True Pyramid Head Playstyle

So, since he came out i came to the conclusion that he is not strong, but this is not my point. I would like to point out when you are reworking him you have to do it right, as a hardcore silent hill specialist, i mean REALLY, i used to life in the atmosphere for quite some time, listened to the soundtrack every day and then... i know every corner of silent hill so... i am going to tell you how his rework should be done, it may not be 100% my thoughts because i just woke up... anyway, that's what he should be:

I think the torment effect should apply at all times, survivor experts know how to exploit it so they purposely dont get into your trail, making him completely useless, no... it's better when you turn him similar to freddy with his dreamworld, you can make an iridiscent fog offering too, but first off, he NEEDS the OTHERWORLD, it just feels so wierd that he does not have the power, survivors could use mirrors to escape the otherworld, like.. in the otherworld repair speed etc. is slowed down, i won't type in numbers here, that's your thing, just my suggestions.

But i also have the opinion... (My guess is this will be the only silent hill killer, sadly.) that he should have both FOGWORLD and OTHERWORLD, like every survivor spawns in the fogworld (Or as i said make it atleast an offering to turn the world into an fogworld or add another SH level with the fog), and when the survivor is hit, he will be transported into the artificial contruct version of the level, where some effects may apply but i talk about the design now, the rest is up to you. I am not quite sure if he should have an insta down... but he SHOULD have some kind of map teleport, like every other killer, PH is just not a THREAD, as he will get EATEN by PRO swf teams, i talk about 3 mins all gens done. NO COUNTER TO THAT. Anyway... in his current state his ability to send cages is not strong, sure it deactivates DS etc... but at what cost? Only because of that i wont play him, which is sad since he is one of my idols. He should be strong, not OP, im not sayin' that. He should have map pressure, teleport. Id like to introduce my general suggestion every killer should have, the "Entity teleport", or every killer should go faster each time a gen is being done, the usual swf team is not afraid to do gens, thats because the killer is the same as in the beginning of the trial, well... im not quite sure to say in here, you can help me and fix all the details i missed and i only talked about both worlds... im not sure how you should rework him but he should atleast have the otherworld like freddy got, this was an cool effect and changed the world many killers dont have that. You know... give him some love! Some atmosphere.. hmm... someone help me fix the details, i just want that you make him like he should be.


  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Damn, man, I'm main PH, rank 1, you can't say he's bad.

    What, survivors don't get in my trails ? It means that they leave the loop : M1 hit. They get in ? Means this is loopable and there is a palet or a window, they use it ? M2 hit, and tormented. He's a chase killer, he finds someone, kills him fast, hook, and goes for someone. Juste give him tracking perks and he's unstoppable, countering the top tier perks of the survivors with only his power and effect.

    Just, don't change him, really.

  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    I am a Silent Hill fan too. He is okey. Not the best killer but still pretty strong. But i agree that the devs could have made much more with him. Instead of his theme he "should" have the radio noise. The concept of different "worlds" has been explored with Freddy. Why not with PH?

    Maybe a mix of the Shape and Freddy where you have to build up power until the Fog world triggers and on stage 3 a similar effect could take place for the otherworld (something more dark and gritty). Kinda unused potential. Doesn't mean he is bad or anything. Just not as cool and thematic as he could be. I am also kinda missing the Bugs. Maybe his kick-perk could have a 60 second after effect so when a survivors starts to repair this gen bugs will bite him and he goes one health state down. This would also make more sense with the yellow glow as to let everyone know where he is and that he has no terror radius. This perk is rather useless.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    One of the reasons I finally decided to buy DBD was because I've been a Silent Hill megafan since '03, and, uhhh...this would be REALLY HARD to code. I'm a starting game dev and what you're asking is just far and beyond anything that any Killer can do, or should. If I may please explain...

    --Massive changes to the environment would be incredibly showy powers compared to the other Killers. Unless it was an across-the-board change, it'd unbalance the game terribly. (I haven't played as Freddy so I can't speak on Dreamworld, but isn't that...I have not heard about players liking Freddy much? I am curious to play as him because it sounds fun, but the one tier listing I checked ranked Freddy as "JUST DON'T" and I can only imagine that's because of imbalance because it's Freddy aaa)

    --True fact: The real reason it's snowing and foggy (ash, rather, but "snow") in Silent Hill is because Team Silent realized that fog would mean a shorter draw distance, and thus allow objects and enemies to be obscured until the player gets much closer--it was a bid to save processing power, but it became iconic for the series. However, we already have The Dark Mist. Perhaps there could be a customization option via Perk to turn the Mist into a more familiar fog,...but it could potentially cause lag, succeeding in the opposite of what it's intended for! But it's an interesting concept, I'd love to see what they think of this one <3

    --Survivors using mirrors to go in and out of two worlds, on the other hand, is just...not supported by the current code. That would require running two identical maps in the same place, with cosmetics shifting dramatically between them, in real time, and I can only imagine what that would do to load time/lag. What might be cool is a Perk that causes *individual player perception* to shift when hit/Hexed, but again, that's a lot of coding and load time, and anyway...we only were able to use mirrors in 0rigins and it was one of the most complained about features for a reason. Not a good look on the standard canon of "Town/God controls Other/Misty Side". Would love to see some hallucinations or Easter eggs, turn the Cages of Atonement at Midwich into the Watchers from SH1 kinda thing, but I doubt they're gonna invest (they literally have to invest, after all, game development costs money and this is an $8 DLC) in making that intricate of a system.

