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General Discussions

When NOED is a crutch perk...

Member Posts: 3,688
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

But you're only using it to counter the 3 X Decisive strike, 3 x Adrenaline, and 2 x Sprint Burst.

I mean with 3 Adrenaline on the field you'd be straight up screwed without NOED, and the SB and DS waste so much time during the game.

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  • Member Posts: 2,582
    Props to you for getting 3 of them. 3 D Strikes and I'm sure they felt your perk was the unfair one 😂
  • Member Posts: 82
    Good jerb
  • Member Posts: 45

    What NOED was actually made for is to counter altruism, griefers, and teabaggers. NOED does nothing if survivors just leave through exit gates instead of hook swarming once the gates are open.

  • Member Posts: 3,688

    Thanks. To be fair these guys weren't too bothered, one seemed angry but he was only typing in Russian so who knows lol

    I've had previous games though when they cry about perks or add ons meanwhile 3 of them have D-strike and a few insta-heal med kits. Seriously? :p

  • Member Posts: 199

    Thanks. To be fair these guys weren't too bothered, one seemed angry but he was only typing in Russian so who knows lol

    I've had previous games though when they cry about perks or add ons meanwhile 3 of them have D-strike and a few insta-heal med kits. Seriously? :p

    Those survivors are just biased tbh. They know full well their stuff is far stronger.. they just get extremely salty from losing because they desperately want wins lol. Funny how childish some of them are. 
  • Member Posts: 52

    @The_Crusader said:
    Thanks. To be fair these guys weren't too bothered, one seemed angry but he was only typing in Russian so who knows lol

    I've had previous games though when they cry about perks or add ons meanwhile 3 of them have D-strike and a few insta-heal med kits. Seriously? :p

    You know it can only be compliments when someone uses their mother tongue. They know insults in English, guaranteed. So it must be compliments.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    You are Doc. If you 3 Gen them then no need for end game perks.

  • Member Posts: 767

    @thesuicidefox said:
    You are Doc. If you 3 Gen them then no need for end game perks.

    Because 3 gen strat always works.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm all for nerfing the ######### out of ds but it should happen in the same patch as noed getting nerfed. Both are ridiculously overpowered perks that have no place in this game. Yes i know their are counters but these counters are hard to achieve and can be troublesome depending on the maps you get.

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    Had this earlier today too. Two Kills, 2 escape with 3 DS, 4 Adrenaline, 2 SB. The two that escaped were on last hook as well. I didn’t bring NOED though and was Trapper. It’s insane how hard those perks carry Survivors. If they didn’t have the DS’s that would have been a 3k or 4K easy game. Meanwhile I’m using Ruin, Devour Hope, Brutal Strength, and Hex : Haunted Grounds. Ruin and Devour got busted 1 minute in and nobody touched my Haunted Grounds. 
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    fun fact:
    NOED is ment to be the direct counterplay to Adrenaline, while also putting pressure on the survivors when they have the ability to escape, so they need to actually think about, weather they run back in and try to save their friend or not.

    this perk should not have been made a hex...

  • Member Posts: 441
    Idk, I just wish crutch perks on both sides were just removed. NOED isn't fun, but SB, DS, and Adrenaline are definitely not fun either. At least killers only have one "crutch" perk, and even then, it's only a crutch on a killer who doesn't need it (killers with insta-down as a power and/or can end chases quickly like Nurse).
  • Member Posts: 246
    NOED is the best end end game perk I use it on all of my killers. Beside Myers I don't play Billy and probably won't play much leatherface. NOED is the DS of Killers so I'll dirty 
  • Member Posts: 3,688

    The thing is a lot of killers don't use NOED. I don't use it on my mains, only use it if I have no other viable perks unlocked.

    I think most of us prefer to earn our kills during the game rather than rely on a last minute crutch. Especially when survivors can disable it before it activates, though that isn't too common as most just gen rush. That and the fact that once you hit one with it the rest tend to bolt straight out of the door.

    It is the equivalent of DS and Adrenaline though. I mean if surviviors can gain +1 health state with a perk, then killers should be able to -1 health state with a perk. That said NOED is only on some killers whereas DS/Adrenaline is on every single damn survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Wow...people really must be running into a lot of people with Adrenaline. I barely run into it. What kinda OP games are people getting into? It’s whatever to me honestly. I don’t care, there are crutch perks on both sides and who really gives a damn? I play to have fun not to complain and evalute if every perk in the game is a crutch or not. Don’t take video games so seriously people.

  • Member Posts: 462

    Adrenaline only sucks because everyone is running it now. They all wanna be like their toxic idols. It's so situational and RNG for it to be really good. As a killer facing 4 survivors, you're likely to run into it. It'd be like every killer running Blood Warden every trial for survivors. It's a very strong perk and I don't think it's OP or anything but it's just annoying.

    I'd rather them run Adrenaline than certain other perks though.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    Had this earlier today too. Two Kills, 2 escape with 3 DS, 4 Adrenaline, 2 SB. The two that escaped were on last hook as well. I didn’t bring NOED though and was Trapper. It’s insane how hard those perks carry Survivors. If they didn’t have the DS’s that would have been a 3k or 4K easy game. Meanwhile I’m using Ruin, Devour Hope, Brutal Strength, and Hex : Haunted Grounds. Ruin and Devour got busted 1 minute in and nobody touched my Haunted Grounds. 

    I've been on the opposite end of that. I went against a trapper with TOTH, Ruin, HG, and Devour, we got the worst RNG and did the totems in the perfect order for him, and Devour was in the middle of the map in a spot where he had a trap you have to do to get the totem, and he got 5 tokens by the time we got all the other totems. There was no winning that for us. Totems are high RNG, your game's as killer can go both ways.

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    Had this earlier today too. Two Kills, 2 escape with 3 DS, 4 Adrenaline, 2 SB. The two that escaped were on last hook as well. I didn’t bring NOED though and was Trapper. It’s insane how hard those perks carry Survivors. If they didn’t have the DS’s that would have been a 3k or 4K easy game. Meanwhile I’m using Ruin, Devour Hope, Brutal Strength, and Hex : Haunted Grounds. Ruin and Devour got busted 1 minute in and nobody touched my Haunted Grounds. 

    I've been on the opposite end of that. I went against a trapper with TOTH, Ruin, HG, and Devour, we got the worst RNG and did the totems in the perfect order for him, and Devour was in the middle of the map in a spot where he had a trap you have to do to get the totem, and he got 5 tokens by the time we got all the other totems. There was no winning that for us. Totems are high RNG, your game's as killer can go both ways.

    True. I just find it a bit unfair how RNG Killer totem perks are, but how reliable the Survivor meta is. I understand that Killers are suppose to be powerful on their own right without perks, most of all totem perks. Though it just isn’t enough of a risk running the Survivor meta.

    DS speaks for itself. If the healing nerf comes to pass in the next update, I’ll consider Self Care completely fair and balanced. Sprint Burst is still unbalanced, the exhaustion nerf did nothing to stop how powerful of a “get away with getting caught in the open with your pants down” perk. 

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