Breaking Pallets as Blight

The new patch made it so he can with his ability. I did some testing and it's just as fast as breaking it normally. I'd rather bring brutal strength. Make it faster please.
Why should it be faster? It is already a Buff. You are not supposed to use this ability to break the Pallets (you would need to slam before anyway), but it helps when a Survivor drops a Pallet while you are approaching, because before you would have to end your power, have the fatique and then you would be able to break the Pallet.
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I mean, doesn't that literally just put it in line with Billy, Demo, and Oni? If I remember correctly, they also break pallets and walls at the same speed as other killers with their M2...
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I'm pretty sure using a Chainsaw or smashing it with the Kanabo (using an attack, not the interaction) is faster than a standard pallet break. The catch is that these powers either require wind-up time (Billy & Leatherface) or have a lengthy charging process leaving them infrequently available (Oni).
Blight has virtually no wind-up, a fast recharge, high control, and can quickly catch up to survivors after breaking a pallet (like Spirit and Oni can). He's roughly in-line with Demogorgon for pallet-breaking, and it would probably be way too strong if his power broke things faster than normal.
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using it when a survivor throws a pallet mid-chase is near impossible. I have yet to see a survivor pallet stun me while I am sprinting. They usually just book it to the left or right, or behind an object. Even then they often time the pallet perfectly so it wouldn't help, and swinging pre-emptively doesn't just break the pallet, much like how you can still stun a bubba while he is using his chainsaw.
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The Survivor would have just been able to wait at the Pallet and drop it while you are sprinting. No need for a Stun. This got removed, since now Blight would be able to break the Pallet when in Lethal Rush. It is not supposed to be a tool which helps him to break the Pallets faster.
And honestly, it was a change which was not even needed at all, since he is already strong. Not that he is OP with that, but asking for more basically immediatly is kinda lame.
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I have yet to die to a blight. I have no idea what you mean by him being strong. But Ok. He's like, the literal worst. I don't even play survivor and I beat him, constantly.
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This ^
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Its an exquisite buff IMO, just what he needed. He cant be countered by simply throwing the pallet early now.
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If you want to do it faster, bring Compound 33
I'm pretty sure this buff was only put in to make us not complain about the Compound 21 nerf anyhow. I'll happily take it as is.
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If you're not 4King with Blight you're just doing something wrong. He's actually pretty awesome. He's my 2nd favorite to nurse.
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Buff Blight = Killer complain
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If you're not 4King with Blight you're just doing something wrong. He's my second favorite to nurse.
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now you don't need to wait the 2.5 second fatigue before the 2.7 second breaking animation, this saves 2.5-1.75 seconds depending on addons which is a decent buff