the state of killer perks

unrelenting: extreme utility on hag and spirit as well as newcomers

distressing: doctor and terror radius builds

predator: extreme utility on spirit

zanshin tactics: extreme utility on doc

iron maiden : huntress and pairs with bbq.

territorial imperative : for varying utility on basement hag, demo, nurse and huntress

Is this accurate? Are C and below candidates for changes? is bbq too strong? let me know


  • I think Huntress Lullaby is actually pretty good, but just like Devour Hope it's a bit to tough to stack up. Since it's also a Hex perk you mostly just rely on how good the spawns of the totems of the map your in are and praise nobody is using Detectives Hunch. By your descriptions I think it's a B.

    I also think Thanatophobia needs to be A, that perk is a huge time saver and I personally use it on almost all my killers. Combined with Sloppy its quite disgusting. I think the rest are mostly accurate, maybe Third Seal for D since the very rare times it works it REALLY works.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    the idea of lullaby isnt bad but its not in a good spot rn. the token system for it doesnt compare with something like devour hope. its an inferior perk it need to not be a hex or just permanently be at 5 token from the start until it is cleansed the affect isnt strong enough to be both a hex and a token build up perk.

    thana by itself is pretty weak yes it can be stacks and its leaving bonuses on the table if you dont take it for legion or plague but as a stand alone on most killers its not very good