General Discussions

General Discussions

So what do you killer thinks that will be a good change to solo queue

Member Posts: 427
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Like its has some many people that says

Put kindread as a basekit to buff solo queue

And they just say no

And a toten indicator to we at least know how many totens are left and see if one of or random teamates decided to do 1 toten

But no again

And after every one is pissed because only has SWF in their games ( because is IMPOSSIBLE 95% of the time play with random teamates you will always loose)

So what its your sujestion to make solo queue good

Ps - Just dont say nothing because solo queue is so ######### that you know when someone says ow if you dont like just dont play, like its literally that that hapen to me i if i am not in SWF i dont play, and sometimes i want to play but my friends dont

I want to play solo queue but at the same time dont wanna to become extress

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  • Member Posts: 178

    Nothing to solo queue, just make it so for each person in your SWF group you get to use one less perk per person. (2 = 3 perks, 3 = 2 perks, 4 = 1 perk). There are countless videos online where no perk 4 man SWF win like 80 matches in a row. Even if you think those guys are the bee's knees of DbD we can all agree that SWF gives you at least 4 perks for free.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I play both but consider myself a Killer main. I´m also pushing for Kindred basekit. Solo can be pretty miserable at times, and I think solo Survivor deserves some love.

    I´m against totem counter though. With the recent meta shift I expect a lot more Inner strength/ Stakeout/ Small Game anyway.

    A good team of solos can come pretty close to the performance level of a premade, I think we need to tread carefully whilst buffing solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 427

    I alaways say that to every one that wants to nerf swf


    i have 2 types of friend one if like you said one that we will be abble to win some games without perks but just if we TRYHARD AS #########

    and the other that we cant even do 2 gens i can be good but my friends in this second group has like 15 hours think with this big nerf

    its like 1% of swf that can win 80 matches in an row you saying that is the same as i pick and extreme streak win of OTZ and say that the killer is op because of that

    And at the same way solo queue will still be ######### and you could be more horrible if pick 3 horrible mans SWF

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    Give killers their matchmaking protections back and this problem will resolve itself.

  • Member Posts: 89

    The issue with buffing solo is you can guarantee some SWF will keep lobby dodging until they're in with their mates.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    I agree and I feel bad for newer/more casual Killers. Something has to be done to prevent smurfing and the likes as it will prevent newcomers from wanting to continue playing.

    Not so much if the buffs to solo consist mostly of informational gains, like Kindred basekit. Why would they do that if they´re on comms already?

  • Member Posts: 3,452

    Kindred with aura limited to those who are not in a party with you. Totem counter (like gens) and mini claws to show who's in a chase.

    Add more emotes and something for the hooked person to signal they're being camped (i.e. don't rescue me, stay on gens).

    I think this will do it and I find them fair changes.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i'd like to get more info on my team in the lobby.

    their ranks, their builds, etc.

    igame aswell, i think a basekit kindred (heavily nerfed ofc, so no killer reveal and maybe only reveal survivors doing actions (repairing, healing, etc) to others - just giving kindred as basekit would be too strong imo) would be cool.

    a totem counter should be added to Small Game aswell. again, basekit this would be a little too good, but when they bring a perk for it its defenitely okay.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    Make kindred base kit, make a totem counter, and make a slightly nerfed bond base kit

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Currently the biggest thing would be a totem counter as a base kit thing or on top of small game with the rise of undying totems are much harder for solo players to keep track of

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    The addition of a totem counter tied to Small game is something I can get behind. Basekit counter would be too much.

  • Member Posts: 536

    I'll be honest I'd be willing to give some of these a go.

  • Member Posts: 1,045

    All those ideas are fine but wanna make newbie killer experience miserable too? Becuz we know devs wont add so big changes to solo and killer at the same time and newbies will be facing coordinated newbies on a game not made for comms.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    Valid concern. I think it would be a neccessary transition phase towards a better future for DBD though. For the time being new Killers would suffer harder than they do now but if those tools were provided to buff solo survivors the vast majority of Killers would recieve buffs to account for that. In the end, everyone wins but SWF teams. They don´t need any more improvements as is.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I'd say the totem counter should be basekit. Swf get this information for free and having to use perks to get the info swf does for free is already currently the issue with it, so why add another perk just like that?

    Asides from that I agree to everything. Kindred minus the killer reveal should be base, and we should be able to see the builds and ranks of our teammates. Add that in and solo might be bearable and I might play survivor again lol.

    Then we buff killers to #########, naturally.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Let survivors see who’s in a SWF pre-game.

    Give survivors crows if they don’t perform some kind of action for X amount of seconds (gens, totems, healing, saving, being chased/in killer TR - stuff like walking in a circle or going in and out of lockers wouldn’t count). 60? That might be too strict, even 120 would be an improvement.

    Change moris, change keys.

    Add a totem counter base kit.

