Double Rift Fragments and/or XP?

What say you guys about getting double the XP towards the Rift Pass per game, or gaining TWO Fragments every 800XP instead of one?
Even if it was just for a weekend, it would make getting through the Rift a little easier, especially if you've already finished all the challenges or if you don't have the time to play for hours to reach level 70. Nothing crazy, of course. I'm fully aware you can use Auric Cells to advance further, too. But surely having one cheeky weekend offer increased XP/Fragments wouldn't be too bad, right?
I was expecting a change to the amount of fragments required as it appeared based on the "1 or 2 hours a day" that the devs didn't factor in queue times. I never expected them to make it harder to grind the fragments...
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Aye but even excluding queue times, one fragment per match (and that's if it's even a good enough match) when it requires 10 per tier, with an average match around 7-10 minutes, that's a solid hour and a half just for one tier WITHOUT challenges. And for those who work regularly or just don't have enough time in the day, that's pretty rough, man.
Not expecting the devs to make it a cakewalk, but just the odd special event to help make the grind just a tad bit less time-consuming would be hugely appreciated by all, I reckon.
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This rift is the lowest rift fragments if we minus dlc challenges. (25 fragments for dlc characters)
okay find, if we do every challenges.
500 xp = 1 round
800 xp = 1 fragment
8000 xp = 1 tier
therefore 8000 / 500 = 16
16 rounds = 1 tier
342 fragments = 34.2 tiers
therefore 16 x 34.2 = 547.2 rounds
547.2 / 70 days = 7.81 or 8 round per day
please do something double or triple xp or give free fragments with any code.
Post edited by Shi on6 -
Literally all you have to do is play the game to get it. If you don't play often dont expect free rewards
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Deliberately ignores the point of the post.
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Welcome to the forums
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You have to play a whole lot within a limited time frame. If you include tome challenges, you also have to play in unconstructive ways, like bringing Open Handed or looting 5 chests.
I agree that there just aren't enough rift fragments awarded currently, but I don't think the devs will do anything about it, since that's how they make money.
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Yeah, missing the point like SpaceCoconut said. For those of us that can't afford to play the game religiously due to job commitments, health issues, life's little obstacles, etc., it makes an already pretty demanding grind even more so.
In fairness, I have ranked up a solid 50 tiers I'm pretty happy. And of course, the devs gotta make their cash somehow! But with barely two weeks remaining, and still 20 tiers left, that's an awful lot of grinding for single shards I'll soon have to go for. Double shards for one weekend wouldn't be a groundbreaker, but it would shave a considerable amount of time off in the long run.
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Glad to hear it's not just me who thinks that. Surely a double shard/XP weekend wouldn't be too much to ask for. Wouldn't ever expect more than one weekend, but if other games can offer multiple double XP events for their battle passes, then surely BHVR can do a single one...right?
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Sorry that most of us here have lives outside of DBD.
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If u know your not gonna have enough time to play the battlepass, why even buy it. I'll admit I wasnt paying attention originally and am not opposed to like a limited 2x event(thought he meant full), but like battlepass r usually grindy in games and that makes completing them more rewarding.
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The Devs just need to reduce the grind on the rift. I only play for a couple hours a night, and at least 60% of that time is sitting in a lobby. I'm still ahead on the rift but it's still more than just a grind when you get more playtime sitting in a lobby, than the actual game itself. Sure, I could go play Killer for instant lobbies, but playing killer is more stress than needed these days.
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When I paid for this rift pass I expected it to be like previous in terms of grind, and that was an acceptable amount of grind for me.
Of couse, BHVR didn't promise anything, but it is still their decision to hide the total amount of grind in the Battle Pass so I feel deceived.
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I liked the cosmetics in this one, plus through some nice fortune, I found myself in a good position to buy it this time so I thought I'd treat myself.
Hey, I'm all for a little grinding. You're right, it is a fun challenge working your way through the tiers. But most of the time, people grind because there's usually a decent payoff for all of it. If we grind our butts off only to not make it to the end (and not get all the Auric Cells back you used to pay for the pass), it feels like all the effort you put in wasn't worth it. It's probably intentional so if you want to pay for the next pass, you'll have to buy more Auric Cells which equals more money for them. But I've still got 15+ tiers to get through with very few challenges remaining. Once they go, it'll be one fragment per game.
All I'd like is one weekend of something doubled to make the grind feel a little more worthwhile. That's all I'm asking :)
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I wouldn't agree with having this 'double weekend' during this current rift because I just finished tier 70 an hour ago and would feel robbed, but for next time, sure, why not. And yes, I can say that it is a very big grind. I kept an Excel sheet with how many games I played per day and my xp gains in each of those games. I ended up playing 205 games of DbD in 20 days at an average xp gain of 570xp per game. I also completed every single challenge except for one (that I'm working on as we speak).
