The Blight is A+ Tier change my mind
So he have...
The best mobility in the Game
Can use this Power to end chases fast
Relly strong add ons, even If you use only two brown you get a 4k
So he is like nurse for not so good Players.
Only weakness dead hard while rushing -_-
I agree. He's like the nurse; useless if you don't know what you're doing and god-tier if you do.
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Kinda hard to change your mind when we dont know what else you consider A tier and B tier etc.
I take it you consider Nurse S-tier?
All I can say is:
slow turning circle is something sometimes hard to deal with.
Needs to hit an object before the rush can even do damage.
Damage is a special attack so no benefit from perks like Sloppy, 3rd Seal, NoeD etc
Does not break pallets so extra slow to break one when you rush for it.
I personally think he is a fun killer to play but if I had to have some security in knowing I would do well next match I would probably not go for him.
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When you'll go against good survivors they'll change your mind pretty quickly, don't worry.
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All very valid points.
However, his POV is somewhere in his groin area... This makes mind games impossible because from the survivors view he's average height so they can see everything you do in short loops and you can't even see over vault-able windows.
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He's like oni, pretty good, but not close to S.
On really high ranks survivors start to use the dead angles of your power to counter it. So they don't even need pallets or windows.
Stretched res makes TLs pretty hard to deal with him occasionally.
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They've yet to change my mind. After all, not even a Nurse can do anything against truly good survivors.
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He's good in the hands of Killers that are already good at the game, much like Nurse. But you have to already be good at the game to utilize him fully. Maybe that's an obvious statement but even with the bound-to-get-nerfed compound 21, in the hands of even just adequate killers, he won't do much. He's easy to dodge - again, unless they're really good (in which case which killer they are doesn't even really matter) - and he can't do jack on indoor maps or at the shed. Unless you've practiced the angles a lot - like in pool - or get a good RNG tree to spawn.
He's SUPER fun though!
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I only got 4K's on Rank 8
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l'm relly good with his Rush but yes Indoor Maps a different to play...
But I still get my 4K on this Stranger Things map against a Swf with a OoO...
Well thanks to undying and Ruin :3
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No I think nurse is A Tier. Like Ph, Freddy.
Spirit is S Tier in my opinion.
Slow Angels... Not relly a Problem
Special Attack... Ok No Noed for him I guess.
So you need a "security"... Like a mori? You now sometimes you will lose so relex and have fun. :3
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That's true but I think he is still very strong
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Not on console he ain't, just as Nurse is not. Even with hundreds of hours of practice with either, the frame drops of an Xbox will just crush your soul with these two killers.
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Nah, I'm not talking about pros. I'm talking about simply competent, not elite survivors. I've played as him constantly at rank 1. So much that I've to take a break.
He's a super fun killer. However, survivors are starting to adapt. His power is not really effective on most loops as it's very easy to path safely. He's got a bunch of maps that are terrible because he can't bounce freely, or he simply can't see. His pov is atrocious in grass and corn. Medium height loops, even unsafe one, are ludicrous because survivors can see you but you can't see them. Coupled with bugged sounds, his tracking is hit or miss. If survivors are sentient, he's very easily turned into the equivalent of a double windstorm Wraith, i.e. he can be all over the map as much as he wanta, but he's just a double hit m1 killer.
No offense, but your average purple rank survivors can be 4k'd even with the bottom of the barrell killers, barring some stupid map rng like Ormond.
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okay, ill try:
look in my eyes.
you feel tired.
you go to sleep.
after waking up you realize, that Blight is not A+ tier.
did it work?
(on a serious note: no idea where id rank him, i myself am missing the experience with him as of right now - though i have seen many streamers do really well with him after they got the hang of him, so im open to giving him a good ranking)
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as was mentioned, everything below rank 10 is just straight up baby, everything rank 9 to 6 is still very baby-like, do it against rank 4 to 1's and you will have a point....excluding scummy tactics like camping/tunneling/mori's obviously
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You know you can say that about every killer in the game right?