    I think this would help without giving solos too much of a buff or making SWF much stronger.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    Solo isn't the problem, it's matchmaking. We need a better MMR, because 4 good solos are almost as good as a swf. I would like some changes to solo, like the ability to see the other players builds, a totem counter, kindred basekit etc. Then, we can buff the killers accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 78

    At first, I'd like to have an after game information who was premade (for both sides). I'm always in doubt how many killers pretent they getting matched vs premades all the time while they are maybe just bad at the game. After that I would think about further changes.

    However, mandatory obsession would be a good addition without being unbalanced.

    I'd rather prefer an MMR system that matches good solo players together instead of questionable solo buffs. This would already help a lot and would strengthen SoloQ at the same time.

    At the end, it's everybody's choice to play solo or premade on survivor side. Some people (including myself) like the appeal of less information. Otherwise it might end up one match like any other. Buffing solos might require too strong killer buffs, that might make the game less fun/unexpectable.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Mandatory obsession would suck and give survivors extra but what if they have ds and force killers to play literally every game as if there was ds on every survivor

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Kindred basekit but without the killer detection

    Totem counter, but in exchange killer should get individual survivor hook counters like the ones they used in hexys dbd tournament

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah i just feel like having a constant totem counter active would be a little too much tbh.

    i mean, what do you need to do Dull Totems for? NOED.

    and having a constant indicator of how many totems are left would be a quite noticable, indirect nerf to that perk - one i dont think it needs.

    maybe we could agree on a compromise?

    how about a map wide audio clue for everyone once all Dull Totems have been cleansed?

    that way the exact progress on NOED wont be revealed, however once it has definitely been taken down everyone gets to know, so they dont waste time searching for dulls when there are none left.

  • Member Posts: 655

    Your tradeoff is bad. As a killer, how often do you care about the number of times a particular survivor has been hooked? I surely don't, unless its endgame and I want others to stay in to rescue a comrade.

    Allow me to play the devil's advocate. Why does solo queue need a buff, the effects you are describing are perks or could be determined with perks.

    Detective's hunch will show you where the totems are, and you can count the number that exist.


    You wanna know where your teammates are? Run bond or empathy.

    You want to bluff the killer into thinking there might be a ds? Run an obsession perk or run ds.

    Maybe my solo queue experiences are different than yours, but I forego the meta perks for perks of my choosing. I run kindred, detective's hunch, stake out, then a different 4th perk depending on how I feel/what challenge I'm doing.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    not really advocating for anything just saying what stuff is don't know why you said you were going to play devils advocate without doing that but here goes

    Solo survivor is the weakest role in the game

    Buffing solo survivor allows for killers to be buffed without trouncing the solo queue experience

    By buffing solo survivors it has a trickle down effect by allowing killers to be buffed which in turn nerfs swf by leveling advantages and buffing killers

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Noed and now Undying is a pretty massive factor too. But I'd be fine with that- just something basekit that isn't on a damn perk that continues the current issue with swf

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    That will just make many people quit playing the game, doubt that‘s what bhvr is going to do.

    What they need to do is buff the Information Level of solo survivors closer to that of swf survivors, and then they can better balance all killers closer around swf. Killers are most likely getting extra time with the early game phase bhvr seems to be working on, if solo survivors don‘t get some proper buffs until then I fear that killers will suffer through long Queue Times.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I disagree with your statement, that 'you allways lose with random teammates'.

    If I play survivor, I either go alone or sometimes play with one friend. I don't have any problem ranking up and enjoying my games.

    The only thing which is clearly fking me up are people who DC/sacrifice themselves on their hooks. (And sadly this happens often).

    These things make games unwinable and frustrating.

    So I'd suggest some kind of harsher punishments to people who DC regulary and some kind of honor system that rewards people who stay and play till the end.

    But regarding your 'put kindred in the basekit' or 'give them a totem counter' is just a direct nerf to killers.

    Killers allready don't have enough time to deal with 12 hooks in a game that's sometimes over within 4-6 minutes.

    Even people who main killers as their job (Otzdarva, as you mentioned) have to use tunneling-strategies to secure wins against average/good survivor or else they lose to gen speed.

    And that's a really talented dude who plays very well - with more than 3,500 hrs played.

    We killer mains drive of chaos and confusion and usually win whenever people waste time looking for totems (which allready have been cleansed) or whenever suddenly two people stop doing gens to go for a save, instead of just one. (Stuff that wouldn't happen if you'd had kindred).

    If everyone has kindred and a totem counter, they'll know when someone is allready going for an unhook - or if it's worth checking for more totems. This will lead to survivors playing even more optimally - in a current world where most of them can even fck arround and still win.

    I think the solution to the balance issue isn't buffing solo players to busted SWF level.

    It's bringing down SWF's to a solo survivor level, which is almost impossible to achieve, because you are most likely getting rid of their fun while doing so.

    And at the end of the day not every SWF group is a coordinated hell squad, so it ends up fking some casual swf players pretty badly, too.

    I'd rather have a special reward as killer, whenever I slay SWF groups. This alone would be a nice bandage fix.

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