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General Discussions

Dead by Daylight is 40 GB

Member Posts: 43
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Recently I got a new computer, Acer Aspire 5 and it has 120gb. The necessary files by default to run windows is 30gb, which I don't mind.

I only use dbd on that computer since my old one couldn't run it, and now guess what. The game is 40gb.

** You need to make your game RUNNABLE if you still want people to play it**

I mean, honestly. I have 25gb left and I wonder how long it'll be until I'll have to uninstall. (not long at the rate the game is going)

Also, make an option to go back to old graphics. I loved the old graphics but now I need a lamp in my room to even look around on Badham.

Post edited by hangm_nn on

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  • Member Posts: 43

    @Shenochek Not everyone has 1,000 for a gaming PC

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  • Member Posts: 5,295

    That's not nearly as bad as when I reinstalled ARK -.-

    I had to be an external HDD to fit that.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    A hard drive is cheap, though, and if you have a PC for gaming you definitely need at least a 1 Tb drive or there's just no point as you'll keep having to uninstall and reinstall games constantly.

  • Member Posts: 16,663
    edited September 2020

    You can look for an external Hard Drive. It is not a problem to get one for <100 Euro, sometimes for around 80 Euro. 120 GB of space is really low.

    EDIT: Or even lower prices, when looking at other posts.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Honestly yeah I agree to this completely. When I got my new PC in June, my dad kept telling me to get 500GB but honestly 1TB is basically the minimum.

    @hangm_nn You can buy 250GB Internal SSDs from Amazon for about £36 last I checked, or about $46. I'd suggest saving up for one of those- the SSD currently in mine is £118 off of Amazon on sale ($150) or £170 ($217) off, which is naturally a lot of money to be spending, but if you have it at hand you honestly won't need to upgrade storage for a long time. If not, I'd say your best bet is to do a bit of research into the best brands of SSD and try getting one of those.

    Though, in my honest opinion, go for an SSD not a HDD because otherwise DBD will run very, very slowly after a bit (and that's no fun).

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Dbd takes 40GB on my system. Which is way too much for a game with such simple graphics, map sizes, and mechanics.

    Much more complicated games like Arma3 with better animations, better graphics, better and more models, gigantic 300 square kilometres large maps actually take LESS space than Dead by Daylight does. Thats just unacceptable.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Sure, but a reasonable sized HDD costs almost nothing nowadays, something like 500 GB is pretty normal these days, even with SSD. How old is your "new" laptop actrually? Having only 120GB space sounds like a really old configuration, maybe like 5-10 years ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,596


    For clarification, a current Acer Aspire 5 from Amazon gives you atleast 500GB SSD, so thats why I'm asking how old your Acer is, when you only got 125 GB.

  • Member Posts: 43


    I appreciate you trying to help me : and as far as I know the computer is pretty new. I've been trying to look up ways how to upgrade, but I'm honestly a rank 20 when it comes to tech-y stuff. I checked again, cleaned up the disk and found it is now 40gb, which is apparently normal, and I have 45gb remaining. I personally doubt DBD will go over 85gb ever, but at the rate the game is going, idk.

    As I've mentioned, I really don't like the new graphics, and that there should be a way to continue to play the game on the old graphics, but I don't think that's possible.

    To everyone giving me advice, thank you <3

  • Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, I hate to be rude like this but how the heck did you get a "new" computer with only 120gb? Laptops with 1TB are standard right now. I haven't heard of a computer coming with only 120GB since maybe 2005. It sounds like you have one of those "for internet use only" computers.

    ... Just looked it up and that is indeed what it is. You likely wouldn't even be able to run DbD on that machine as it only has an integrated graphics unit and not a dedicated GPU. That doesn't just go for DbD, it goes for almost all games, except 2D games or games like MineCraft. Fortunately it does seem to have slots accessible from underneath the machine to put in another SSD.

    Sorry, but you need to get a computer that is gaming capable if you want to play games.

  • Member Posts: 43


    It's alright, I get that my budget was low and its my problem. I just wanted inputs. I'm going to shine a light on more storage if I need it. I can run DBD, the only bad thing is that there are some latency on skill checks, but I've adapted to it.

  • Member Posts: 186

    It's not actually 40GB is spot on for a game like DbD. Games take up so much space because they hardly compress their graphics anymore for the sake of performance. It's why you don't get loading screens when you open a door anymore, it's why maps are much larger, it's why the map you are in can use more than just a dozen or so unique textures.

