp right outside its radius and nothing is gained.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    Make NOED base kit.

    Survivors could have Kindred then

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I do like the idea of ignoring totems having a punishment for survivors baseline but I thing NOED exposed part would be a bit too strong.

    Maybe have it so if there are 2+ totems left all killers move 5%-10% faster(Based on still standing totems) when the generators are powered. Its extremely dangerous but not as absurd as NOED base.

    As for kindred I think it should be baseline and kindred replaced with a new generic perk.


    Keep kindred's killer aura reveal as part of another perk(Lets just say as part of Premonition or Spine Chill) but make survivors able to see each other when someone is hooked baseline.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited September 2020

    it wont make solos op or anything it will just make it lesss frustrating to play as solo. why do u think people play with friends? because is almost as infuriating as playing killer against a good 4 man, since you complain against 4 man why cant i complain with solos? both experience are misserable. and should get adressed every time i play solo if the killer is not good because he oesnt even need to be good, just decent is gg well played for the killer. each survivor making TERRIBLE decisions all the time, do u think only killers get frustrated? iimagienm running the killer for 2 minutes and see on hook baby survivors crouching with urban doing nothing? so SCARED to actually go for the save? survivors CAN BE FRUSTRATING aswell as much or even more than playign killer if u are not playing with your average 4 man.

    and dont comapre noed to Kindred, please just dont. way different perks, you shouldnt be in front of the survivor camping it anyway go and pressure gens instead of face camping, solos are extremeley weak and unfun thats why people play with their 4 man, but if solos could have something it would enforce good survivors to take the challenge because now they can have some extra info, this is nos 2016 it wont break the game and is not the immersed you are by your own game anymore, it just isnt that anymore eespecially with 4 man being a thing you casnt just put aside solos and pretend 4 man doesnt exisist

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    SWF and Solo will never be equalized - If it hasn't happened yet and no discernible work has been done since they stated that they were going to work on it, it's not happening.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Sure. But Killers get Whispers and BBQ baseline in that case.

    The really bizarre thing (and probably the cause of 75% of SWF issues) is that the devs yeeted the original protections SWF had matchmaking wise as well as killer matchmaking entirely with no ETA on return.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    100% yes. This is the correct first step to properly balance the game.

    We need to eliminate the advantages that SWF have (i.e. comms). Once comms has no advantages over solos only then will we see real balancing.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I´d LOVE kindred basekit. It would most definately be a good step forward in the right direction.

    I disagree with your statement that Killers STOMP solos :D it really depends. A good squad of solos can be quite challenging!

  • DecemberMan
    DecemberMan Member Posts: 30

    As some have said, Kindred for Survs and Whispers and/or BBQ (without the BP obviously) for Killers.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    When SWF got rolling, BHVR implemented measures where an SWF group would always be matched with a killer of equal or higher rank to the highest ranked person in the premade.

    Not only did this help to offset the increased coordination and information sharing that SWFs come with, but it stopped the annoyingly prevalent depip/smurfcomps, where two or three red rank survivors queue with someone at rank 20 to roflstomp lower ranks.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited September 2020

    of course that after making survivors stronger devs needs to make killers stronger aswell thats the point but giving them whispers and bbq for free is not the way to in the slightest, even way less noed that has LITERALLY 0 SENSE, completelf ydifferent perks that are not even remotely close to the point of this post and especially because almsot every decent killer would hate to have such cheap tactic to their disposal but going back to the main point

    killers and i myself aswell already use BBQ because is not only good info but aswell points, is not a mandatory perk but is very nice to have it instead of kindred since when you play with friends is meaningless, but for solos it is very good but when i play solo i need every crutch at my disposal to stand a chance and there is no space for kindred but i recognize that it could of made the difference (as many other average meta perk would that now because im not using it due kindred i dont have, if survivors werent so scared and could read better but they dont so it literally needs to be base)

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Killers will most likely be getting the early game Phase, that would be more than enough. In fact kindred as base kit would maybe not be enough to compensate for the extra time Killers get with an early game phase.