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Blight is A tier only against survivors who don't have experience against him.. dodging his lethal rush is so easy, that it isn't even serious
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Well I diden't say that the survivor are Rank 8 (sry I mean my Rank is 8), but hey everyone say Rank dosen't matter so I guess you mean this as a compliment :D
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But everyone say that Rank dosen't matter :D
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it doesnt on the bases that a great player can take a break for 3 months and become and be de-ranked by rank reset.
Or players intentionally de-rank to bully baby killers.
You can also have a match of running the killer all game but because you did not do (or have the time to do) any gens or unhooks you will at best black pip.
But in general, very broadly the picture I painted is just true.
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Even If that's the case you forgot something.
This game is balenced around mid Rank I guess that's 10-6 (I think a Dev or Mod said that) and If that's the case you have to look how this typ of Players perform in the game. Because they are the majority of Players who Play this game casual, they are not bad but not like otz or Noob3. And I'm sure If you make a Break of the game for months you lose a littel bit of your Skill, just say. So since I never lost with Blight I can say he is a strong Killer.
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Well personally I dont care much for these "change my mind" topics, if thats your opinion thats fine, enjoy it.
But I do find it a bit odd that you seem very adament to that opinion and throw away arguments when presented so you specifically do not...change your mind.
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Not even close. I could get 4ks right from the first couple of games. With nurse that's almost impossible if you can not blink right.
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This 100%
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But you just saying "you arE Not REd ranK, you aRe bAbY, mY OpiNion is rigHt bEcaUse it is." How should that change my mind -_-
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You must be joking.
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But you just saying "you arE Not REd ranK, you aRe bAbY, mY OpiNion is rigHt bEcaUse." How should that change my mind -_-
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No, I just don't give up because someone else told me the killer was bad. Instead, I actually took the time to learn him, practice his power, figure out when and where I can use it, see what add-ons are effective, what maps have little secrets, what tiles he reverses, and how to actually hit survivors that attempt to juke you even around debris.
If you don't get good results with Blight, that's your problem. I'm gonna keep murdering nearly everyone I come across.
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Uh, you must have read my comment wrong. That's not what I was laughing at out of the sheer ridiculousness of the claim.
EDIT: To make myself more clear, I've also been getting encouraging results on Blight (I'm almost insulted you immediately assumed otherwise), so that's not what I'm talking about. So re-read what I quoted you on and how I responded.
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Wait, you think Nurse is good enough to beat 4-minutes-and-out-the-gates? I've yet to see it, not without the survivors having a massive cock-up or the nurse having an amazing early game and very favourable map. And that's without items. Like it or not, even the strongest killer is reliant on survivors mistakes, just a little differently than normal.
And then 3-4 small pp builds take away the 3-4 cock-ups. Lovely, that.
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If survivors are doing generators in 4 minutes against a Nurse I'd hardly believe that's a very good Nurse. You may as well be applying no pressure at all with that given scenario, a Wraith hiding invisible in a corner of the map basically.
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It takes at least a minute to get a first down, because they are good players and not utter morons and will just run away. That means 3 gens done, all in the centre, and another about halfway. 2 players stack on that gen while the last buggers off to a corner with 2 gens in it. If you hooked, they have time to finish it, and it pops, because they have Prove Thyself. If you chained a chase, that slug picks themselves up before you get your second down, because they will just hold W, and they go work on another gen. The solo repairer gets off another gen while you juggle the first 3, because at some point you have to hook at least one, who has UB but keeps 99ing it with SG. Now they have DS and can waste an entire minute of your time. Every time you begin to snowball, UB. And then the last gen has popped because they subbed out the solo repairer, you have 1-2 hooks, and it's only been about 3 minutes.
Time for the doors.
Easy mode, they split up, one to each door, you get a pity kill and 3 people escape. Or, if you didn't use up all the small pp's, 4 escapes.
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I dropped the pallet. Now try and hit me.