    Games have actually always been around this size. In the past devs used compression and fancy tricks with it to pack them down real small since consumer computers with the size to carry them was rare. Now that this isn't the case, as we all know 1TB drives are standard even for low-end machines, that doesn't happen anymore so game devs don't have limitations the shrinkage causes.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    The problem is that Dbd takes alot of memory space AND has really bad performance. The worst of both worlds is what I am saying.

  • Member Posts: 91

    It's 40 GB

  • Member Posts: 122

    Yeah, anything less than 500GB these days has to be a chromebook. I, too, just got a new laptop and after installing Warzone (115GB now, I believe!), most games are "meh" in terms of size. Definitely spend a little more on a SSD (even if it's an external), the speed is noticably faster. Yes, I'm using a laptop to game these days! Just another day in 2020 🤯

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    I'm surprised people actually think DBD deserves 60GB size.

    Modern games are usually that size, but most of them are huge open world game with countless characters and objects in the game.

    So yeah, i definitely agree with you. Such a simple game shouldn't be that large.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
  • Member Posts: 43

    @OmegaXII Yeah. I cleaned up the files. I made mistake on my part, it's 40gb but still it's a lot for a simple game that half the time doesn't work.

    I agree with you 100%. I personally think that the new graphics are lowering performance and taking up GB, at least on my computer. Yamaoka is hell. I miss old Sanctum ;(

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    At least Dead by Daylight doesn't take up 170 Gigs and makes patches and downloadable content large on purpose so you're forced to delete other games and only play Dead by Daylight.

    cough Modern Warfare cough

  • Member Posts: 825

    ay lmao "60 GB Is To MuCh" go check out ark: survival evolved and comeback to me on that chief

  • Member Posts: 43

    @zoozoom6 I mean it in the way that at the rate the game is going, almost nobody (unless you just spent a lot of money) will be able to run the game sooner or later.

    Also ark is a much more, how do I phrase this, bigger and has overall more content (as far as I know) and just more things to do. Whereas DBD. Oh DBD. A simple game that doesn't even perform well half the time

  • Member Posts: 825

    i made that comparison because ark is about the only game i own that i would truly consider big(its nearly 200k MB) and it has similar stuttering.

    but you are right in that ark is a open world game that can't adequately be compared to dbd so i went ahead i checked how similar game i own stacked up R6S: 88.9k MB, csgo:22k MB and i compared that to dbd on my computer to compare:40.2k MB. in terms of these round based competitive games is a little below the average. Dbd isnt over sized your computer space is just undersized

  • Member Posts: 43

    I agree with you that it is not oversized, however, that's currently. It'll be a lot bigger across the next year and I am fully aware that my disk space is extremely small. I will increase it once either 1) I need it or 2) Quarantine is over so I won't have to insert (or... whatever) memory myself, since I'm not that good when we get into technological terms. However I do agree with you with everything you just said, but it 100% is a bigger problem for me compared to other people, because of my poor storage.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    120 gb is crazy low bud. You don't need a high end computer, just find a terabyte solid state drive that can fit. We got ours for like $140 or so. And modern games are big, if you want to play modern games you'll have to adapt with the new demands. Game sizes will only get bigger from here on.

    BUT if they could do some memory optimization such as making it where you dont use storage space for DLCs until you actually buy them, that would be tight.

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Never mind on that last part, it would make it where you couldn't play with people that don't have the same packs as you, so that was dumb of me

  • Member Posts: 879

    the game is 40GB but 35GB are there for the bug

  • Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2020

    Are you 100% sure you only have 120gb? because that does not sound right unless you bought an office PC that is meant to work with a cloud server.

    More logical would be having a 120gb SSD and a much larger capacity HDD next to that.

    Seriously I had a literal ALDI PC YEARRRSS ago (pentium 4 time) that came with a 250gb hdd, have USB sticks with way more then 120gb these days.

    I would seriously double check that and apart from that, you can get 1tb hdd's for next to nothing man.

    Post edited by BioX on
  • Member Posts: 1,310

    120 GB is an extremely small disk space nowadays. Would've been heaven in like 2005.

    Get an external hard drive, and play your games off of that. They're easy to pack up and bring places, too.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Then don't complain when what you buy isn't up to par for the current standards.

  • Member Posts: 43

    It can probably fit it, it's just that I would rather deal with it when the time comes. But something to keep in mind is that 40gb might not seem like a big number, however for how simple the game is, it's not worth the 40

  • Member Posts: 1,035

    That's up for each person to decide, if its not worth it for you, that's cool. I think it is, and i play on ps4so I don't have my whole TB SSD to work with

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