So do guys think playing killer at rank one is not fun

When you play killer at rank one, it gets a little stressful because you have to sweat your hardest just to get two kills. The survivors are just going to say you camped and tunneled to. But if you play nice they are just going to make fun of you. Dont you think killer gameplay should be a little more monotone like survivors. What do you guys think.


  • zach3734
    zach3734 Member Posts: 56

    I play this game to have fun and at rank 1 it’s not really fun anymore people at high ranks are overly sweaty to the point where you don’t get kills unless you sweat yourself or use op stuff and at lower ranks it’s too easy there’s not much they can do about it though if they add a casual/ranked game mode it splits the player base and increases already long queue times and you can’t just put rank ones against rank 20s and rank reset doesn’t do anything either sucks but that’s the game

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I'm not sure how I feel about it. Playing killer at high ranks isn't fun but while I struggle in a game with several rank 1 survivors I absolutely crush a group of rank 5 survivors. It's amazing just how large that divide is. It may be that there really should be about another 5 ranks between the current rank 5 - 4 cause that's where I feel like I'd fit nicely. If I depip to rank 5 I crush and if I rank to rank 3 I get crushed. Neither is that fun and rank 4 is a random chance at having one game or the other.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Depends on the killer tbh. I have no idea how people consistently main m1 killers at high ranks.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I do have fun 9/10 games as Killer at rank one. The 1/10 is really miserable though, as the only Killer from my roster that isn't limited to m1 attacks is oni.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Generally less enjoyable as killer in the red ranks. Harder (as you'd expect) I mean 4x meta perk builds every match, 3-4x tool boxes or medkits every match, keys up the wazoo but that's just game mechanics you can't really lament that. You definitely have to sweat and slug more, but I'm toxic if do so and moreso if I bring a mori no matter after which hook or how many times I use it.

    By less fun I mean all the predictable play, rank 1 and red ranks in general is about milking every mechanic you can for advantage so the game is usually a very predictable loopy loop around the same un-mindgamable piece of crap till the pallet drops. People always seem to run to the exact same places again and again and while that's easy to predict it gets dull fast. Makes playing trapper at red ranks easier as seriously rank ones get caught in the same trap time and again every game.

    The kicker is the salt, the never ending salt, you get into the reds and people cherish their rank like its their baby, god forbid someone de-pips in the red ranks after a game get ready for the salt. Just take your loss, say GG and move on (same goes for bad winners). Not every game is negative but I feel a greater proportion are in the reds.

    The sweet spot is the greens to mid purps, I don't have to sweat, I run silly builds, games are all over the place making them less predictable and generally more fun as a result and typically everyone has a laugh. Casual gaming is a gem.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    I don't know about that but, I think killers rank up too fast, which isn't ideal because the higher you go the sweatier survivors get and as was pointed out, early ranks are too easy and its not hard to 4k. So you climb the ranks super easy until you hit the sweat squads, then welcome to stress.

    In other words the scaling of the ranks between survivors and killers is way out alinged.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    also the fact the survivor no where near as hard as killer where there not many red rank killer and low rank killers are getting high rank survivors in matches and MM messed up.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    I don't think the game will ever have a working Matchmaking system; there just aren't enough active players.

    As for killers ranking quickly, yeah - I think both sides rank easily in many cases. Depending on the killer, securing a 4k is easy and that is the fastest way to rank with a killer (if you engage in chases and multiple hookings, of course). When the killers reach the high-ranks - if they are working on maintaining that rank, they have to play with a mountain of salt and toxicity because that's how the emblem system rewards them pip-wise. Same on the Survivor's end - they have to play extremely altrustic and troll-y to pip on their end.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, definitely true, I'm by no means a killer main, but I'm starting to play killer more, and I had a really rough experience with this.

    I had a Nurse daily, a killer I don't really play at all, and I ended up getting a match with red ranks when I was rank 14, I'm almost certain they were a SWF, because they were baiting me to lockers to head on, flash light saves, the lot, extremely cordinated, I never see that type of coordination as solo. I didn't really get mad at them, but damn I was frustrated and felt so powerless, if I actually knew how to play the Nurse, maybe things would have been different, I ended up opening the gates myself the moment the gates were powered, I had enough.

    To get red rank survivors, who may have been a SWF, when I was only rank 14, man I felt cheated by that.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,809

    Idk I think playing both sides at rank 1 is plenty engaging

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I play both side I try speak the truth I come it how I see it.

    I like the Nurse but she not one of my main she just to hard when I get daily with her I either try skip it or in the match farm and mess around because I can't use her.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482

    Yeah, I'd love to be good at her because she's by far the strongest killer, but the skill ceiling to reach that point is quite high, and if you fail to use her power effectively, well you're unable to resort to chasing normally because of her slow movement speed, making you feel really weak One of her strongest add ons was nerfed, the pocket watch use to reduce fatigue, which made the nurse more forgiving for new player, but OP on experienced nurses.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    I have fun most games even rank 1

  • Retrograde_
    Retrograde_ Member Posts: 5

    I personally find red ranks as killer to be incredibly frustrating especially with how easy it is to climb ranks, gens pretty much sprout wings and fly off the map with how fast they get done even with corrupt and pop both equipped, getting even a single hook against red rank survivors can be incredibly tedious especially when they use exhaustion perks, I ain't even gonna get started on object of obsession.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    my games are pretty chill in rank 1 on both sides, I dont really feel any sort of stress.

    Your rank means nothing

  • Syntai
    Syntai Member Posts: 38

    It depends on who you go against.

    Sometimes people just troll arround and do a lot of mistakes.

    Sometimes you get a good map.

    Sometimes you play a really strong killer or bring a mori.

    But if survivors are decent and just stick to gens and don't fool arround? Plus you get a really bad map?

    You're fked.

    And that's without the SWF bs.