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The Blight is an excellent Killer. He just has a very steep learning curve. Like the Nurse, once you get it down, he is VERY hard to counter. That being said, most people don't have the patience to learn to use him (me included). I just wanted his Perks. :)
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I don't think it takes a nurse a minute to get a down? If a good one finds you in the open you have maybe ~10-15 seconds to live unless you have dead hard. And of all the killers in the game, the nurse cares the least about the survivor second chance perk stacks. The situation you are describing could be against any killer.
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I don't have to change your mind, because you're right.
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Thx :3
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If you're playing Nurse and it takes you at least a minute to get the first down again, I'd hardly think that's a very good Nurse. A perk like Corrupt Intervention immediately negates the entirety possibility of getting the first 3 gens done within (especially three center ones) the time of the first chase. You're also assuming the map negating the possibility of killer sided maps like azarovs Resting place or The Game where gens are split in the former on either side of the map or between floors in the latter where there is no defined "center" and can easily be chained up. BBQ and Chili lights up showing exactly where the other 3 survivors are after the first down is finished and the Nurse proceeds to mow down at least one person of the three meaning at least one is still hooked and the other is downed before the team has time to respond. If someone instead tries to bum-rush the hook too quickly before the Nurse is completely gone she can easily teleport back and get an easy down on the unhooker (assuming Borrowed Time). From here we've got multiple people injured leading to a snowball effect of people being downed and hooked (not slugging and not tunneling whenever possible to avoid Unbreakable and Decisive, nullifying their use more or less completely.)
Come now, you really think you're the only one who can play this game?
Competent, but predictable.
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I'm a nurse main.nurse doesn't turn slow as #########
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I haven't loss to a Nurse in about 2 months. So I consider her A-, B+ tier.
My favorite streamer is really good with Blight, he makes him out to be A+ Tier. I've had nothing but 4k's with Blight, but...I don't feel confident with him like I do with Nurse or Huntress. Like...his slams are inconsistent, I can miss a tree I'm trying to slam into and there goes my down.
He's just weird.
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It's so hard to say whether a killer is good or bad. Because your own personal skill matters so much. I will say good or bad, skill is amplified with the blight, if you're bad at using his ability he's really bad and if you're good with his ability he's much better. Whether or not he's good enough to be played competitively in a tournament I honestly don't know. I'm getting pretty consistent kills with him at red ranks, but I used to be rank 1 with spirit and I've only hit rank 2 once with blight.
That being said I feel like spirit held my hand a bit and I really miss some aspects of the spirit while playing blight. He's an open book, the best action for him to take is fairly obvious in many circumstances and a lot of time for survivors the best course of action is to have any obstacle between you 2 and they're golden. If a survivor tried that same tactic with the spirit I'd eat them alive.
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Hard to say. His counter-play is fairly simple, put something in-between you and him or just spin him. His swinging angle is so small he'll miss unless you mess up the spin. He's also very map dependent.
So, we'll see if survivors catch on and if he can do anything about it.
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Pumpernickel is the best kind of bread.
Change my mind.
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Rank does not matter as a goal (there is no reward and its just a matter of time).
While most red rank survivor are as good or bad as purple or greens they use meta perks way more often (DS BT unbreak) + chances are also higher that they play in a swf group.
Edit: dont you dare Quote me with " but i play red rank without perks - not mentioning that he also plays with 3 other persons who run it and make up for it).
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I’m a console blight, gone against 4 man swf pc squads and 4k how I know they are PC? well they had .. ahem.. unique names Playstation and xbox could never have, he is strong when played right
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D tier on console
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That's a non-argument. We can single out a match and try to use it as 'proof' and it would mean nothing. A single match is not a meaningful sample size.
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Well yours is not either? All it was, is just saying play a game against high ranks and you’ll see why he isnt A tier, I’ve done that.. so kinda is a counter argument because I don’t see why he isnt A+ tier
Also who said single match? I consistently get 4ks with blight against all kinds of players, including high rank pc squads
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1) arguable
2) arguable
3) arguable
4) arguable
I win. Topic closed.