How many people have turned off crossplay?

DrakeKiller101 Member Posts: 26
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

When crossplay was first introduced lobby queues were quick, both killer and survivor. And now survivor queues have went back to being stupidly slow, so I'm just curious if it's that so few people want to play killer now, or is it because people have turned off crossplay for some reason or another and it's just basically gone back to queues before crossplay was introduced.

I'm am not making this a discussion for which is bettter, console or pc, I don't give two sh**s whose better or worse. I'm just curious if people have turned off crossplay.

Edit: So it seems most people turn it off, at least of the ones that posted on this "thread." And it seems a lot of them are from PS4. I have never noticed a difference in the way each platform plays, I am on PC, and there isn't really any way for me to tell where exactly the players are from. But movements and whatnot from survivors are pretty much the same, and you very rarely see killers from console playing Huntress or Deathslinger so I haven't really noticed a different there either. I don't really understand why people say there is a difference between console and PC because I have noticed literally no difference myself, but either way, I don't see why people turn off crossplay. I see no difference in the players themselves, neither survivor nor killer, and queue times are crap whether you have it turned on or off for survivor or instant for killer, at least in my area (probably southern central US servers or near). And based on the ranks I've been seeing, I doubt it matters, but I am red ranks (rank 1 or 2 usually for both killer and survivor).

Post edited by DrakeKiller101 on


  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    I personally turn crossplay off as killer since the queues are still instant

  • wimlin
    wimlin Member Posts: 30

    I tried turning off crossplay doing survivor on PC and queue is still absurdly long. I guess they need to do something to entice people to play killer more. Can't really stand playing as survivor with 10-15 min queue times. Just completely ruins the entire game.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    If I turn it off, the que times are 30-60 minutes per match. And they are decent teams. If I keep it on, I get instant games, but they could be potatoes or death squads. It is a mixed bag.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    I haven't I love playing with my crossplay boyos against is a bit iffy

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Jus typed almost this exact post in another discussion:

    I’m in the US. Crossplay turned OFF /PS4.

    From 5am thru and until about 7pm my wait times are anywhere from 45sec to 2min.

    7pm until 10pm is like 3-4min to get a queue.

    10pm til 5am is the slowest at about 6-10min.

    So, my wait times are fantastic in the primetime daylight hours & not too bad into the evening, w/o crossplay.

    Don’t really have any desire to ever turn it back on just to play with different ppl on different platforms.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I have crossplay off on ps4, turned it off after giving it a chance the first day. My wait times with it off haven't been bad at all for killer or survivor.

  • __Lukas__
    __Lukas__ Member Posts: 32

    In Canada on Nintendo switch here.

    i leave it on as killer because it’s always almost i star que no matter the time.

    i leave it on as solo survivor and during the day it’s normally almost instant. After 10pm it can be up to 5 minutes. Normally about 2-4 minutes.

    As swf i turn it off because the games are more enjoyable. Aiming is way harder on switch so huntress, deathslinger are way less formidable. Plus in general killers are a little bit easier

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    I turn crossplay off i dont need it i mostly play killer and my queue are instant. Crossplay is only good for survivor so they canhave a bigger pool of killer. The bad part is killer dont need that feature so they have the luxary to turn it off if they want

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,162

    I'm on PS4 and these days I mostly play killer. After about a week I turned off crossplay and haven't turned it back on, since.

  • Ryuzaki
    Ryuzaki Member Posts: 688

    I'm on PlayStation 4 and I play killer with cross-play turned off due to the low FPS and frame drops. As survivor I turn it on for quicker queues.

  • AntonioIun
    AntonioIun Member Posts: 16

    I've turned it off on ps4.

    I mostly play killer and with it on or off ques are still about 1 or 2 mins anyway but pc players i find are way more gen rushy and are better at looping so i don't like playing against them even tho they're both red ranks (im 9 btw)

    Survivor im finding games nearly instantly with it turned off aswell but that may be becausd of my rank meaning there's more people there (18)

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    i mean i don't see any reason to turn it off besides the occasionnal DC from console players as survivor, but still having it enable make the lobbies instant.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    My survivor queues are pretty fast, regardless of crossplay.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I tried crossplay on Xbox, and whilst for the me there was no huge difference in terms of queue time, there was a much larger difference in how the movements differed between platforms. PC players were far more nimble, due to the keyboard/mouse combo vs controller.

    As a result, for me the balance wasn't there so I turned it off.

    There is nothing PC players have done wrong, and it would be completely unfair on them to make them use controllers. But the balance isn't there for me. I'd try crossplay again if we could select which platforms we could face, but it's just not that enjoyable for me to try at present.

  • WiseOwl
    WiseOwl Member Posts: 8

    Personally I love Cross-Play. i get to meet new people and i have fun reguardless of their skill level. and even reguardless if i die. as killer it can be stressful but thats part of the game with or without cross-play. the integration of crossplay makes this community come together EVEN more, i dont see any reason to turn it off so far.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    I'm on ps4 and I turned it off after the first day. My waits have been only a minute or two for both killer and survivor so definitely feels like plenty on ps4 turned it off as well.