Plague is the most frustrating killer to play because of the trash hitboxes

Watch it in 0.25 speed. The 2 initial streams touch her but she doesn't get damaged at all. She did not have Deadhard and the killer's ping was 30-50. This stuff happens fairly frequently with Plague but this is the most blatant I have seen.
Yeah I definitely have played her significantly less since dedicated servers. I absolutely loved her upon release, and mained her exclusively for a short while.
But since dedicated servers she’s very frustrating, for that exact reason you’ve given: Purge doesn’t register quite often despite seeing that it collide with the survivor
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I've never understood this gameplay of swinging the camera as fast as possible while puking.
Purge is like throwing multiple hatchets at once, and each one applies a little bit of sickness. By flicking around like that you're guaranteeing that two thirds or more of all your vomit is certainly going to miss.
If you ask me, from how quick that upchuck was, with how many times it vibrated left and right, you just caused all of the "hatchets" to miss even though she was visually touched by the particle effect connecting them.
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Thia right here is why I don't play plague anymore.
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Every single streamer I see playing Plague does it. I personally do it because the vomit projectile speed is actually really slow and if you don't spray, the survivor can easily dodge. Regardless of why it didn't register, it's still complete bs and needs fixing.
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How nice for every single streamer then. I've been playing Plague at rank 1 consistently for months and months at this point, and unless you suck at aiming it's better to just land large amounts and break them in one or two shots than do this nonsense and basically wait for passive buildup to get them.
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Huh? I was talking about Corrupt Purge, which was what I had in the video. Idk why you talking about Vile Purge.
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It is not hitboxes, it is latency. For some unfathomable reason, they made her purges not only server sided, but extremely bugged to boot. Unless me and the survivor have less than 50 ping between us, hits will be robbed and it will be pretty consistent. It is the one and only reason I had to give up being a Plague main, and I am... Well, there's no point dancing around, I'm still extremely pissed off. Months of playtime down the drain. She's still my favourite killer by far, I just can't play her without getting massively triggered because the devs genuinely don't care and would rather blame poor connections than admit that perhaps, given Slinger and Huntresses relative functionality, they screwed up.
I wish she was more popular just so she could get a little QoL update.
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I played her alot and i dont have these issues ... just dont wiggle so fast ...
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Plague is P tier. For Poopoo.
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Pretty embarrassing that you've been hanging around rank 1 without understanding the two different forms of vomit lol
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Or I wasn't paying that much attention to the 3 frames of clip he put in.
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You can see the corrupt purge timer bar on the power icon itself.
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You've just described why playing as the Plague sucks. The entire point of the stream of vomit is that you should (and are smart to) do things like swing the camera like that. If the power worked properly (i.e. you get touched, you're hit) then only fools wouldn't swing the camera. It prevents dodging and dramatically increases the likelihood of hitting, especially with the lag time on moving your camera and the stream following it when trying to shoot in a straighter line.
But it's not just that. I hit a survivor on Lery's earlier with vile purge, she screamed, and I turned around to patrol a gen since it was still early match. I look at the survivor icons and literally no one was sick. She had the friggin' REACTION to being infected but it didn't actually infect her. Completely ridiculous.