I had the time to do all of this now, but I don't really feel like playing ~10 games of DbD every day for the next rift, so I'm going to have to seriously reconsider if I ever want to do this again.
Edit: I started my Excel sheet on the 1st of September after making a calculation and coming to the conclusion that I was never going to make it to tier 70 at the rate I was playing in August.
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A "Double XP/Fragment Weekend" would be nifty and all, but I'd rather have some QoL changes to the overall grind instead.
More than anything, I'd really like for them to ditch most of the charms (especially the "copy/paste charms") and shorten the Rift by about 20 tiers without removing the other cosmetic/auric cell rewards. These easily make up about 30% of the Rift (mostly on the Premium Track) and in my opinion aren't very desirable or valuable. They just increase the grind between me and the rewards I actually want...
Or at least reduce the XP needed per fragment to 600xp (down from 800xp). This would mean you could consistently get about one fragment per match played, instead of needing roughly 1.25 trials per fragment (or 3 fragments per 4 trials). Including the daily role bonuses, you'd then only need to play about 9 matches to tier up once a day instead of 12.
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Nah, it would be a little too late to do it now (not that I'D complain if they did but it would be a bit cheeky to do that to players such as yourself), but it's definitely something they should think about doing for future passes.
Nicely done, by the way! And good job with the spreadsheets. Anything that lets the devs see just how grindy it is is a win in my books.
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Pretty sure Modern Warfare gives you an XP boost if you purchase the paid track (as well as SEVERAL double XP events per season). Something like the XP boost for those who unlock the paid track would make perfect sense to do. More incentive to unlock it, more chance of making it to the end, more money for devs. Win/Win.
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Absolutely agree with everything you said. A double XP/Fragment weekend would be nice, but a full QoL lookover would be brilliant. Plus a reduction to the charms is a big yes. Considering you can only equip 3 max, having dozens and dozens of them, some of which you 100% won't ever equip, is just pointless and simply there to occupy a tier. Iridescent Shards would be better, in my opinion. I'd take 25 of them in a tier than another common charm.
They could even replace them with offerings, specifically older event ones like the Gateaus or the Splinters (obviously have to be unretired for that but still), or even something as simply as BPS or Escape Cakes.
Fact is you're right about them. If this latest pass had zero COMMON charms in them, let alone uncommon+ charms, that's probably about 5 or so tiers we could've avoided.
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id love them to make sthg like this for the last 7 days of the rift, so that players who are close dont have to grind as much to get it / to give people who cant play as often the ability to get some bonus tiers.
they could call it the "Rift collapse" or sthg, say that it started getting instable (allowing for the double rift progress) and would be closing soon.
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it hard for me I can't play my ps4 overheat because of this game I'm gettingg a new ps4 and if it overheat then there something wrong with this game.
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Hey, that could be cool! Fits into the lore AND benefits players!
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Oh, damn. That sounds rough, dude. The game does heat up my PS4 but rarely crashes it. Might be worth holding on until the PS5 comes out, seeing as they'll be releasing DbD for it. But totally understandable if you didn't want to wait that long. All the best with it.
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well I'm getting a new ps4 pro and I try to pre order ps5 I couldn't bots keep picking them up to price gouge later like switch.
every site been saying out of stock.
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Only video games could introduce the utterly ridiculous concept of paying for something and then having to grind like a madman to actually get what you paid for.
Imagine if you had to do this nonsense for every cosmetic in the shop. Pay $25 for your legendary Oni skin but hurry! You've only got 20 days to grind 150 shards or you don't get it! CLOCK'S TICKIN' ######### GET TO WORK ON THIS VIDEO GAME YOU PLAY FOR FUN!
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Yeah, it's been crazy with the preorders. Give it time though, you'll snag one eventually!
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Hey, I'm happy to grind a little bit. Relish a bit of challenge. But it's pretty extreme in DbD in its current form. Lots of really good ideas in this thread alone they could incorporate to make it just a little bit easier and even a tad bit more fun. There's a simple double XP/Fragments weekend, an XP boost if you purchase the paid track, reducing the XP needed for a shard, removing or replacing the charms with Iridescent Shards.
Hell, with that new Redeem Code feature, they could offer Fragments in that. Even just one of those suggestions would make a positive difference.
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I'm not. I do not find grinding to be anything other than a tedious way to keep me playing a game that I should want to play because I find it fun. I do not find it challenging, because most of the time it's just time consuming. The few challenges that actually provide a challenge are basically "lower your odds of winning running this meme build," which is fine, I guess, although everything sure gets repeated a lot each tome.
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You're not wrong there, especially with the meme challenges. Really hope the devs are looking at improving the Tome experience soon. It was exciting when it was first launched but now we've had four Tomes that are near identical and equally as grindy, I think it's time for some Quality of Life fixes, newer challenges, maybe even mix the Rift loot up a bit.