    ----That having been said, I would LOVE to see good ol' Misty Silent Hill itself as a map. Midwich Elementary is amazing, and I'd happily buy more SH maps--Brookhaven, bits of the the town proper, get some apartments or either hospital in there, yessss I would pay for this.

    ------...if Konami wasn't such a dog in the manger on their properties. It's surprising we got anything at all, they have never given Silent Hill the love it deserves 8/

    --As far as gameplay goes, it took 17 years to step out of this Pyramid Head costume into DBD's, and it was well worth the wait, at least to me. He's a tricky killer, and I'd love to see his AoE reworked a little (maybe just a scoonch wider?), but he's to spec. Pyramid Head moves at the pace Pyramid Head likes, his slow Great Knife drag is iconic but when he pursues, he PURSUES, as noted in the Spoiler of Spoiler at the elevator with Spoiler. The Judgment Trails alert you to survivors while you're in knife-scrape mode, and PH seems really effective in overcoming survivors during Chases by simply relentlessly pursuing them. It's a canon build!

    I admittedly thought this was a thread about playing in true Pyramid Head style, I should make another thread for that |,D

    Here's hoping we get more SH content! If Konami lets us. Seriously, they...they are not great about properties. Sigh.

  • Maxwell
    Maxwell Member Posts: 143

    I hope we get more Silent Hill content beside cosmetics. Konami, if you read these threads, even if it a is very slim chance, please allow Behavior to do more Silent Hill maps.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Pyramid head is strong, idk what world you're living in; the ability to down survivors quickly and spam the ability that does so with basically no penalty AND the ability to tunnel someone to death right off the bat?

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    Okay, so I had my first Freddy match and I rescind like 80% of this, I had no idea it was based so strongly on an in-game mechanic that DOES exist. Freddy isn't on Switch so I had to wait for someone to use him and uhhhhh I think I get the was fun as all HELL, I loved it in theory, but. It was 4k/BP a survivor and 15k/bp for Freddy. Thassnotfun.

    Since apparently the tech is totally there for it, I fully approve this idea...except that Pyramid Head really is a good, fun character, and Freddy is *super broken*.

    But since I had a lot of fun playing with Freddy, and actually got pretty damned scared...

    If Freddy's build EITHER had Freddy visible outside of the Dreamworld (it's the Chase! we're not getting any Chase bloodpoints!) OR it had some other ameliorating BP booster (more BP for Dream Management?), it would be the awesome game of tag that it was clearly intended to be.

    And it'd be mega rad to play and I KNOW it's Konami damn their eyes but I would love to see a Silent Hill variant too.

    Full 180, if Konami ever lets us do it please please PLEASE give us a modified Freddy build for Silent Hill, I love PH just the way he is but listen. Listen Konami, I will give you money for this. I don't say that easily these days, but I would willingly buy your Silent Hill products on purpose if you're willing to play ball.

    (They're never willing to play ball |,3)

    In the meantime, sorry for speaking without knowing the full scene, and aside from thinking PH is great as-is, I apologize, OP, you have something great here <3

    Don't get me wrong, I want the Town first and foremost, but can you imagine if they did Woodside and had the fire escape jump as a Vault? I would be in hog heaven. Especially since That ######### Toilet is right there and they could put a Hex Totem in it.

    (One that Cheryl refuses to touch, as per canon)

    (I miss you Team Silent)

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    I just wrote a friggin SCREED about how I had my first Freddy match and I am doing a full 180 on my opinion here, but I think the forum ate it. OP, your idea is AWESOME now I know the mechanics are in place. Konami still probably not gonna let us do it, sadly 8<

    I want the Town first and foremost, but I also am daydreaming of the jump between Woodside Apartments to Not Woodside Apartments It's Been A Hot Second as a Vault. Especially since that leads right into the safe/toilet room and a Hex Totem in The Toilet would be so utterly nostalgic.

    (Bonus points if Heather refuses to touch it)

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Freddy isn't fun, his whole dreamworld gimmick is pretty useless and the most it does it allow survivors to be affected by your already mediocre puddles or fake pallets

    All his addons suck as well as he arguably has the worst addon kit in the game. The most useful one is the red paint brush and all that does is not allow the Survivors to wake up via skill checks (as if they wanted to in the first place anyway since there really isn't any threat)

    He tries to be both Clown and Dredge and fails miserably at both

    You can even say that being in the dream world can help the survivor see better, that's how terrible it is

    I guess the only things "fun" about him is his fake pallets and his aesthetic with the claw hands and all as well as his mori. That's really about it, he doesn't even talk either